Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2255 Ace pilot applies to fight

"Damn it! This bastard!"

When McCree saw his people pouring out like a tide, his face turned livid with anger, and he punched the table in front of him with both fists.

He gritted his teeth and said to the translator: "Tell the idiots outside, kill one person, four hundred thousand! Kill Chen Xin'an, two million!"

Call the Night Owls over immediately, I want them to enter this building at all costs! "

Upon hearing the new reward, a group of gunmen rushed into the hotel howling like crazy!

The bounty is so high that they are willing to risk their lives!

"These bastards!" The dense bullets made Li Qi dare not get close, so he could only retreat upstairs while shooting.

The weapons hidden in advance came in handy, saving Li Qi a lot of time in changing bullets.

In addition, occupying a high position and favorable terrain, even if there is only one person, it will bring great obstacles and harm to the gunmen!

The entire stairwell was filled with intensive gunfire, bullets flying everywhere.

Someone just poked his head in the middle, and was instantly shot in the head and turned into a corpse!

Three elevators have been completely destroyed and cannot be used.

But the only way to get upstairs is by climbing stairs.

Some people had already prepared hooks and ropes and climbed up layer by layer from the outside.

At the same time, the roar of helicopters came from the sky!

Standing on the rooftop of the building, Chen Xin'an looked up at the helicopter still circling overhead, then lowered his head to look down at the ant nest-like crowd below, with a sneer on his lips.

It’s so lively now!

Nancy turned pale and said to him in a trembling voice: "Chen, Mr. Chen, aren't you afraid?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and asked: "Afraid? It's just a small scene, what's there to be afraid of?"

Is this a small scene?

Nancy really didn't know how to complain, and she didn't know where this guy got his confidence.

There were people flying in the sky, running below, and climbing on the walls. The total number was less than a thousand, but there were seven or eight hundred people!

There are only five of you here, including a dozen who are missing, plus me, a weak woman with an injured arm.

How do you fight with others?

Chen Xin'an pointed to a building not far away and said, "Be careful. If you stand too close to the wall, you may easily get shot in the head by the sniper over there!"

Nancy was so frightened that her legs softened and she squatted on the ground.

Chen Xin'an ignored her, just put down all the magazines on his body, stuffed them into Nancy and said:

“Remember, you don’t have to do anything later, just follow me and help me change bullets!

Use your fastest speed, otherwise you will be beaten to death by the opponent. I can't save you! "

Just as Nancy said that I don’t know how to reload, Chen Xin’an ignored her and shouted: “Here we come!”

The helicopter found an angle and began to descend slowly!

In fact, Chen Xin'an's location was at the edge of the apron.

However, for safety reasons, the driver still lowered the rappel.

A group of heavily armed killers, well-trained, slid down the rappelling rope!

As soon as the two people got down, Chen Xin'an revealed the muzzle of his gun from behind the flower pond and fired a few clicks, knocking down the two people who had already got down.

As soon as the muzzle of the gun was raised, the bullets whizzed and hit the two people who were still in mid-air.

Along with the screams, the rappelling rope was also interrupted!

The next second, there was loud gunfire from the helicopter, and intensive firepower covered the place where Chen Xin'an was hiding.

However, Chen Xin'an rolled forward and left the spot, picked up the gun and swiped at the helicopter!

The target of the helicopter was too big, and the bullets hit the fuselage, causing sparks to fly from time to time.

Several killers in the cabin fired at the same time, but not a single bullet could hit!

The main reason is that the guy on the rooftop moves too fast, and the bullets can't capture his position.

This rooftop is very large. In addition to the apron in the middle, there are marble flower beds around it.

These are the best bunkers.

The helicopter can only chase the movement trajectory of the person below and try to hover above the other person's head so that it can find the target.

It's just that the opponent is too flexible, even if he sees the figure, he can't hit him!

"Reload!" Chen Xin'an threw the empty rifle in his hand to Nancy, who was lying under the flower bed with her head in her arms not far away.

This girl is not stupid, she has been hiding here from the beginning.

Bullets were flying everywhere, but none of them hit her!

With her speed, she couldn't catch up with Chen Xin'an.

So once you follow Chen Xin'an, you will be a living target and you will be beaten into a sieve long ago!

Chen Xin'an also deliberately kept a distance from her, otherwise he would be in danger if he didn't reload in time.

Throwing the empty gun to Nancy, Chen Xin'an picked up another gun from behind his shoulder, squatted behind the flower bed and aimed at the helicopter.

I don't know whether he saw it or sensed the danger. The helicopter tilted sideways and quickly rose up!

With a bang, a grenade was launched.

It was just the sudden turn of the helicopter that allowed it to escape the disaster, but the landing gear below was still blown off by a shot!

With a shaking, a killer squatting at the cabin door screamed and fell from the helicopter.

He fell onto the edge of the rooftop wall with a loud bang, and then fell straight down dozens of floors!

The killer on the helicopter was frightened and shouted at the pilot.

The gun in his hand was not idle, he kept shooting at the man on the rooftop!

Chen Xin'an took the tactics he learned from the Black Mountain Tiger to the extreme!

Creeping, rolling, sprinting, leaping...

There was only one person, but he produced the firepower of a whole squad!

The helicopter could only keep rising to avoid Chen Xin'an's shots, but the bullets still penetrated the steel plate under its feet.

The two killers trembled and fell to the ground. Their bodies slid out of the tilted cabin uncontrollably and fell down.

Nancy changed the magazine and looked at Chen Xin'an, who was constantly running and changing positions in front of her, with complicated eyes.

The muzzle of her gun has been following Chen Xin'an. What the people on the helicopter cannot do due to their position and speed, she can easily do here lying down.

Seeing that Chen Xin'an had arrived, Nancy's hands suddenly tightened!

Then he pushed the gun out of his arms and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "It's changed!"

"Continue!" Chen Xin'an rolled forward and rushed over, grabbing the rifle that had just been replaced with bullets, leaving another empty gun behind.


A flame suddenly burst out from the helicopter cockpit, and a plume of black smoke also rose above the entire fuselage!

As the siren sounded, the helicopter finally flew away into the distance.

Those killers who originally wanted to be paratroopers failed and fled in panic!

Chen Xin'an picked off a few small pineapples, threw them downstairs, and then pounced to the side!

A bullet whizzed past, streaking a line of fire across the night sky.

His movement speed just now was too fast, and the sniper that the other party had ambushed could not be used.

Now that he had stopped, his head was exposed above the wall, giving him a chance to snipe, so he shot without hesitation.

It's just that Chen Xin'an originally wanted to lure him to shoot, so he immediately dodged after being exposed, but his eyes still saw the bright light of the shooting from the building opposite.

"Aqi, three o'clock, under the billboard on the roof!"

Li Qi's voice came from the headset: "Boss, I'll unplug it as soon as possible!"

It seemed that the situation over there was quite urgent and he couldn't get away.

But he is the only one with such shooting skills.

But just then, there seemed to be a buzzing sound in the sky.

A bright light appeared under the billboard on the roof of the building a hundred meters away, and then fell into dead silence!

Before Chen Xin'an could react, Luo Xiaoman's voice came: "Old Chen, there are too many outside the window!

Climbing up like a gecko, another group of people came down below. I couldn't handle it! "

Chen Xin'an hummed and said into the headset: "Old Xiao, are you ready?"

Xiao Zhang's voice came from the headset: "Ace pilot, apply to fight!"

This is shameless!

Chen Xin'an said in a dumbfounded voice: "Let's fight!"

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