Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2250 Revenge for Mother

As soon as they mentioned returning to China, Dayao and Lao Han's eyes became very flustered, their expressions were no longer calm, and they seemed to feel guilty.

"Don't go back to China! How can I go back if I haven't earned a penny? I would rather starve to death outside than go back!"

"Even if this job is fake, there is always work we can do in the Eagle Flag Country, right? Finding any job is better than going back!"

Chen Xin'an frowned.

Xiao Zhang became even more angry and cursed at the two of them: "I asked you, are you sick?

Just now you said that the worst possible outcome would be to be deported, but now you don’t want to go back?

Is this foreign shit so delicious that it can make you linger so much that you don’t even recognize your home? "

Dayao and Lao Han's expressions became extremely embarrassed, their expressions were hesitant to speak, and they lowered their heads and stopped talking.

Chen Xin'an turned to look at them and said, "Where are you from Guanbei?"

Dayao glanced at Chen Xin'an and whispered: "He's from Guanbei Fengdu."

Chen Xin'an thought for a while, she had never been to this place before.

He said to the two of them: "Dayao, Lao Han, tell me the truth, why don't you want to return to China?

If you feel that you cannot survive in China, I will help you introduce things to do.

I also have some friends in Guanbei. It won't be a problem to find some well-paying jobs for dozens of you people.

Life here is not as beautiful as you think.

And it's very dangerous and may cost you both your lives. Do you understand? "

Dayao and Lao Han were silent.

Chen Xin'an didn't force them, he just pushed the plate in front of them and motioned for them to continue eating.

After a while, Old Han sighed, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, we can see that you are a good person!

Then we also have something to say to you from the bottom of our hearts.

Who wouldn’t want to go back if there’s a home to go back to?

But now we can't go back!

It’s not about travel expenses, it’s about…”

When the words came to his lips, Old Han hesitated again.

Dayao on the side snorted and cursed: "What are you afraid of? Mr. Chen is not from the police!

You dare not say it, let me tell you!

Mr. Chen, we are all people who have committed crimes in China! "

"Ah?" Chen Xin'an and Xiao Zhang were both stunned, looking at the two people in front of them in surprise.

Xiao Zhang asked in confusion: "Aren't you... all from the same place?"

What could a group of rural people do? Or a collective crime?

Dayao nodded and said: "Last year, a credit company was opened in the village.

Someone took a loan there, but unexpectedly the interest rate was different from what was promised.

A loan of 100,000 yuan was given to 70,000 yuan, and the interest for half a year was 300,000 yuan!

It’s too high, it’s not even high!

They forced the couple and their two children to drink pesticides!

The village chief became anxious and led the whole village to get loans.

Every family borrowed at least 100,000 yuan, and my family borrowed more than 200,000 yuan.

It has been more than a year now and not a penny has been paid back.

People from that company went to various companies to ask for accounts, but we didn't give them.

If they dared to take action, the whole village would come together and beat them back many times.

Later, they had no choice but to find some big shot.

From the township chief to the village chief, we were all raped, forcing us to pay back the money, otherwise our house and land would be taken away!

Someone from a company came up with an idea and said that they would introduce us to work in this company. After working for three years, the debt would be repaid.

We came here with Brother Snake. "

Lao Han sighed and said: "Because he is a breach of trust and cannot come out normally, he can only sneak across.

Unexpectedly, there was a big storm and so many fellow villagers died in one fell swoop...

If we go back, we will definitely be caught.

When the time comes, the whole family will lose their house and land, how will they survive? "

Xiao Zhang said with a puzzled look on his face: "Then even if you stay here, you are not working as a construction worker for Peroses. Do you still have to repay the debt?"

Old Han shook his head and said to him: "The credit company owes us the contract, as long as we don't go back to the Eagle Flag Country for the past three years.

The family doesn’t have to look for it, and the company won’t collect the debt.

When three years pass, we can go wherever we like! "

Chen Xin'an frowned.

There is something fishy about this matter!

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Dayao and Lao Han: "Since you want to stay, I will help you make arrangements.

Find a time, you two invite Brother Snake over, and I'll meet with him.

But not these two days, I don’t have time.

When you are full after this meal, go and meet your fellow villagers! "

Chen Xin'an took out a thick stack of banknotes from his pocket, placed it in front of the two of them, and said to them:

“You take this money and let everyone survive these two days.

Remember, don't contact Pegasus, it's not a good place! "

Dayao said with some reluctance: "No money, can you let us sleep here for one night?"

Chen Xin'an said apologetically: "It's really not possible these two days. After these two days, if you want to sleep, come over and sleep, and I will pay for it for you!"

Old Han looked at Chen Xin'an cautiously and asked, "Mr. Chen, are you in any big trouble?

Although we people don't have much ability, we have a lot of strength!

Fengdu is a well-known ancient martial arts heritage site in northern Guanbei. We have all practiced it since we were young!

If you need help, just speak. We are compatriots, so don't be polite! "

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "No need really! It's indeed a bit troublesome, so I can't keep you here for too long.

Let's talk again in two days when I've sorted out the trouble, and I'll help you make arrangements then. "

Dayao wanted to say something else, but Lao Han winked at him and the two of them fell silent.

After having enough wine and food, the remaining uneaten dishes were packed up.

Originally, the two of them didn't want the money Chen Xin'an gave them, but when they saw Chen Xin'an insisting, they gratefully accepted it and were sent away by Xiao Zhang.

Chen Xin'an returned to the presidential suite and told Ning Xiruo about the matter.

Ning Xiruo frowned and said, "How about I call Brother Qi and see if he knows about this?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "That's fine! By the way, where is Mu Jiahua?"

Before Ning Xiruo could answer, Li Niandong ran back in a panic and said to Chen Xin'an with a pale face: "Mr. Chen, something happened with William!"

In the room where William was locked up, he could smell the smell of blood as soon as he opened the door.

Mu Jiahua, who was covered in blood, was held down by Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman, unable to move.

But his eyes were still red and his face was ferocious. He looked at the bloody man on the ground and roared:

"You beast!

I've been looking for you for so many years, and finally I found you!

If you don't want her, just let her go. Why treat her like that?

She is a human being, she is my mother, not an animal!

You beast, you cut her so many times and beat her until I couldn't even recognize her!

How could my mother be sorry for you to let you treat her like this? "

William fell in a pool of blood, opened his eyes with difficulty, and looked at Mu Jiahua not far away.

There were two bloody holes in his chest and his neck was stabbed. When Chen Xin'an came over and took a look, his heart dropped.

This is hopeless. Even if he has great medical skills, he has no truly heaven-defying means.

But at this moment, William's expression did not show much fear or resentment. His eyes looking at Mu Jiahua were actually a little gentle, and his expression seemed to be somewhat relieved.

He moved his mouth a few times and spit out two words: "Axiu!"

"You don't deserve to call my mother's name! You damn beast!" Mu Jiahua cried loudly and struggled, as if he wanted to get a knife and cut this guy a few more times.

But being pressed down by Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman, he couldn't move at all!

William grinned, revealing a strange smile, then remained motionless and completely stopped breathing.

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