Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2230 You Have Never Had True Love in Your Life

The man in the red hood was very accurate with his marksmanship, and he knocked down several of the men in diving suits as soon as he appeared.

The rest relied on the cover of the rocks and started shooting.

Facing Red Fox's questioning, before Black Dragon had time to answer, several killers in diving suits had already rushed towards him!

"Get down! Find a way to take him away!" The black dragon shouted at the red fox, and jumped on a killer.

He grabbed the gun from his hand and hit a killer on the head with a bang!

The killer in his arms simply let go, drew out the dagger from his body, and stabbed the man behind him.

But before the tip of his knife touched the clothes of the man behind him, there was a bang in his ear, and a bullet drilled into his head!

The black dragon dropped the body on the ground and rushed towards the red fox!

He had to stand in front of the red fox to avoid all dangers for her.

But these killers are not fools, they knew his purpose from the beginning.

So everything stood between him and the red fox!

"You want to save her?" The woman in red standing by the reef looked at the black dragon and said with a smile:

"Tell me the whereabouts of the treasure, so I can let you go!"

While she was talking, she had already walked to Xiao Baiyang, raised her foot and stepped on his shoulder hard!

Xiao Baiyang, whose tendons were severed, screamed shrilly. This kind of severe pain was not something ordinary people could bear.

Looking at Little Baiyang's face deformed due to the unbearable pain, the woman in red said in a joking tone:

"My old relationship is rekindling, so why are you in the middle?

I've helped you get out, but if you date other women, why don't I pick you up and continue to suffer?

Is it worth it for you, a licking dog like you, to lick until you lose your life?

It doesn't matter, they don't want you, I feel sorry for you!

Just be my toy! "

The red fox shouted: "Let him go! Don't touch him!"

The woman in red giggled and said to her: "Why are you still thinking about your new love in front of your old sweetheart?

Your old friend risked his life to save you, but doing this would be too hurtful!

I like to do good deeds the most and help you deal with this annoying guy.

Remember to thank me! "

As she spoke, she flipped her wrist, and a dagger appeared in her hand!

Following the shrill screams, Xiao Baiyang's face was cut several times, his skin and flesh rolled around, and blood spurted out. It looked very scary!

"Brother!" Black Dragon roared angrily, and shot the headshot twice in succession, eliminating the killer in front of him.

But everyone else rushed up, and with loud gunshots, he was forced to hide behind the rocks, unable to show his head!

Kotoko is injured, and Arata Nagamoto takes care of her on the shore.

He brought three brothers with him.

Even though four or five people had been eliminated in a sudden burst of fire, there were still about twelve or three people on the other side, dividing and surrounding them.

Everyone can only take care of himself and has no time to take care of others!

Black Dragon was anxious. The more he wanted to come over, the more he couldn't get out of the current predicament.

He also knows that his current mentality is very dangerous.

But there is no way, what he fears most is this situation!

The reason why I left Red Fox so cruelly was because I didn’t want such a scene to happen.

But I didn't expect that it was inevitable after all.

"Let him go!" Red Fox pushed away the killer in front of him and rushed towards Xiao Baiyang.

The woman in red didn't stop her, she just watched her run forward and threw herself on Little Bai Yang.

The red fox cried loudly and hugged Little Baiyang's head, and kept saying: "I'm sorry! It was me who hurt you!"

Little Baiyang's face was covered in blood and his original appearance could no longer be seen. His lips trembled and he asked the red fox: "Have you really fallen in love with me?"

The red fox nodded vigorously, hugged him tightly, and cried bitterly: "Fool, I have fallen in love with you a long time ago!"

Little Baiyang nodded and said weakly: "I'm very happy. It's worth dying!"

"You can't die!" Red Fox shook his head and cried, "You have to live! Let's live together and live our own happy life!"

The woman in red next to her giggled, looked at the red fox and said, "You woman is much more cruel than me.

In order to save your old lover and make him give up on you, you, your new love, will be sacrificed!

Yes, I like this kind of woman, why don't you follow me and mess around from now on!

Hahaha! "

"You bastard!" the red fox shouted angrily, carefully put down the little white poplar, and then rushed towards the woman in red desperately!

This woman is so hateful!

Not only is she ruthless, but her methods are also very despicable!

He has been provoking the three of them, and the purpose of saying these words is to make the three of them feel at odds and suspicious of each other.

This is even more disgusting than attacking three people!

Red Fox once practiced grappling with Black Dragon, so he is not incompetent.

Normally two or three people wouldn't even think about getting close to her.

When traveling abroad, it is impossible not to have some means of self-protection.

But she didn't expect that even if there weren't those killers to stop her, she would have no chance of winning in front of the woman in red!

As soon as she rushed in front of the woman in red, she was punched in the stomach!

She was so fast that she had no time to dodge and was punched hard!

Red Fox whined and bent down, and the punch almost made her spit out her gall.

Just one punch made the red fox realize how scary this woman in red was.

Not only is she ruthless, she is also very strong in combat. She is no match for her!

Before she could recover, the woman in red grabbed her hair and lifted her head up!

The red fox let out a shrill scream, and the black dragon and the little white poplar shouted at the same time: "Let her go!"

"Tsk, tsk!" The woman in red shook her head, chuckled, looked at the woman in front of her and said:

"It's so enviable! He actually fascinated two men so much!

Doesn’t it feel distressing?

There is something that will make you even more distressed! "

She flipped her wrist, and the cold and sharp blade touched the red fox's smooth face!

"Don't hurt her!" Xiao Baiyang yelled while lying on the ground: "If you want to do something, just come at me!"

The woman in red sneered coldly, looked at Xiao Baiyang with disdain and said: "You are such a licking dog, even I think you are cheap!

I really don’t know what you are planning!

They are a couple, and there is no place for you from the beginning to the end. You are almost dying of licking, but you are still licking like this. You are really a born bitch! "

Little Baiyang was lying on the ground, looking at her with disdain and scolding: "A woman like you who has been abandoned by a man after being toyed with has a perverted and twisted mentality. How can you understand other people's love!

If a woman is teasing you, you can tell by the look in her eyes!

You have never tasted being loved by a man in your life, and of course you don’t believe that there is true love in the world!

An old witch like you deserves to live without a man who truly loves you, and is willing to risk his life for you!

You can only use this perverted method to vent your jealousy and anger, and you will never have true love in your life! "

"You're such a bastard, how dare you say that to me!" The woman in red looked ferocious. She no longer had the relaxed expression of just watching the show. She was angry for the first time!

She kicked her knee and hit the red fox hard on the stomach!

The red fox screamed and wanted to bend down, but his hair was grabbed by the other party and pulled up, forming a weird twisted posture.

The woman in red pulled her hair and dragged her in front of Little Baiyang, gritted her teeth and cursed:

"True love, right? Come on, I'll make you truly love enough now!"

She shook the dagger in her hand, and with a swish, the right ear of the red fox was cut off.

Amid the miserable cries of the red fox, the woman in red smiled ferociously and said to Little Baiyang:

"She has become like this, do you still really love her?"



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