Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2238 He is stronger than any opponent you have ever encountered

The tall golden-haired man looked like an enraged wild dog, roaring angrily.

In front of him, seven or eight killers were lying under the big rock covered in blood, unable to move.

A pair of eyes showed fear, and a painful howl came from his mouth.

How cruel!

Those bastards stole their equipment and cut off their limbs with knives. Now they are all useless!

"Bosta, retreat! Those people are too powerful, we can't catch them at all!"

A killer lying in a pool of blood begged with tears: "Send us to the hospital for treatment quickly. We can still stand up. I..."

boom! boom! boom!

All three bullets hit the killer's chest!

The golden-haired man Bosta looked ferocious and roared at everyone: "Trash! They are all a bunch of trash!

There are only six people on the other side, so they will treat you like this!

Do you know how much the reward is for Count Andile?

Five million Eagle Flag dollars!

If you can find the treasure, add another five million!

With this money, we can collect the mountain!

Do you know how many guilds want to get this money?

Do you know how much effort it took me to get the information about these people?

Now you want me to retreat?

Are you asking me not to take the money in front of you?

What a bastard!

Whoever dares to tell me to retreat again, I will send him to hell! "

The people around him were silent, and no one dared to speak again.

The woman on the side looked at him and said: "Bosta, I told you that what you are dealing with now is not an ordinary person. Do you believe it?"

Bosta's face was ferocious, waiting for her to curse: "Is this the guy you saw in the hospital?

Didn't you say that he and these guys are not from the same group?

Why are you here now?

You know him and have been avoiding him, did you recruit him..."

Before he finished speaking, the woman next to him suddenly raised her hand!

A sharp hairpin was pressed against Bosta's neck, and a drop of blood seeped out from the place of contact.

Bosta's hand that was about to turn the gun froze for a moment, then slowly relaxed, looked at the other person and said:

"Hi! Dear Miss Zhang Jiayu, I am not your enemy!

We are cooperating with each other, and I don’t think Poseidon wants to provoke the Hatchet Guild, right? "

Zhang Jiayu looked gloomy, looked at him coldly and said: "Listen to me!

What I value most about this mission is that I can build a relationship with Count Andier.

As for the remuneration, I have no objection to the distribution ratio you mentioned.

So you'd better not be dissatisfied and behave when you get a bargain!

If you dare to be suspicious of me, the worst I can do is cooperate with another killer guild.

The strength of the hatchet is not the strongest in the Eagle Flag Country, is it? "

At this point, Zhang Jiayu gritted his teeth and cursed: "It was that damn Chen Xin'an who destroyed the Killer Alliance headquarters!

Otherwise, I don't need to cooperate with you guilds alone. I just need to hand over the task to the Killer Alliance!

Bosta raised his hands and laughed and said: "I am a little grateful to Chen Xin'an.

In this way, we don't have to pay commission to the alliance headquarters, and we can make enough money from one mission!

Whoever has the ability can make more money, and strength is the basis that determines everything.

Pelosi also valued the strength of Hatchet and sent you to cooperate with us, didn't he? "

Zhang Jiayu removed the hairpin in his hand, inserted it into his head again, and said coldly to Bosta:

“When you see those people, no matter who they are, shoot them to death!

I will find a way to find out the whereabouts of the treasure.

If you still think about leaving people alive now, the waste will only increase in number!

Let me remind you again, the person you are facing now is definitely not any opponent you have encountered before!

He's scarier than you think.

You have dealt with China's special warfare elites before, and you have also suffered a big loss.

Let me tell you now, the guy opposite is an instructor who specializes in training those special warfare elites!

Do you still want to show mercy for the treasure? "

Bosta's face changed greatly, but his eyes almost burst into flames, and he kept saying: "I want to kill him! I must kill him with my own hands!"

In his mind, he seemed to recall the embarrassing appearance when he was beaten against the Chinese special operations team members.

Fortunately, he managed to escape, otherwise his life would have been lost at the border!

That battle was also Bosta's shame and the source of ridicule by his peers.

Over the years, he has dreamed of avenging his past humiliation.

Of course he would not be stupid enough to challenge the border.

But now that someone is coming to his door, of course he has to take advantage of this opportunity!

He was inherently ruthless and murderous.

Killing those Chinese special forces members has become his obsession!

"Listen!" Bosta said loudly to the men around him: "Group of three, advance alternately!

Once the target is found, shoot without mercy!

From now on, there are no restrictions on weapons or methods.

Kill one person and get a reward of 100,000! "

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man!

A group of killers screamed in excitement, reloaded their ammunition, picked up their guns and rushed forward!

Zhang Jiayu frowned and said to Bosta: "You send everyone out. What if the other party comes to you directly?"

Bosta said with a grin: "I wish he could come to me!

I am no longer the Bosta I was a few years ago!

My strength has exceeded my limit!

As long as that instructor you are talking about dares to appear in front of me, I will use this knife to chop off his flesh piece by piece without even using a gun! "

Zhang Jiayu looked at Bosta with sympathy, as if he were looking at a child with cerebral palsy.

With your strength, do you still want to fight with Zhang Jian?

It's a miracle that such an idiot can survive to this day!

Of course, she wasn't worried about this guy's life or death, but she had to watch Zhang Jian die in front of her in order to feel at ease.

Otherwise, it would be like a knife hanging above her head. It might fall down at any time and cut off her neck!

Of course, she knew very well that even if she and Bosta teamed up, they would not be Zhang Jian's opponent.

But she also knew that Zhang Jian would definitely die in her hands tonight.

She had a very good feel for this cousin's temper!

Typical hard-spoken but soft-hearted.

No matter how ruthless he appears, as long as she mentions her childhood, this cousin will definitely be reluctant to kill her!


Some people are so stupid that they keep losing money on one thing time and time again, but next time, they still don't have a good memory.

Such people really deserve to die!

She met Zhang Jian in the hospital. She didn't dare to show up because she had something to do, but she didn't expect that guy to come here.

Is this God's will?

Was God destined that he would not survive tonight and let him die in his own hands?

Only by killing this haunting cousin can she show off her power in the city of London.

Once she wins over Count Andil, Pisotheth will entrust her with important tasks.

It doesn't matter if she loses the Huaxia Market. If control of other markets is handed over to her, she can still prosper!

At this moment, Zhang Jiayu suddenly felt a chill coming from the bottom of his heart, which instantly spread all over his body!

She turned her head subconsciously, looked at the black figure beside a reef not far away, and shouted to Bosta beside her: "There is someone over there!"

Bosta also felt the danger coming, raised the muzzle of the gun in his hand, and immediately pulled the trigger!

With bullets and stone fragments flying, the figure not far away fell slumped!

"It's so vulnerable!" Bosta walked over with a ferocious smile on his face. When he looked at the corpse on the ground, his color suddenly changed!

It's one of his men!

Bosta yelled angrily: "What the hell are you doing standing there silently? You deserve to be beaten to death!"

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