Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2237 The terrifying reef beach


Looking at the body on the ground, this word popped into everyone's mind.

Standing so high, shouting so loudly, and even firing a warning shot, I want to shoot you twice, let alone kill him.

The enemy is not a fool, nor is he easy to deal with.

Otherwise, they would have been killed or caught long ago if they needed to take action there.

However, the opponent's vitality has been severely damaged, and even the boss has been killed.

If the people above didn't want to live with these few small fish and shrimps left, they would have been sieved long ago!

So what if we hide in this chaotic reef?

We have so many people here, how difficult can it be to deal with a few fish that have slipped through the net?

It's not difficult to get them to be obedient, it's just a waste of time!

Even if you want to destroy them, it won't be difficult.


The sound of clothes rubbing against each other was heard from behind the reef. Several killers passing by stopped instantly and looked towards the direction where the sound came from.

Several people looked at each other with a sneer on their faces.

Then everyone spread out, trying to outflank them.

The sound continued, and several people had already arrived at the reef. As a bearded man made a gesture, people on both sides rushed over at the same time, shouting: "Raise your hands!"

While they were talking, someone fired a shot.

So everyone fired together, directing a rapid fire at the people hiding behind!

Anyway, it's okay to kill one or two, as long as one is left alive.

A black shadow was leaning on the rocks. It seemed that before it could react, it was already immobilized by the crowd's eager fire, without even a chance to fight back.

Stupid Red Hood!

Is it okay if one of you hides here and there like a mouse?

It's not hard to find you, but it's even easier to kill you!

"Stop!" the bearded man shouted, raising his arms.

When everyone stopped shooting, he walked to the reef and was stunned for a moment.

There was no one here at all, just a coat hung on the rocks.

There was a roaring sound when the wind blew, and everyone just fired at the stone.

The bearded man felt as if he had been slapped in the face, it was burning and painful.

He ripped off his coat that was riddled with holes and cursed: "No one! It's just a piece of rags... Oh, Shet!"

At the moment when the clothes were pulled off, something seemed to be pulled open, and then a small round thing fell to the ground.

Before the people around him could react, the explosion suddenly sounded!

A small pineapple may not be too powerful, but now everyone is surrounded by piles of rocks!

The air wave of the explosion carried a large amount of gravel and splashed in all directions!

Everyone around them suffered a disaster, two people were directly blown away, and the remaining people howled like ghosts and ran away with their heads in their hands!

A woman's voice suddenly shouted loudly: "He's here! Be very careful, you are facing China's special warfare elite!"

Don't live alive, kill without mercy!

As long as you see people, shoot them without mercy! "

A man's voice came: "Are you crazy? How can we get the treasure if we don't survive?"

If we can't get the treasure, it's like we came here in vain! "

The woman just now scolded: "Why do you care about treasures now!

You have no idea who you are facing!

If you still show mercy, you and these losers will die here! "

Behind a large rock, Qinzi saw Zhang Jian motionless, his face gloomy, and asked nervously: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Jian took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "It's okay! Have you got everything?"

The people around him raised their guns and said to him: "I got it! Now you can fight them!"

Even the killers didn't know that the man in the red hood had been circling quickly on the Chaos Reef Beach.

They just moved behind the killers just to collect the equipment of the killed killers.

I originally wanted to go to the reef cave tonight, so I didn't bring my main weapon.

If you fight the enemy like this, you will suffer a lot.

So Zhang Ji'an led everyone back to the enemy's back and picked up all the equipment of the killers he had just killed.

A group of killers did not expect that these guys would be so bold and take the initiative to sneak into the team.

As long as they take a closer look, everyone will be exposed.

Fortunately, there was no danger. Everyone picked up their equipment and evacuated back. Now everyone is gearing up and feels like they have the power to compete with those killers!

Zhang Jian shook his head and said: "Remember, we don't need the boss!

The enemies outnumber us and have more ammunition than we do.

We will not fight them head-on, but will continue to fight guerrilla warfare. "

Everyone nodded.

Now everyone admires him, so they are willing to listen to his instructions.

Xuan Bin said with some worry: "But there are too many enemies, and sooner or later we will run out of ammunition!"

Zhang Jian nodded and said: "Yes, but it doesn't matter, everyone just follow me.

I'll ask these guys to retreat later! "

Let these killers retreat voluntarily?

It sounds impossible!

But looking at Zhang Jian's confident look, everyone felt an inexplicable sense of security and nodded together.

"I'm Hyun Bin, a hipster! Nice to meet you!"

“I am also a trendy person, Kim Woo Hyuk!

"I'm from Tailan, Barry!"

"Kotoko Miyagi is from Japan. He is also from Japan, and his name is Nagamoto Arata!"

The man in the red hood stood in front of Zhang Jian and introduced himself to him solemnly.

Zhang Jian nodded, looked at everyone and said: "Chinese, Zhang Jian! Before the Black Dragon sacrifices, give me this red hood.

So, from the moment I put it on, I was the Black Dragon!

Do you understand? "

"Understood, boss!" The five people stood at attention and saluted Zhang Jian.

Zhang Jian accepted it calmly and said to everyone: "Now is not the time to talk, come with me!"

Once we take action again, there will be a better understanding between everyone.

There is a surprise in everyone's heart.

The Red Hood is not gone!

The black dragon is still alive.

The organization that causes headaches to all countries and is hated by countless museums and private collectors is still surviving tenaciously!

At this moment, everyone's body is full of strength and infinite fighting spirit!

The gunshots suddenly became intensive, and a group of killers rushed over with shouts and soon exchanged fire.

But after they bombed indiscriminately and rushed to the place where the enemy was ambushing, they only found a rifle fixed on the rocks.

A stone was pressed against the trigger, a magazine was emptied of bullets, and the empty gun was still clicking.

Someone was so angry that he kicked the empty gun away, but it triggered the little pineapple hanging next to it!

The explosion sounded again, and a group of killers cried for their fathers and mothers, and ran away with their heads in their hands!

The most annoying thing is that those who were killed on the spot were lucky to say that their bodies could be disposed of after the battle was over.

Those injured by the bombing are the real burden!

Some even had their legs blown to pieces and had to be supported by two or three people to move forward.

Simply hit them together later, and wait for the battle to end before rescuing them together.

Unexpectedly, those rats were so elusive that they appeared at the concentration point of injuries. After a burst of shooting like bandits, the injured were injured more and more, and all the weapons and ammunition on their bodies were looted!

The most egregious thing is that they don't kill the injured, they just add some wounds to them and completely lose their ability to move!

A group of killers were driven crazy by this style of play!

Dozens of people were led by a mere six people like hide-and-seek on the reef beach.

Most of them were dead or injured, but they didn't even touch the opponent's shadow!

Are all those guys devils?

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