Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2257 No one is more important than him

The entrance to the hotel was a mess, with the bodies of countless gunmen and destroyed and burning cars.

Chen Xin'an stood on the rooftop, looking at the convoys leaving in a hurry, and said with a smile: "Well done, Lao Xiao!"

Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi also shouted: "Old Xiao, you are awesome! In this battle tonight, you will be able to brag with your son for the rest of your life!"

"Brother Xiao is awesome! We have to count on Brother Xiao to settle this battle!"

Xiao Zhang laughed and scolded: "Put me down! Stop flattering me, it's all thanks to this car!"

It's a pity that I ran out of ammunition later, otherwise I would have kept that shell and fired it directly at McGregor's old boy's bastard shell. That would have been fun! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "It's already pretty good! If McGregor fails so easily, I would be so disappointed!

This old boy is very cunning and will run away as soon as he sees something is wrong!

Such a person is more difficult to deal with than my opponent who has to fight to the death!

Let's be careful and replenish ammunition as soon as possible. The next game may be more cruel than tonight! "

Everyone agreed.

Xiao Zhang cursed angrily: "What a pity! It's easy to get other ammunition, but there's only one mini-missile, and there's no place to get it!"

Otherwise, I would have to hang ten or eight of them, and I would have to smash that old turtle's shell and send him to the sky! "

Everyone laughed.

Li Qi said: "One piece of that kind of thing is worth a million eagle flags. It doesn't matter whether you can pretend to have ten or eight of them, the cost is terrifying!

Brother Xiao, all wars cost is money!

No matter how rich the boss is, he can't afford such a torment! "

"Holy shit!" Xiao Zhang and Luo Xiaoman both cursed, obviously intimidated by Li Qi's offer.

Chen Xin'an's cell phone rang, and he said to everyone: "Stop chatting now, notify Andre and ask him to find someone to clean up the mess.

The old turtle called me again to scold me, I have to satisfy him! "

After answering the phone, Chen Xin'an grinned and said, "You old turtle can run quite fast!

You came all the way and didn’t even meet me in person, what a pity!

Are you home yet? Why don't you come back home before you get home? Let's talk? "

Maigret on the other end of the phone was not as angry as Chen Xin'an imagined, but he said without any emotion:

"Chen Xin'an, I admit that I underestimated you before.

But if you think you have defeated me, you are totally wrong!

Do you think I'm just here to deal with you tonight?

Do you think I don’t know that your wife has left? "

Chen Xin'an's expression changed, and he said to Maigret in a gloomy tone: "Magret, please listen to me.

If my wife is harmed in the slightest, I will kill your whole family!

Your wife, lover, son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, every one of them will die.

Don't think that I don't know where they are. If I can find you, this old bastard, I can find your entire nest of bastards!

I want your whole family to die! "

Maigret's laughter came from the phone: "Chen Xin'an, prepare your wife's funeral first!

Want to kill my whole family?

It doesn't matter, I'll wait for you! "

The other side hung up the phone, and Chen Xin'an's face was terrifyingly gloomy!

"Mr. Chen..." Nancy stood behind and called softly.

Chen Xin'an suddenly turned around, grabbed her neck, and almost lifted her up!

Seeing Chen Xin'an's ferocious look with red eyes, Nancy was so frightened that she burst into tears.

The red light in Chen Xin'an's eyes subsided slightly and her fingers relaxed slightly.

Nancy coughed twice and said with an aggrieved look: "Mr. Chen, why..."

Chen Xin'an looked at her expressionlessly and said, "I thought I heard you say just now that you don't know how to reload.

But the subsequent changes were quite smooth! "

Nancy looked at him in horror and said: "My ex-boyfriend has a shooting club at home.

I often go over to accompany him. Although I have never played, I can watch him play, so I know how to change ammo..."

Chen Xin'an nodded, closed her eyes and released her palms.

Nancy rubbed her sore throat and asked cautiously: "Mr. Chen, what happened? Didn't the enemy leave?"

Chen Xin'an opened his eyes. There was no red light in his eyes now. He glanced at Nancy and said calmly: "It's okay! The police are here, go and deal with it!"

There were many police cars coming downstairs, but they had no lights or sirens.

A group of police officers got out of the car and were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Then everyone turned around and started vomiting.

Chen Xin'an did not go downstairs, but sat next to the flower bed, facing the direction of the bridge, and murmured: "Daughter-in-law, I know you will be fine!"

Under the bright street lights, the convoy drove quickly.

Konoha said angrily to Ning Xiruo beside him: "It's already past two o'clock, and you still ask us to go back to Lieton City. This brat knows how to torment people!"

Ning Xiruo smiled slightly, took her hand and said, "He is also thinking about our safety!"

Konoha curled his lips, snorted and said: "Just spoil him! You will listen to whatever he says. What danger can there be at this time? Don't bad guys need to sleep?"

Li Niandong hung up his phone. Li Niandong next to him hung up his phone and said to Ning Xiruo:

"McGret has gathered nearly a thousand people and has already gone to the Four Seasons Hotel!"

Ning Xiruo and Konoha's expressions changed at the same time.

Li Niandong held Ning Xiruo's arm and said, "I'm worried. My people have been monitoring McGregor.

Once Mr. Chen can't hold on, my people will come out to help!"

Ning Xiruo nodded and said worriedly, "But in this way, all your people will be exposed!"

Mu Yezhen said anxiously, "Let it be exposed. What is more important than Xin'an's safety!"

Li Niandong nodded and said, "Grandpa means the same thing.

When necessary, the entire organization will use their lives in exchange for Chen Xin'an's safety.

Grandpa said that Mr. Chen's safety is more important than all arrangements!"

These words cannot be told to Chen Xin'an, because he will definitely disagree.

But telling Ning Xiruo that it doesn't matter, it can reassure them that they will not make rash moves out of worry and affect the overall situation.

Ning Xiruo looked out the window and said firmly: "I believe in Xin'an. Since he has made such an arrangement, he must have a way to deal with it.

We don't have to worry about him, just protect ourselves."

Mu Yezhen pouted and said: "But after all, there are only four or five of them..."

Just then, a bright light suddenly flashed outside the car, followed by an explosion that rang in everyone's ears!


Amid the screams of the girls, the car stopped!

Qinzi, who was in the passenger seat, turned around and shouted to everyone: "Master, Miss Ning, Miss Li, how are you?"

"It's okay!" Ning Xiruo pressed Mu Yezhen and Li Niandong's heads and lay under the seat.

Mu Jiahua, who was driving, looked outside in horror and said in a trembling voice: "The front car was attacked!

There are many people holding guns and shooting!

We have to leave here!"

Just when he wanted to shift gears and reverse, Ning Xiruo shouted to him: "Master Mu, don't panic! If we panic, everything behind will be in chaos!

Mr. Mark's people are in front, they will deal with any danger!"

Gongsun Feiyang ran over, holding a pistol in his hand, and knocked on the car window.

When the window was lowered, he said to Ning Xiruo in the car: "Sister-in-law, your car should back up and line up with Mr. Li's car.

We will use other cars to protect you.

Master Mu, don't panic.

If you can't hold on, you can drive from this side into the auxiliary road, and then rush to the opposite lane!

You must drive into the city, don't look back!"

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