Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2235 Let’s see who is faster, you or me?

It was evening, and the beach had returned to its original appearance, and the blood stains had been washed away by the sea water.

The waves crashed against the rocks, mixed with the sobbing cries of women, which looked a bit strange in the dim light.

"Who?" The whimpering suddenly stopped, and then someone stood up from the rock warily.

Hyun Bin walked over wrapped in gauze and said to everyone, "It's me!"

Everyone else stood up too.

"Xuan Bin, boss..." Qinzi cried with a sad expression.

Hyun Bin took a deep breath and said, "I have seen the boss's body.

Now I want to ask you what do you mean?

We are the only ones left with the Red Hood.

Kim Woo-hyuk, Barry, Miyagi Kotoko, Nagamoto Arata.

I listen to your opinions, what should we do in the future? "

Everyone was silent.

After a long time, Nagamoto Shinta whispered: "How about we break up? Find a place to hide and live well..."

Jin Youhe scolded him: "Break up? Boss has led us to fight for so many years, and you just want to break up?

Besides, there are so many people outside chasing us, where can we take it?

We are no longer able to return to our country. Are we going to live like a lost dog while being hunted by others for the rest of our lives? "

Bali said angrily: "If you don't live like this, what else do you want?

There are so many brothers now, but we are the only ones left. Even the boss is dead. Who can lead us in the future? "

Xuan Bin sighed and said: "But if we don't do it, those national treasures will continue to live overseas!

Can you just bear to watch our country’s treasures being appropriated by foreign favorites? "

Nagamoto Shinta said with a bitter face: "Xuan Bin, this is not our obligation! It is not something that just a few of us can take back.

We are not gods, we are humans too! "

Kotoko Miyamoto, who had been silent, said: "The boss once said that this is not our obligation, but it is our responsibility as the people of our country!

Our individual strength is small, but if we can unite, we will become a unified force.

There are always people who do this kind of thing.

If you don't do it and I don't do it, then we won't do it, and then our national treasure will be lost overseas.

If our descendants want to see these national treasures, they will need to pay foreigners.

And as time goes by, history will be tampered with by them.

Call these treasures theirs! "

Everyone was silent.

Everyone is passionate, otherwise they would not do such dangerous things together.

What Qinzi said was what the boss once said when recruiting them.

It is precisely because of this that everyone comes together.

After so many years, everyone's passion has not cooled down, but now the boss has left them, making everyone suddenly lose their backbone and feel at a loss.

Seeing that Kotoko opposed the disbandment, Nagamoto Shinta didn't dare to persist anymore, and just said with a grimace:

"Even if we don't disband, how will we do things in the future? Who will lead us? Hyun Bin, can you do it? Or Woo Hyuk? Or Ba Li?"

Everyone was silent again.

Everyone usually has their own division of labor, but overall coordination is Heilong's responsibility. He is like a natural boss, and everyone is convinced.

Now that the backbone is gone, everyone has become a mess.

No one dares to stand up and succeed Black Dragon as the boss.

Because we not only direct everyone to do things, but we are also responsible for everyone's safety.

One wrong decision on your part may harm everyone!

This kind of thing has never happened before!

Therefore, no one dares to shoulder this responsibility.

This is not about having the courage to take responsibility, but when everyone's lives are in your hands alone, that kind of pressure is not something that ordinary people can bear!

Everyone sighed heavily.

It's not good to disband, and if you don't disperse, you can't get back together. Once you encounter an enemy like this, it will definitely be a dead end.

"If Black Dragon knew how decadent you are now, he would not rest in peace!"

A sudden voice sounded, startling everyone.

Even if the death of the boss makes everyone indulge in sadness, their vigilance is greatly reduced.

But everyone has arrived, and no one has noticed yet. This is obviously not in line with common sense!

The only explanation is that this person is very powerful!

Almost in the blink of an eye, everyone took out their guns and pointed them at the black figure not far away.

The man walked over slowly, lowered his hands, and whispered: "Don't be nervous, I am not your enemy, otherwise you would have been dead just now!

Your boss Heilong and I are friends!

My name is Zhang Jian! "

Everyone remained silent, but still held their guns and looked at the intruder with wary expressions.

Through the faint moonlight and starlight, everyone recognized the man in front of them.

Qinzi nodded and said: "He is the person who is following Mr. Chen!"

Xuan Bin suddenly realized and said: "I saw him at the reef cave today. He came with the security team, but he is not from the security team!"

Jin Youhe nodded and said, "I saw him in the hospital just now!"

Zhang Ji'an frowned, looked at Hyun Bin and Kim Woo Hyuk and said, "You shouldn't show up in the morgue!"

Xuan Bin snorted coldly and said: "Why, don't we even have the qualifications to see the boss off?"

Others also nodded and looked at Zhang Jian warily.

"Even if you know the boss, why are you here? What do you want to do?"

"You don't need to worry about what we do! If you are here to catch us, then do it!"

"You are friends with the boss, but not with us. Don't come any closer, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

Zhang Jian looked at everyone expressionlessly and said, "I'm just here to tell you that you have been followed since the hospital! It's very dangerous here!"

Everyone looked at each other with distrust on their faces.

Zhang Jian said to everyone: "You want to come here and continue looking for those treasures, right?"

Everyone's faces became even more wary, Qinzi snorted and said:

"Is the secret revealed?

Sure enough, I came here for those treasures! "

Nagamoto Shinta pointed the gun at Zhang Jian's head, gritted his teeth and said, "Believe it or not, I'm going to blow your head off right now? Get out of here right now!"

Zhang Jian turned to glance at him and said, "You couldn't do anything to me in Block 11, but can you succeed here?

Do you want to try shooting? Which one is faster, you or me? "

Only then did Arata Nagamoto remember that the man in front of him was the macho man who followed Chen Xin'an and caused a scene in the 11th Street District that night!

He looked a little embarrassed, and just when he was about to speak, a bright light suddenly hit him from a distance!

Then, the headlights turned off, and a convoy of vehicles suddenly appeared on the coastline!

"Who is that person? What do you want to do?" Everyone's expressions changed drastically. Jin Youhe glared at Zhang Jian and cursed.

Zhang Jian expressionlessly put the rifle from his back to his chest and said to him:

“These are the people who monitor the morgue.

You brought it here yourself, I came with them!

This place is too dangerous, let's go! "

Everyone did not follow him, but looked at him warily and said, "Why should we believe you?"

Zhang Jian dug in his pocket, took out something, and said to everyone: "Just this!"

Everyone looked at the familiar thing, and their hearts trembled. It was the boss's red hood!

There is a unique logo on it, which is a flying dragon embroidered with black thread!

Zhang Jian covered his face with a red hood and shouted to everyone: "Follow me!"

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