Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2248 This person is still useful to me

After Chen Xinan and Luo Xiaoman's persuasion, the two guys finally believed that the two were not policemen and felt relieved.

The car turned several times and finally found the exit.

Looking at the car parked next to it, Chen Xinan finally realized that this was an underground parking lot!

The place where he was just now was the innermost part of the parking lot, and it was probably a specially opened up area with only one road connecting to the outside.

If you find the way to the parking lot, you can get out.

The van rushed out of the underground garage. Chen Xinan and Luo Xiaoman subconsciously looked back at the neon sign hanging in the air, and then cursed in unison: "Damn!"

I never dreamed that this was actually the underground parking lot of the Champs Elysees Hotel!

The gangsters were not stupid either. They drove the four people around in a big circle, making people mistakenly think that they went to a far place.

In fact, they just turned around the pedestrian street a few times!

It seems that William has a special relationship with the Champs Elysees Hotel, otherwise he would not have set up such a place specifically for him.

Maybe he is a shareholder of Champs Elysees.

This explains why he tortured the oriental woman to death and then threw her to the Four Seasons Hotel.

Killing two birds with one stone, he could vent his perversion and frame his opponent.

The van turned a corner and drove towards the Four Seasons Hotel.

On the way, Chen Xinan stopped the car once and bought a few clothes from a shopping mall that was still open on the roadside and threw them into the car.

"Change your clothes!" Chen Xinan said to the three people.

"Isn't it a bit bad? You are asked to spend money to buy clothes when we meet for the first time..." Dayao was a little embarrassed and said to Chen Xinan hesitantly.

Chen Xinan snorted and said, "If you don't want people to take you as illegal immigrants, change your clothes quickly.

There are scissors and razors in the bag. I will clean up the hair and beard on your faces later!"

Dayao and Lao Han's faces changed, staring at Chen Xinan in a daze with complicated eyes.

Luo Xiaoman picked up a set of clothes and said to them: "Don't think about it here, we are not the police, and we are not going to arrest you!

Lao Chen said he would treat you to supper, that's a real treat.

Not for anything else, just because of what you did just now.

You are right, we are compatriots!"

Dayao and Lao Han had uncertain faces, and it was obvious that Luo Xiaoman's words did not completely eliminate their uneasiness.

Lao Han gritted his teeth and scolded Dayao: "Come on, let's take a gamble! It's so bad, the worst thing is to be deported! Trust them once!"

Dayao also nodded, and the two of them tore off their tattered clothes and put on the new clothes that Chen Xinan had just bought for them.

Luo Xiaoman pointed at William, who was only wearing shorts at his feet and whose clothes had just been taken off by Chen Xinan and put on to go to the mall, and asked: "Should we put them on him too?"

Chen Xinan shook his head and said: "No need! Anyway, I will have to take them off when I deal with him later, and I won't let women come to visit!"

Luo Xiaoman nodded, stepped on William's head with a gloomy face and said: "Old Chen, did you see anything hanging on the wall in that place just now?"

Chen Xinan's face darkened, and he nodded and said: "That may be the main place where this guy harms Oriental women.

The ground The blood has dried up, everywhere!

The walls are full of torture instruments, and there are blood rusts.

This guy is an absolute bastard and pervert!

But tell them, no matter who it is, they can't kill him, I still have use! "

Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up and said to him: "You use him to fish?"

Chen Xinan nodded, snorted coldly and said: "The old turtle doesn't go out, then let him lead people out!"

Dayao and Lao Han didn't understand what the two were talking about, so they kept their mouths shut and didn't say anything, just tidying up their hair and beards.

The car stopped at the door of the Four Seasons Hotel.

The duty officer of the Security Bureau walked over quickly and saw that it was Chen Xinan and Luo Xiaoman who came back, and there were two unfamiliar faces next to them.

There was also a man with a cloth bag on his head and only big shorts on his body between the two, and they were all a little surprised.

But no one dared to ask, after all, the boss had already explained it before.

Chen Xinan didn't explain anything, just threw the car keys on the bar, and without saying what to do, he took everyone upstairs.

Everyone was waiting, and when they knew Chen Xinan was back, they all came.

Anyway, the hotel was theirs, and there were plenty of empty rooms.

Chen Xinan asked Li Niandong to find a larger room and threw William in it.

He also opened a room for Lao Yao and Lao Han and asked them to go in and take a shower.

Looking at the trapped William, Li Qi said to Chen Xinan: "Boss, Chef Mu wanted to come over, but I stopped him!"

Luo Xiaoman widened his eyes and said: "What time is it? He hasn't got off work yet?"

Xiao Zhang shrugged and said: "I heard that you went to find the perverted killer tonight. He has been waiting in the employee lounge downstairs!

Just now, when he heard from the front desk that you were back, he insisted on coming over. Xi Ruo stopped him and said she would wait for your consent."

Chen Xinan nodded, stood up and said: "I'll go back to the room over there, you guys watch here."

Back in the presidential suite, Mu Jiahua, who was sitting on the sofa, stood up and asked Chen Xinan:

"Mr. Chen, is he caught? Is it him? Are you sure?

I know that only this bastard is so perverted.

When I found out about the first victim, I was sure it was this bastard!

Because the method was exactly the same as when I tortured my mother! "

"Jiahua!" Chen Xin'an interrupted him, patted him on the shoulder and said: "I promised you to meet him, and I will definitely do it!

But not now, because you're excited right now! "

"I can control it!" Mu Jiahua said excitedly, "I can calm down! As long as it allows me to avenge my mother, I can do anything you want!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Okay, then you are going to make a midnight snack now, make it more substantial.

Don't worry, since he has been brought back by me, he won't run away.

This person is still useful to me and nothing can happen to him.

So I hope you can take this time to calm down. "

Mu Jiahua stared at Chen Xin'an closely, and finally nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Chen, I'll do it now!"

When he got up and went to the kitchen, Ning Xiruo came over and sat next to Chen Xin'an and asked, "Hubby, are you going to face Maigret now?"

Chen Xin'an smiled coldly, held her hand and said, "It depends on whether the relationship between William and McGregor is good!

Since they are two brothers, they will not let their younger brother fall into my hands! "

Ning Xiruo said worriedly: "But what if the relationship between the two brothers is not as close as you imagined?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Then I will give them a push so that they can be forced to accept the fact that we have deep love for each other!"

Ning Xiruo sighed and said, "But this is what I'm most worried about.

When we leave tomorrow, people from the Security Bureau will also go with us.

Black Hawk Island police won't get involved.

Quinn's gang is on the Forth Mountain again, and I don't know if they can make it in time.

Once Maigret really wants to fight you, there will only be these people, and the difference in power will be too great! "

Chen Xin'an smiled, hugged her into his arms, kissed her hair and said, "Daughter-in-law, don't worry!

Once you leave, I can let go!

I was afraid that Maigret would have reservations!

Don’t think that we are at a disadvantage because of the small number of people.

In this environment, we people have the upper hand! "



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