Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2253 Let it turn into ashes

Intense gunfire came, and soon the sound outside the window disappeared.

Li Qi's voice came from the intercom system: "Boss, it's all done. Brother Man and I are fine. Are you injured?"

Chen Xin'an patted himself and said to him: "It's okay, be careful! Lao Xiao, how are you doing there?"

Xiao Zhang's voice came: "Boss, they are coming, the ground is shaking, there are quite a few of them!"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said: "The more people come, the better!

Brothers, get ready to receive guests! "

When the phone rang, Chen Xin'an picked it up and answered it. Without waiting for the other party to speak, he said with a mocking look on his face:

“Magret, is this what you sent Joseph to do?

Just want to kill me with a few toys?

You look down on me too much!

By the way, your brother is broken.

Originally, I wanted to give you a whole corpse, but it's a pity that your little toy broke it into pieces!

Good guy, it's like mud, it's all over the place. I'll have to use a shovel to scoop it up later.

Let’s talk about it first, you have to pay for the health fee! "

McGregor's extremely angry roar came from the phone:

"Chen Xin'an, I'm going to kill you!

I'm going to chop you into pieces!

Just wait for me, I will kill you with my own hands to avenge my brother! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said into the phone: "Then come quickly, I will wait for you and send you and your brother to meet in a while!"

He hung up the phone harshly. He originally wanted to mock Chen Xin'an, but he must have been in a very embarrassed state after being hit by a drone.

Unexpectedly, that bastard actually made him angry first!

To be honest, his feelings for William, his younger brother, were not very good.

The deep brotherhood seen by outsiders is not a show.

With his status, there is no need for such a performance.

He knew all about William's embarrassing things, but he just didn't care, so he seemed a little conniving.

More importantly, William is his younger brother.

He can hit and scold.

But outsiders can't bully his Maigret brother.

This is family face.

Especially enemies like Chen Xin'an came to his door and killed his brother.

As an elder brother, as the president of Pyroses, if he doesn't take revenge, he will have no face to gain a foothold on Black Hawk Island in the future!

He knew that Chen Xin'an had come to Eagle Flag Country and even to Black Eagle Island.

But they have never dealt with him with such a big fanfare as tonight.

First, because he was indeed very busy and did not take out this time.

Another reason is that he is underestimating the enemy.

Don't look at Chen Xin'an who has ruined a lot of things for him.

The placement of Pegasus in many countries is going smoothly and in full swing.

Only in China, we suffered setbacks one after another and retreated again and again!

Most of the reasons are because of Chen Xin'an!

So this guy has become Peroses' number one enemy!

Even the black list killing order has been issued!

But despite this, McGregor didn't think that this guy was qualified to compete with him face to face.

No matter how powerful he is, he is just one person. His strength and power are limited. As long as he sends a few more people, it is not difficult to kill him.

After all, this is Black Eagle Island, the Eagle Flag Country, and it is his territory.

Until this guy destroyed the Killer Alliance headquarters!

Before he could finish digesting the news, his own brother was kidnapped by him again.

And he even killed him!

This really made Maigret furious!

This is right under his nose!

This bastard dared to be so presumptuous, he had no scruples at all.

Do you really think that he, the boss of Peroses, is a good old man and a coward who can't do anything to you?

Then let me show you how powerful I am!

Sitting in the luxury Rolls car, Maigret said to the translator beside him with a gloomy face: "Tell everyone, shoot to death, don't live!"

The translator quickly said: "But sir..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw McGregor's sinister eyes staring at him and asked coldly: "Do you have any objections?"

The translator shrank in fright, shuddered, lowered his head and responded: "No, sir! I will make arrangements now!"

At this moment, the car stopped slowly.

The translator turned around and said to him: "Sir, it's Chief Andre who's in front! He's asking to speak to you!"

McGregor looked gloomy and motioned to the translator to lower the window.

Andre stood outside and said with a grimace: "Mr. McGregor, I hope you can..."

"Go away! Don't let me operate on you first!" McGregor said coldly with no expression on his face.

He didn't even look at Andre.

A small police chief is not qualified enough to let him have a conversation!

Andre sighed and said to Maigret bravely: "Mr. Maigret, Mr. Boorman asked me to send you a message!

He could ignore personal grudges, but Black Hawk Island was official.

If it affects tourists here, he will deal with it personally! "

McGregor snorted coldly and said with a look of disdain: "Tell Mr. Boorman and I will pay attention!

The October general election is coming soon, and I congratulate Mr. Boorman on his election.

It doesn't matter even if he can't be elected, he is still the leader of London City! "

Ignoring what Andre said, Maigret leaned back in his seat and the translator raised the window glass.

Maigret's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll let you be arrogant for a few more months.

After the October general election, I won’t let you be the leader and you won’t be able to control the city of London!

From now on, not only Black Hawk Island belongs to me, but the entire city of London belongs to me, Maigret! "

The police car drove off and the motorcade continued on its way.

The translator carefully asked Maigret: "Sir, when the fight starts, do we want to..."

McGregor snorted, with a hint of joking on his face, closed his eyes and said:

"You want me to save face for you, right?

Okay, then I’ll leave it to you!

As for what's inside, let it turn into ashes! "

In the underground garage, Xiao Zhang sat in the car and looked at the bottle of mineral water standing on top of the drawer next to him.

It was just a circle of small ripples at first, but now it has become a splash.

The vibrations were getting louder and louder, and now even the glass of the car next to me was rattling.

Good guy, just based on this movement, there are a lot of people coming!

There must be nearly a hundred cars, right?

It’s even harder to count how many people there are!

Xiao Zhang turned on the display screen in the car and connected to the surveillance screen.

It can be clearly seen from the surveillance camera that countless cars and people have surrounded the entire hotel.

He lowered his head and whispered: "We are already here. There is a blockade downstairs. There are a lot of weapons, including an RPG! There are snipers on the opposite floor. The weapons are unknown, but there is the red light that Aqi mentioned!"

Everyone's responses came from the earphones.

"Okay, I got it! Everyone, get ready, Lao Xiao continues to monitor, be careful not to be exposed!"

"Old Chen, I'm in charge of the elevator, don't worry! It's a pity that it can only be used three times!"

"Brother Man, we've got it over with the elevator. Get to the stairs on the first floor as quickly as possible! We're going to make these people have a nightmare every time they go up to the next floor!"

Thirty meters outside the hotel, Maigret's phone rang in the Rolls.

Chen Xin'an yawned and said, "Lao Mai, why aren't you here yet?

I'm sleepy!

Aren't you afraid?

It's okay. Come to the hotel tomorrow morning, kneel at the door and call me grandpa a hundred times. I will forgive you for what happened before..."

Before he could finish speaking, McGregor hung up the phone with a livid face!

But the next second, the phone rang again, it was Chen Xin'an calling!

This time McGregor simply stopped answering!

In just two or three minutes, that bastard actually called him a dozen times, all saying such stupid things.

Maigret felt like he was not beaten to death by this bastard, but he was already mad at him!

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