A modified Hummer suddenly rushed out of the underground parking lot and ran rampant!

After running over several people, he finally angered the people around him!

Countless people held guns and fired at the Humvee.

The bullet hit the bulletproof glass and thickened steel plate, but did not cause any substantial damage to the Humvee.

Someone was carrying an RPG and pointed it at the Humvee, but before he could fire it, a black muzzle suddenly protruded from the side of the Humvee's bumper, and with a bang, his whole body was blown apart by a bullet!

Everyone around was shocked!

What the hell kind of weapon is this? It can blow people into pieces in an instant!

The people around him were frightened. They dared to confront this invulnerable iron guy and dodge one after another.

The Hummer ignored them, just turned its front and aimed at the hotel building.

What does it want to do?

The gunmen around were still a little puzzled, not understanding the purpose of this iron guy stopping here.

But the people inside couldn't come out, and they couldn't attack. Both sides were in a stalemate.

But soon, a set of dark gun barrels rose up from the left and right sides of the Humvee's roof. There were about five or six gun barrels in each set.

Before anyone could react, a clattering turntable sound came from the Hummer.

Immediately afterwards, two sets of gun barrels spurted out tongues of flame at the same time, and bullets rained down on the walls of the building.

Nearly a hundred people were lying on the outer wall of the building, climbing up with the help of ropes like Spider-Man.

In order to make it easier for them to enter the high-rise room as quickly as possible, the car below also turned on the searchlight to illuminate them.

But now, they have become living targets.

Two Gatling vehicles carried artificial rain, and bullets were like dense raindrops, falling on them head-on!

Accompanied by the sound of shattering glass and the screams of countless people, the outer wall of the building seemed to be stained red with blood for a moment.

Some people's bodies were torn apart by bullets while they were in mid-air, and their remaining limbs and arms fell off and scattered all over the ground!

Some people were not hit by bullets at all, but because of the fear in their hearts, they let go of their hands, fell from a height of dozens of meters, and died on the spot!

More people did look for the nearest window, crawled in, lay on the ground holding their heads, shivering, and did not dare to move!

"Blow it up!" Maigret almost spit out blood!

Of course he knows how terrifying this Humvee is, because he paid for it to be modified by the Killer Alliance!

I originally wanted to use it myself, but I didn't expect that it had just been modified and was not used on the enemy. First, I stabbed his people!

What made him even more crazy was how could this car get into the hands of Chen Xin'an and his gang!

The two vehicle-mounted Gatling guns began to idling, and white smoke was emitting from the barrels.

Then the muzzle of the gun lowered and was pointed at the gunmen in front of him.

A group of people were so frightened that they fled in all directions.

But the expected violent storm did not start, and everyone understood that the opponent had no bullets!

Depend on!

Xiao Zhang punched the buttons on the center console several times.

The car is nice and the weapons are cool enough.

The only drawback is the limited ammunition.

Of course, if someone is around to help, you can still change the ammunition in time.

But now I was alone, and I didn't have much ammunition. These two killer weapons, after going crazy for a few minutes, turned into fire sticks.

We can't let these guys seize the opportunity!

Xiao Zhangmeng stepped on the gas and turned the steering wheel, and the Hummer began to rampage again.

"Old Xiao! Did you see that Rolls-Royce at the intersection?" Standing on the rooftop, without the threat of snipers, Chen Xin'an squinted and looked down.

He stared closely at the Rolls car that had been hiding at the intersection, never opened the door, but had its lights on, and said into the headset: "That old turtle Maigret should be hiding in there!"

Xiao Zhang chuckled and said, "Okay, Qing, leave it to me!"

The area within a few hundred meters of the Four Seasons Hotel was already packed with all kinds of cars, and there was no way to get through.

Although the Hummer is powerful, it is not easy to drive to the intersection in such road conditions.

Maybe even Chen Xin'an is not sure about this.

But now it was Xiao Zhang who was driving, and his driving skills were even inferior to Chen Xin'an!

As the accelerator accelerated, the Hummer slammed into a black car not far away.

Then he pushed it next to other cars, took two steps back and continued to hit it until the car was deformed!

The gunmen around him didn't know what was going on with him. He was venting his anger on a car with no one inside, and they didn't dare to stop him for a moment.

But when the Hummer ran over the wreckage of the car and hit the roof of the car next to it, everyone knew what it was going to do!

The Hummer ran over the roofs of countless vehicles, and there was a sound of glass breaking all around.

Xiao Zhang held the steering wheel tightly with both hands and kept adjusting the direction.

These cars are not connected end to end, so when running over them, prevent the car from losing control and overturning after falling from a height.

Once the car overturns, he is finished and can only wait for death!

Looking at the humvee that was churning up and down and rushing towards this side, McGregor's face was ashen and he cursed through gritted teeth:

"Stop him! Can't a car with so many people stop it? Even if it's flipped, it can overturn him!"

A group of gunmen swarmed up, seemingly wanting to overturn the Humvee.

But as they approached, a large ball of flames suddenly burst out from the front of the Humvee!

Seven or eight people were unable to avoid it and were instantly swallowed up by the flames. Their whole bodies were on fire and they let out shrill screams!

The others were so frightened that they kept moving away. Who dared to get close?

Seemingly dissatisfied with the difficulty of passing by, the Hummer stopped.

Everyone was frightened by this powerful thing and stood nearby without daring to get close.

Someone urged, and everyone approached the Humvee fearfully.

But right here, a tongue of flame suddenly shot out from under the car.

A bright light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, and before they could see what it was, a deafening explosion sounded in front of them!

Immediately, countless cars were overturned in the sky and rolled on both sides amid fire and explosions.

A group of gunmen had no time to react before their bones were smashed by the flying car, and even their heads were smashed!

What's even more terrifying is that in front of the Humvee, a tunnel of flames that is thirty meters long appears!

The vehicles on both sides of this passage were torn apart, and no one could remain intact!

Maigret's face was pale, and he looked at the Humvee thirty meters away through the car window, and then he remembered that the car had been hit by a micro-missile!

Seeing the Humvee rushing over like a bison, McGregor was so frightened that he screamed loudly: "Go! Get out of here quickly! Damn it, are you blind? Can't you see that he is already charging over?"

The driver was so depressed that he wanted to cry!

I did see it, but where should I go?

How can I drive when there are cars of my own parked everywhere?

Do you think this expensive Rolls-Royce can run rampant like that modified Hummer?

"Get out! Get those losers back and drive their cars away! Get out of here first!" McGregor quickly thought of the problem and shouted to the translator beside him.

The gunmen, who had been frightened out of their courage, finally waited for the order to retreat!

A group of people quickly ran out of the hotel building, and some people didn't know whether they wanted to take a shortcut or missed the mark, and actually jumped out of the window.

You could have left, but you fell to your death in a daze. It was really unlucky!

The Hummer finally hit the Rolls!

The repeated impacts made all the bones in McGregor's body fall apart!

Fortunately, the driver finally found a road, started the car and fled in a hurry, finally avoiding being crushed by the Hummer!

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