Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2249 Just because we are compatriots

Once Maigret decides to save William at all costs, the entire Four Seasons Hotel will become a battlefield.

No matter how brave Maigret was, he would not dare to use large weapons to level the entire hotel.

Once he dares to do that, the Eagle Flag Army is not a vegetarian. It can directly drive tanks and crush Pegasus into rubble!

So this becomes an offensive and defensive war, a positional war, a guerrilla war!

This kind of battle is really convenient for Chen Xin'an and the others.

Li Qi, an expert in war, was enough to give the opponent enough headaches.

What's more, there are inner strength masters like Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman.

Even Xiao Zhang, who seems to be the weakest, has more combat experience than ordinary people, and his strength is much improved than before!

If a car could be prepared for him in advance, the destructive power this guy would cause would be no less than Luo Xiaoman!

It just so happened that Li Niandong also got the news tonight, and the police began to investigate the headquarters of the Killer Alliance!

The modified Hummer that Xiao Zhang couldn't forget has been confiscated by the Black Hawk Island police and placed in the police station garage.

Tomorrow morning, Chen Xin'an went to the police station and asked Lao Xiao for the car. It shouldn't be a problem.

At worst, return it to them when you're done using it.

It doesn't matter whether the car can still be driven by then, right?

A table of dishes has been prepared. Chen Xin'an also prepared two bottles of wine and asked for help to bring them to Dayao and Lao Han's room.

Both of them had already taken a shower and were wearing the new clothes Chen Xin'an had prepared for them. They were sitting on the sofa watching TV with some embarrassment.

When they saw the food brought in by Chen Xin'an, their eyes widened!

He stretched his neck and kept swallowing saliva, just like a bad wolf seeing a fat sheep!

The coffee table in the room couldn't be set up, so Luo Xiaoman set up a large desk and some chairs from the business room next to it.

Chen Xin'an asked Dayao and Lao Han to sit down, poured red wine and said to them: "You two are welcome!"

Dayao and Lao Han sat at the table, looking at the fine wine and food in front of them, they seemed to be hesitant.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's not poisonous!"

When the two of them heard this, they could no longer hold back their chopsticks. They grabbed it with both hands and kept putting food into their mouths.

Chen Xin'an didn't stop them, just smiled and watched them eat, and poured them wine from time to time:

"Stop eating vegetables, drink some wine, and don't choke! How long has it been since you had a proper meal?"

Dayao raised a greasy finger and said: "One, one month!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at Xiao Zhang beside him, both of them looked shocked.

Xiao Zhang asked: "Did your ship get lost at sea? Why did it take so long?"

Dayao grabbed a piece of steak in his hand, chewed it with big mouthfuls, and said vaguely: "It's windy, stormy, almost impossible to come!"

Chen Xin'an and Xiao Zhang looked at each other and smiled bitterly. These two people were really unlucky.

"How many people were smuggled in with you?" Chen Xin'an asked the two of them.

The two people who were eating and drinking suddenly stopped what they were doing and looked at Chen Xin'an warily.

Old Han's eyes glanced at the red wine bottle next to him.

Chen Xin'an said with a smile: "I advise you not to do anything! Don't even give you this bottle, even if you each get a knife, you won't be able to get out of this door!"

Xiao Zhang looked at the two of them and said, "Compatriot from China, right? Do you know him? Have you ever heard of the name Chen Xin'an? He is!"

Dayao and Lao Han looked at each other, then shook their heads in confusion and said, "I've never heard of it!"

"Uh!" Xiao Zhang closed his mouth.

Chen Xin'an was also a little embarrassed and glared at the grandson.

What the hell are you doing pretending to be this egg? Do you think I am known to everyone in China?

Do billions of people know me? What are you thinking!

Did it overturn? Is it embarrassing?

He cleared his throat and said to the two of them: "Don't be so defensive about me, I'm not a policeman and I won't arrest you.

Treating you to a late-night snack, you are really like this, but you still care about your Chinese compatriots and are willing to help.

You've obviously left, but you can still come back and help me.

Just because of this, you can eat this meal with peace of mind.

I want to help you, so I ask about you.

This way I can also know what you can do and help you arrange something to do here.

Or, take you back. "

Seeing the sincere look on Chen Xin'an's face, the wariness in the eyes of Dayao and Lao Han has been reduced a lot.

Dayao sighed and said to Chen Xin'an: "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, we are unfamiliar with the place here and are afraid of being caught, so we are on guard against you.

If it hadn't been for the storm, we should have been here half a month ago.

There were more than 130 people who came in total. Of those who might have made it here successfully, only more than 70 were left. Half of them died in the storm! "

Xiao Zhang asked with some confusion: "Is life in China not good? Why do you have to sneak here?"

Old Han sighed and said: "We are from Guanbei. Most of the people who came with us are fellow Guanbei people.

A company here wants to recruit a group of construction workers, and they have a master to take them, and they pay 3,000 eagle flags a month.

We selected some young adults from several villages and they all came! "

Xiao Zhang's eyes widened and he asked in surprise: "A construction worker worth three thousand eagle flags a month? What kind of company does it pay so well?"

Dayao frowned and said, "It seems to be called something like Si'er. It's all in foreign languages ​​and we can't understand it.

Brother Snake asked us to come here. He will connect with the company here. We just need to do the work!"

Chen Xin'an squinted and said, "Paroses?"

"Yes, yes, that's the name!" Dayao and Lao Han nodded excitedly.

Lao Han said to Chen Xin'an, "Mr. Chen, do you know this company? How is it? The company is quite large, right? We have seen the promotional photos, and the scale is really amazing!"

Chen Xin'an didn't know how to answer.

Paroses is indeed very large. It is one of the top 100 companies in the world, so its strength is certainly not small.

But if you say that ordinary construction workers here have a monthly salary of 3,000 Eagle Flag Yuan, even he doesn't believe it!

Suddenly, Chen Xin'an remembered the conversation between William and the gangsters before. They once mentioned a term, miners!

Could it be that Paroses is recruiting miners under the name of recruiting construction workers?

The key is that I haven't heard that Paroses has a mining business?

Xiao Zhang looked at the two men in confusion and asked, "Aren't there more than 70 people? Why are there only two of you here?"

Dayao said a little embarrassedly, "Brother Snake said that the police are arresting us, so we should split up.

Wait until he has contacted the company, and then gather all of us to enter the factory!"

Chen Xinan asked with a strange look on his face, "Didn't the company that hired you send someone to pick up the ship? And why did you smuggle here?"

Dayao and Lao Han looked a little nervous. After looking at each other, they simply shut their mouths and stopped talking.

Chen Xinan and Xiao Zhang were also a little strange. The behavior of these two people was a little abnormal!

It seems that they are not just coming to Eagle Flag Country to work in the factory. There must be something hidden.

Forget it, this is also someone's privacy. Since they don't want to talk about it, Chen Xinan will not ask.

He poured a glass of wine for both of them and said earnestly: "You two, listen to my advice.

You are probably cheated this time.

I know the company called Paroses, it is on this Black Hawk Island.

It is not as good as you think. Anyway, I have never heard of any construction worker who earns 3,000 Eagle Flag dollars a month!

Even the locals don't have such a high income.

If you don't believe it, you can ask for it yourself.

When you find out clearly, you can come to me.

When the time comes, I will send you back to your country.

Don't worry about my purpose, just because we are compatriots!"

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