Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2233 No one can touch his body

As soon as they saw the injuries on his body, Zhang Jian and Luo Xiaoman knew that there was no way to save him!

"I'll poke you, uncle!" Luo Xiaoman's eyes were red, he turned around and rushed towards the security team members.

He kicked one person over, followed by another punch, knocking another team member to the ground!

"If you dare to move again, I will beat you to death!" Mark was angry and pointed his pistol at Luo Xiaoman's head.

But before he could react, Luo Xiaoman rushed in front of him like a gust of wind.

He grabbed the gun from his hand and put it against his forehead. He gritted his teeth and cursed at the security team members beside him: "Who the hell are you going to touch me again?"

Everyone in Mac is stupid!

He thought that Chen Xin'an was so powerful that he had to avoid it.

Unexpectedly, no one around him was normal!

They are all so strong, and each one has a bad temper.

There are so many people in my life, but they don’t take them seriously, so I will do whatever I say!

Luo Xiaoman's eyes were red. He pinched Mark's neck with one hand and pointed a pistol at his head with the other. He gritted his teeth and cursed:

"How the hell did you agree to us?

Who specifically asked you to shoot?

Do you know who he is?

A bunch of bastards..."

The temporary translator shakily translated his words to Mark.

"Let me go! Do you know what you are doing!" Mark cursed angrily:

“In the situation just now, couldn’t we shoot?

He shot first!

Our people have all been knocked down. If we don’t speak up, he will kill us! "

"What the hell!" Luo Xiaoman roared: "Do you think I'm blind?

It was that bastard who shot just now, not him!

He was trying to save you, but you shot him!

You bunch of idiots who repay kindness with hatred and don't distinguish between right and wrong!

You are stupid, why bother putting the blame on others!

You trash can't do anything! "

Mark and a group of people from the security bureau were ashamed and angry, but they couldn't talk back.

After all, it was really your fault first, and your life was in other people's hands. If you anger this guy again, no one can guarantee whether he will actually shoot!

Zhang Jian sat on the ground, held Heilong's head and held his hand.

His face looked very bad, and his life had reached its final moments.

He looked at Zhang Jian, as if he had something to say, but when he opened his mouth, blood mixed with visceral fragments poured out of his mouth.

Zhang Jian held his hand and said: "Brother, I know what you want to say, I understand!

We have talked before, you understand what I mean, and I understand yours, don’t worry! "

Heilong seemed to be relieved. He raised his right hand and placed it on his chest, looking at Zhang Jian.

Zhang Jian nodded, reached out and took off the red hood on his head, held it tightly, and then placed it against his heart.

The black dragon was completely relieved now. He breathed a long sigh of relief and turned his head to look in the direction of the red fox, with infinite nostalgia and guilt in his eyes.

With a sigh, he took his last breath.

Zhang Jian looked sad and gently picked him up and placed him next to the red fox's body.

Looking at the three corpses lying side by side on the ground, Zhang Jian was so uncomfortable that he couldn't speak!

At this moment, his eyes suddenly widened and he looked at Little Bai Yang next to him in disbelief.

Just now, he seemed to see Xiao Baiyang's fingers move!

Is it an illusion? Are you dazzled?

Zhang Jian quickly came to Xiao Baiyang, put his ear against his heart, listened quietly for a while, and said with surprise: "Brother Man, Xiao Baiyang is still alive, he is still alive!"

Luo Xiaoman directly pushed Mark away, ran to Xiao Baiyang's side, lay down and listened for a while, and said in surprise:

"He's really alive! That's great. Take him back quickly. Old Chen must have a way to save him!"

On the coast, fierce gunfire rang out, and shark corpses floated up.

The remaining sharks were scared away.

A group of tourists had not yet recovered from the fright, huddled on the shore far away from the sea and shivered.

Some people were injured and were undergoing simple hemostasis while waiting for ambulances to arrive.

Konoha and Guo Zhaodi were very busy.

The shark appeared so suddenly that no one could react.

It wasn't until someone was injured and screamed that everyone realized they were surrounded by sharks.

Three people had been dragged into the sea by sharks and torn into pieces.

The remaining people swam desperately to the shore, but the sharks were chasing after them.

But in the blink of an eye, a large area of ​​the sea was dyed red with blood!

Konoha Zhen and Guo Zhaodi, who had finished taking the last set of photos, heard the shouting and rushed over with their photography team to save people.

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an and the people from the security bureau also came and used guns to fight off the shark group.

Nancy was also injured, and she was the first to be injured.

Fortunately, after hearing her reminder, everyone realized that the shark had arrived.

The shark bit her arm. At the critical moment of life and death, this woman didn't know where she got the courage to gouge out the shark's eyes!

This was the shark's weakest point. Under the severe pain, the shark let go of her, but he became a target of his own kind.

While the sharks were fighting among themselves, Nancy desperately managed to get ashore and escaped.

Chen Xin'an checked her wounds and had to say that she was blessed with good fortune, but a piece of flesh was torn off by a shark on her arm, so the injury was not serious.

But it was still difficult for a woman to bear. The pain made her burst into tears and she looked very pitiful.

The sea surface has returned to calm, but the water stained red with blood and the messy beach will not return to their original state for a while.

Five people died and more than a dozen were injured. It is estimated that this place will be closed and tourists will not be allowed in for a while.

Chen Xin'an stopped the bleeding of all the injured and arranged for everyone to carry them into the ambulance. Nancy also followed the ambulance and went to the hospital for anti-inflammatory treatment.

There is a boat coming back from the sea.

Chen Xin'an and others came to the beach and saw Zhang Jian and Luo Xiaoman jumping off the motorboat with gloomy expressions. Their hearts sank, and they had a premonition that something was not going to happen.

When the bodies of the black dragon and the red fox were carried off the boat, the surroundings were so quiet that only the sound of the waves could be heard.

"Sister Red Fox!" Konoha and Guo Zhaodi cried out and ran over.

Li Niandong also followed closely behind.

The three of them looked at the red fox covered in blood and could hardly recognize her!

Her ears were cut off and her mouth was opened. With such a horrific look, one can only imagine the kind of abuse she experienced before her death and the pain she died in!

"Who did this? I'm going to kill him! I'm going to kill him with my own hands!"

Konoha really grabbed Luo Xiaoman's arm and cried loudly.

Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said sadly: "When I passed by, she was already...

They should be those killers, and the black dragon has already avenged her!

Those people are all dead! "

Mark seemed to be afraid that Chen Xin'an would ask how Heilong died, so he quickly said to him: "Mr. Chen, I want to take Heilong's body back..."

Chen Xin'an had a gloomy face, looked at Heilong and said expressionlessly: "Send him to the hospital morgue for temporary release.

No one can touch me before I decide! "

Mr. Li must be informed of this matter as soon as possible.

Mr. Li still needs to decide whether Black Dragon's body should be transported back to China.

Mark frowned and said, "No! There must be an explanation from the official side."

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and said word by word: "Whoever dares to touch his body without permission will be killed! Mark, I'm not kidding.

When the time comes, your father won’t be able to protect you, and no one can stop you! "



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