Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2232 Death of the Black Dragon


Little Baiyang fell heavily to the ground with a piece of clothing and minced meat in his mouth!

He actually tore off a piece of the sturdy diving suit, which shows how much strength he used.

At this moment, the black dragon rushed over and punched the woman in red on the head!

The woman in red did not dare to underestimate this opponent.

Wearing the Red Hood and escaping from top killers and police many times, how could he be weak!

So immediately, the woman in red retreated.

The black dragon rushed over, hugged the red fox who was about to fall, and protected her with his own body.

But at this moment, the eyes of the red fox suddenly widened when facing the woman in red.

She saw the woman in red raise her arms.

Subconsciously, the red fox hugged the black dragon and turned around!


The woman in red's dagger stabbed her hard in the back of the heart!

"Red Fox!" The black dragon screamed, raised his hand and fired several shots at the woman in red!

The woman in red had already hid behind the stone nearby.

She seemed to hear something, turned her head and took a look, her face changed drastically, and she shouted to her subordinates: "Kill them all!"

The remaining killers fired wildly at Black Dragon and his people.

The black dragon hugged the red fox and hid behind a big stone.

Seeing the blood flowing out of the corner of the red fox's mouth, he finally shed tears!

"I'm sorry! I hurt you! I'm sorry!"

Leaving her is the day I'm afraid of.

But I never expected that it was still unavoidable!

The red fox looked at him and said in a trembling voice: "You save my life, and I will give you one in return. I won't owe you any more!"

Seeing the increasingly dull eyes of the woman in his arms, Black Dragon felt his heart twisting and shouted: "Red Fox!"

The red fox was so angry that he looked at him with difficulty and asked: "Have you ever loved me?"

At this time, Black Dragon no longer concealed anything, nodded and said with tears streaming down his face:

"Except for my mother, I have only loved one other woman in my life! That has never changed!"

Red Fox smiled, with a sense of relief on his face, and said weakly: "I have loved two men!"

She turned her head, looked in the direction of Little Baiyang, and said softly to Black Dragon: "In the next life, don't let me meet you again!

Falling in love with you is so tiring..."

Her voice gradually became lower and then disappeared, and her hands dropped weakly!

"Ah!" Black Dragon's heart was as sharp as a knife, and he hugged Red Fox's gradually cold body tightly, feeling that his whole body was empty!

"Boss, let's go!" A red hood shouted to the black dragon: "The people from the Security Bureau are here. If you don't leave, you will be in trouble!"

The black dragon seemed not to have heard anything and just sat on the ground holding the body of the red fox.

A team member came to pull him. Black Dragon suddenly turned his hand, raised the muzzle of his gun, and pointed it at the opponent's forehead!

The moment he pulled the trigger, the other party shouted: "Boss, I am Hyun Bin!"

"Xuan Bin..." Black Dragon's movements froze and he remembered the name.

He took a deep breath and said to Xuan Bin: "You, Yohyuk and Barry, get out of here!"

Xuan Bin took his arm and said: "Boss, but you..."

"Leave now! You know how to find the treasure! Come back again later!" Black Dragon glared at Xuan Bin and shouted: "This is an order!"

Xuan Bin opened his mouth, but finally sighed, turned around and left!

Black Dragon looked at the body of the red fox in his arms, and gently pressed his lips to her slightly cold forehead, then picked her up, walked to Xiao Baiyang's side, and put the two of them together.

Then he picked up their arms and held their hands together.

"You will meet in the next life, and never be separated for the rest of your life!"

The sound of rapid footsteps was heard in his ears, and several killers had already rushed over.

The black dragon's eyes were red and his face was filled with murderous intent.

He quickly changed a magazine, held a pistol, and charged towards the killers!

After the fierce gunfire, several more bodies appeared on the ground.

The black dragon covered his chest with his hands to prevent the blood from flowing so fast.

"Come out!" He held the gun, and the blood on his arm dripped down the muzzle of the gun and fell to the ground, but now he didn't even bother to check his body.

The only thing he wants to do is to cut the woman in red into pieces!

But the woman disappeared, as if she had disappeared out of thin air.

Not far away, there was the sound of a motorboat approaching. Someone had landed on the island!

"What a bad luck!" Mark yelled angrily.

Two brothers were lost before seeing anyone. This was too unlucky.

A person next to him said with lingering fear: "I have never seen such a large group of sharks, there are twenty or thirty sharks, right?

If we hadn't arrived in time, those people at the beach would have been eaten by sharks! "

"Those damn guys deserve to be fed to sharks!" Mark cursed angrily:

“If you dare to go into the sea at this time, you are really asking for death!

In order to save these wastes, I sacrificed two of my brothers. What a shame! "

Everyone felt the same, but there was nothing they could do.

After all, he is an official, so there is no way he would just die without saving his life!

Zhang Jian said to a member of the Security Bureau: "Tell your boss, don't forget what you promised me!"

The team member knew a little bit of Chinese and became a temporary translator.

Mark snorted and said to Zhang Jian: "You don't need to remind me of this!

A living black dragon is more useful than a corpse!

But I also want to remind you one thing.

Since Chen Xin'an asked you to come here to help, you should help us catch the black dragon.

If you drag us back or do anything else that hinders us, don't blame me for being rude! "

Zhang Jian gave him a cold look and said nothing.

Luo Xiaoman, who was next to him, didn't have a good temper, so he said to him: "So what if you're not polite? If I do it, you will all have to lie here for me. Do you believe it?"

There were sharks on the coastline, and Chen Xin'an was worried about Konoha and the others, so she stayed on the shore to take care of them.

Let him and Zhang Jian come over with the security bureau.

Luo Xiaoman has long disliked Mark because of his arrogant attitude.

He never cared about that bullshit security bureau.

If he really dared to compete with him, Luo Xiaoman would not tolerate these guys.

The temporary translator glanced at Luo Xiaoman and said nothing with a straight face.

How the hell do you want me to translate this?

After hearing this, the boss had to start a fight!

At this moment, there was a loud sound of gunfire not far away. Everyone was on guard with their guns in hand and quickly moved closer to the place where the gunfire rang out.

The killers around him had been cleared away, and the black dragon was covered in blood. He turned to look at the body on the ground, feeling extremely sad.

There was a sound of footsteps in his ears, and Heilong knew that the killer was coming again, so he changed the magazine again.

Today he no longer restrains the violence in his heart, he wants to go on a killing spree!

"Put down the gun! Raise your hands!" Several security team members shouted a warning when they discovered the corpses on the ground and the blood-covered black dragon standing among the corpses.

At this moment, a killer on the ground was not dead. He suddenly sat up and aimed a shot at the member of the team who was shouting!

Black Dragon realized that these people who came were no longer killers, so he lowered the muzzle of the gun that was originally aimed at them, pointed at the guy sitting up on the ground and fired several shots!

But for the team members, in this tense state, it was impossible to tell who shot who!

One person was shot and fell to the ground, and the remaining team members fired wildly at the killer and the black dragon!

For a moment, there was a loud gunshot, and the black dragon's body shook continuously, blood flew out, and he fell to the ground with a pop!

"Who the hell asked you to shoot! I'm going to fuck you! A bunch of bastards! Stop!"

Zhang Jian and Luo Xiaoman were both anxious and yelled and cursed at the people around them!

The gunfire around them stopped, and the two of them ran to Heilong. He had been shot several times and fell in a pool of blood!

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