Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2236 This is my battlefield

Gunshots rang out, and countless killers rushed over, trying to stop the red hooded man.

The black dragon is dead, and these are the only ones who know the whereabouts of the treasures.

Therefore, those killers were not prepared to kill everyone, but relied on the advantage of numbers to contain the Red Hood.

But before their encirclement was formed, Zhang Jian led everyone to break through a hole!

Along the coastline, Zhang Jian led everyone to retreat while shooting.

“Protect that girl in the middle, and come with me if you’re good at shooting and meet the enemy at the back.

Two people stand on the left and one person stands in front!

Who's at the front? Well, it’s you!

Catch it and put it on your head!

The brother on the left is holding these gadgets and I will let you throw them away again and again! "

Zhang Jian quickly assigned combat tasks to everyone.

The situation was urgent and no one had time to judge whether what he said was right or wrong.

Just because he was able to get everyone to protect Kotoko, and he was the first to break it, he already gained everyone's approval.

Behind him, two jeeps roared towards him.

The wheels kicked up large clouds of sand on the beach.

Seeing them chasing closer and closer, Zhang Jian suddenly shouted: "Throw it away! Three meters away!"

Barry, who was holding the little pineapple, was a little hesitant. After all, the car was still about ten meters away. If he threw it now, and if it was thrown so close, it would be easy to hurt his own people!

However, the good discipline trained by Black Dragon only made him hesitate for a second.

The next second, his little pineapple had torn off the safety and threw it out.

Zhang Jian pulled Hyun Bin beside him, pushed him and shouted to everyone: "Run two meters and get down!"

Everyone quickly ran forward two meters. The moment they fell down, there was an explosion of small pineapples behind them!

A jeep soared into the sky and was blown up more than two meters high. Then it hit the beach hard. With a bang, the fuel tank exploded!

Another convertible jeep following closely behind suddenly braked, and the sand kicked up was like a sand rain!

At the same time, Zhang Jian lay on the ground and fired!

The bullet penetrated the windshield and caused blood to fly from the driver's chest!

However, due to its inertia, the jeep still dragged a long brake mark and rushed towards him!

Zhang Jian, however, acted as if he didn't see it. He lay on the ground holding a rifle and fired continuously into the car!

The killers in the car finally managed to stabilize their bodies, which were almost thrown away by the inertia. They were about to take a gun and shoot, but the bullets had already penetrated their bodies.

"Get out of the way!" Qinzi shouted, and the others also lay on the ground, watching this scene nervously.

If this continues, the jeep may run over that person!

But the man lying on the ground still fired his fake gun steadily and calmly, killing all four people in the jeep!


The jeep stopped less than half a meter in front of Zhang Jian.

Zhang Jian quickly stood up, put his rifle back, quickly ran to the car door, opened the door and pulled out the driver's body!

After getting in the car and starting, he opened the passenger door, kicked the body next to him out of the car, and shouted to everyone in the red hood: "Get in the car! Who will drive? Sit in the front!"

"I'll do it!" Qinzi shouted. Seeing that the jeep was already in sight, she jumped into the driver's seat.

Zhang Jian had also stepped into the back seat. The handover between the two was completed in an instant, and the car kept driving.

Seeing Qinzi taking over the driver's seat deftly, Zhang Jian nodded and said, "Not bad!"

"Of course!" Qinzi curled her lips proudly, with a smile on her lips.

As Zhang Jian threw all the bodies out of the car, the man in the red hood quickly got on the car.

Hyun Bin gave Zhang Jian a thumbs up next to him and praised sincerely: "Awesome!"

The other Red Hood brothers also nodded towards Zhang Jian.

This man is bold, careful and powerful, indeed very powerful.

Zhang Jian's eyes were fixed on the pursuers behind him, and he said in a deep voice: "It's not over yet! Drive the car straight ahead, there is a reef beach there!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Xuan Bin said in confusion: "But if we go there, we can't drive! Isn't it easy to be surrounded by enemies?"

Zhang Jian shook his head and said to everyone: "These people surrounded us but did not kill, they wanted to catch us alive.

Moreover, their encirclement is just to force us towards the main road. There should be an ambush there!

We can't drive over the Chaos Reef Beach, and neither can they.

There are rocks as bunkers, and I ask you to fight a guerrilla war!

Sometimes more people don't necessarily mean more power.

As long as the tactics are appropriate, even if there are too many rabbits, you can't kill the tiger!

They killed the black dragon. If they don't kill it happily today, how can they be worthy of the black dragon's spirit in the sky! "

"Yes!" Everyone shouted excitedly.

This is the difference between this person and the black dragon.

If the Black Dragon encounters this situation, it will ask everyone to stay away from the battlefield as much as possible. Protect yourself and save your life is the most important thing.

But this person in front of me chose to fight against the enemy!

Everyone has been hiding for so long, and they have been beaten to the point of anger.

Today the boss died again. If this revenge is not avenged, will he still be a human being?

Even Qinzi, who had always been the calmest, supported Zhang Jian's approach, which made everyone feel close to each other and no one doubted his purpose anymore.

Sometimes, the way to gain the trust of others is actually very simple.

A battle on the battlefield can turn two people who were strangers into life-and-death brothers who can give each other their backs!

When he came here with his boss during the day, Zhang Jian had already covered the terrain nearby and learned a lot about it.

This tangle of reefs was the place he paid special attention to during the day.

The area is not small, and it is right on the coast. It looks like a mountain that has been roughly removed, leaving only a foundation stone here.

There are rugged rocks and complex terrain here.

Even walking here during the day is easy to fall or get bruised, and it is even more dangerous at night.

But for Zhang Jian, this is the best place to fight!

It's like being in a mountain forest, except that the trees are replaced by rocks.

A full forty or fifty killers rushed over.

Countless cars surrounded the entire reef beach, and their car lights illuminated the interior as brightly as day.

But those guys in red hoods have disappeared!

It was definitely impossible for the car to drive in, so a group of killers had no choice but to abandon their cars and walk into the chaotic reef beach.

Originally, we wanted to form a line and conduct a dragnet-style investigation, but the terrain here is too complicated, and various strange-shaped rocks directly cut the formation. Everyone can only automatically form a team and explore forward!

Da da da!

Gunshots suddenly rang out, and the two killers tilted their heads and fell to the ground.

"Here!" People around shouted loudly, and a group of people quickly came over.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "Spread out! Don't get together!"

But it was too late, a roar came from behind the rocks not far away, and the shining tracer light illuminated countless frightened faces.

Rifle grenades exploded in the crowd, and a torrential rain of flesh and blood fell above everyone's heads!

There was blood everywhere, and the broken limbs fell on the rocks with a radius of more than ten meters.

The air was mixed with the disgusting smell of blood, and some of the killers who had not yet been killed were lying in a pool of blood, crying and wailing.

"Where are they? I'm going to kill them! These damn rats, will they just hide? Come out and fight me!"

A heavily armed man stood on a rock and shouted angrily. He pulled the trigger of the rifle fiercely, and bullets flew into the sky!


A bullet hit him squarely in the forehead.

The big man fell to the ground like a chopped down wooden stake!

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