What the hell is this?

Nancy almost carried it away without being angry.

But she also knew very well that although the man in front of her seemed to have a good temper, no one could change his decision.

So if she is asked to stay, she can only stay here obediently.

Li Qi took Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang, carrying several large bags, down to the first floor, and then walked up again.

As they went up, there were fewer and fewer weapons in the bag.

Chen Xin'an's phone rang, it was Mark calling.

"Mr. Chen, please ask someone to go downstairs and take a look.

I did it through my father's relationship. This is the only thing I can do for you! "

Chen Xin'an stood by the window and glanced down, with the corners of her mouth raised, she said into the phone: "Mark, thank you!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an said into the headset: "Lao Xiao, go downstairs and get your toys!"

After a while, Xiao Zhang's excited voice came from the headset: "Holy crap! It was delivered to me! But this thing can't go upstairs!"

Chen Xin'an said with a smile: "No need to go upstairs! Lao Xiao, you go to the underground garage and hide there all the time. When we call you, you come out! Don't be exposed too early!"

Xiao Zhang responded: "Okay!"

Nancy came over and stood by the window and asked, "Mr. Chen, what are you looking at?"

Chen Xin'an tightened the curtains and said to her: "It's nothing, let's see if those people are coming!

Come on, I'll take you to get the things, and you can see how to configure them.

You are the most professional in these things! "

In the room where William's body was placed, there were two large bags.

There are all kinds of boxes inside, including iron boxes, wooden boxes, plastic boxes, and various materials.

On the table next to it, there are tools such as electric drill saw blades, which Li Qi borrowed from the hotel engineering department.

Now there is not a single employee in the entire hotel, all of which have been cleared.

Chen Xin'an and the others can get whatever they want.

At two o'clock in the morning, Chen Xin'an's cell phone rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

As soon as I pressed the answer button, a man's voice came from the other side speaking in Eagle Flag Language.

The speech was not fast, and seemed to be very majestic, mixed with a hint of anger.

Chen Xin'an hung up without saying a word!

Soon, the number called again, and just when Chen Xin'an was about to hang up, the person over there said in a weird accent: "Chen Xin'an, I'm McGregor!"

Chen Xin'an laughed and said to him: "So you can speak Chinese! If you keep chirping to me like birds, I'll kill you!"

Maigret was almost mad to death!

This is the Eagle Flag Country, what’s wrong with me speaking my mother tongue?

You are a foreigner, what you are saying is the language of birds, okay?

Maigret suppressed his anger and said to Chen Xin'an: "I don't know much, listen carefully, let my brother go, and I will let you live..."

This guy's Chinese is really bad, and it's so awkward to listen to!

Chen Xin'an said impatiently: "Forget it, you should just talk like a bird! What the hell, I have to think about it for a long time. You are tired and I am tired!"

Maigret didn't say anything for a long time, probably because he was very angry.

Chen Xin'an scolded him: "If you want to fart, do it quickly. If you don't fart, I will die!"

The translator's words came over there, and after a while, Maigret became furious and cursed:

"Chen Xin'an, you killed my brother, and I want you to pay with your life!

Don't think I don't know what you came to Black Hawk Island for!

I won't deal with you, I just don't have time to pay attention to you!

In my eyes, you are just a little ant!

I have many ways to kill you, but I just never have the time!

Now you dare to kill my brother, I will take your life!

I'm going to make you regret coming to Black Hawk Island, because this is your hell! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, thinking about using William's body to deceive him, but he didn't expect that the other party would know the truth so quickly!

But that's okay, since I never thought of any civilized solution to McGregor from the beginning, it was just a fight.

Everyone who can contain him has already left. There is no difference between attacking early or late.

Chen Xin'an sneered and said, "If you want my life, come and take it!

Anyway, this is not the first time you have tried to kill me, but you have never succeeded!

I think your people are so stupid. They always worry about you when they fail to complete the task.

So now I will simply send him to your door to kill you.

What else are you writing on?

Come and take action quickly! "

McGregor snorted coldly and said on the phone: "Chen Xin'an, you don't need to be arrogant!

Now your life is in my hands and I can send you to see God at any time! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, and just when she was about to speak, she heard Nancy beside her shout: "Be careful out the window!"

With a crashing sound, all the window glass was shattered!

Bullets poured in like rain from the window!

Chen Xin'an quickly hid behind the wall, and Nancy followed him, shouting with an ugly face: "Get out!"

There are some flammable and explosive things in this room. Once hit, the consequences will be disastrous!

Without saying a word, Chen Xin'an rolled forward and rushed towards the door.

Nancy was left behind and screamed and cursed: "Damn it! Why didn't you drag me along with you!"

While speaking, she also hugged her head, screamed and rushed out!

As soon as he left the door, there was a loud explosion behind him, and the air wave pushed both Chen Xin'an and Nancy to the wall opposite the corridor!

Chen Xin'an also heard that such attacks can be found in many places!

And the other party can clearly determine his position and has been moving and shooting!

Chen Xin'an shouted into the headset: "Aqi, Aman!"

"We are fine!" The voices of the two came from the intercom.

Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief and asked on the ground: "Did you see the enemy? Are they airborne soldiers?"

Li Qi replied: "It's a drone! Give me some time, I will deal with these gadgets first!"

Damn, McGregor is really rich and powerful, and he actually uses drones to fight!

Chen Xin'an had only seen this method on TV before, and he didn't expect that one day he would use it on himself!

"Fuck, I am a living person, and I can still be bullied by a machine like you?" Chen Xin'an was a little angry, jumped up from the ground and rushed out.

Nancy stared at him with wide eyes and saw that he actually rushed back to the room just now, and was stunned for a while.

Is he looking for death?

From the sound, it can be judged that there are at least two or three drones chasing Chen Xinan.

Judging from the environmental structure of the hotel, the room is far less safe than the corridor!

At this time, Chen Xinan rushed into the room and was shot by several drones through the window without blind spots. Isn't that looking for death?

But less than three minutes later, a huge explosion sounded in the room.

Accompanied by the sound of the window shattering, a person was pushed out of the room by the air wave!

The broken body immediately fell in the corridor, and Nancy was covered with blood and flesh!

Nancy thought that Chen Xinan was blown to pieces, but found that he had stood up.

Although his body was covered with blood and his clothes were torn, he looked quite embarrassed, but he was unharmed!

Then these flesh fragments were undoubtedly William's!

Nancy understood that Chen Xinan used William's body as a meat shield and used those explosives to blow up the drone outside the window!

This is Chen Xinan's way of dealing with drones. As for how he did it, only he knew it!

"Mad man!" Nancy looked at Chen Xin'an with horror.

Only this guy could do such a crazy thing!

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