Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2258 We are their target

There are about thirty enemies blocking them in front, and roadblocks have been set up.

It was as if they were waiting for Ning Xiruo's team to fall into a trap.

There were less than two hundred meters away from the bridge, and we were about to return to the city, but the enemy blocked us here, and we didn't know what their intention was.

Mark was angry. Looking at the blown-up car in front, he broke out in a cold sweat!

Fortunately, I wasn't in that car, otherwise I would have turned into a corpse by now!

Who is so bold as to intercept them!

Can't you see the Security Bureau's logo on the car?

He hid behind a car, took a small speaker handed by his subordinates, and cursed loudly:

"Who are you? Get out of my way!

Do you know what will happen if you go against the Security Bureau?

I guarantee that if you dare to take action, there will be no place for you in the city of London! "

From behind the roadblock, a woman in red came out, covering her face with a flower scarf, and shouted to Mark:

"Mr. Mark, what we want are the people in the two cars behind you!

This matter has nothing to do with the Security Bureau.

So if you take people away now, we won't stop you. "

Mark glanced back, looking hesitant.

These gunmen seem to be well-equipped. Once a fight breaks out, they won't be able to take advantage!

And they have already made it clear that they want the person in the car behind, so they are sent by Josés, right?

There is a personal feud with Chen Xin'an, and my father has already explained it, so there is no need to interfere.

"Boss!" The subordinate next to him whispered to him: "The other party has heavy machine guns! Our firepower is not as good as theirs. If we want to fight, I'm afraid..."

Mark looked confused.

Although he promised Chen Xin'an to protect his wife, this is still a difficult situation!

If you have to suffer in a losing situation to save face, isn't that looking for death?

But if I leave, it will be a pity for the beauty Ning Xiruo.

Today's end must be miserable. Either he will be beaten to death directly, or he will fall into the hands of the other party's gang, and his life will be worse than death!

Forget it, what are you thinking about? Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with you, save your own life first!

Just as he was about to give the order to leave, Chen Xin'an's indifferent face appeared in his mind.

If he left now, Chen Xin'an would definitely not let him go!

Of course, if Chen Xin'an dies tonight, then there will be no more trouble.

But what if he lives?

To be honest, after witnessing Chen Xin'an's methods of dealing with others, Mark was deeply afraid of this cruel guy.

If you really get revenge from him, it will definitely be a nightmare!

More importantly, this will directly affect his father's career and the family business!

And the old man named Li Zecheng can't make any mistakes, because his father said that he also has some influence on the October general election.

Because he has a close relationship with the people in Chinatown, and Chinatown is Boorman's trump card, a magic weapon!

Therefore, no matter how many people die tonight, Ning Xiruo and that Li Zecheng must be saved!

This is what his father told him!

The woman in red opposite shouted: "Mr. Mark, have you thought about it? Please leave now!"

Without saying a word, Mark fired a shot in her direction and cursed loudly: "How dare you commit murder on the street and say you have nothing to do with my security bureau?

If you put down your gun now and surrender obediently, I will give you a lighter sentence!

If it was a shooting during arrest, he would be shot dead on the spot, without mercy! "

The woman in red was startled, and the bullet almost hit her!

She was so angry that she jumped up and shouted to everyone around her: "Fight! Since you are seeking death, you can't blame us!"

Don't be afraid, they can't recognize us anyway, so as long as we kill everyone and leave no one alive, everything will be fine! "

She and her men were not stupid, and knew the consequences of a firefight with the security bureau.

Once their identities are known, they really have no place in London!

Seeing the firefight ahead, Qinzi pointed at the woman in red and shouted, "That's her! That woman is the murderer who killed the boss and the red fox!"

Li Niandong frowned, took a cautious look through the rear window, and murmured, "Did I blame her wrongly?"

Konoha shouted to her: "Come down! Be careful of stray bullets! What are you talking about?"

Li Niandong shook his head and said to her: "It's okay! Qinzi, don't go out!"

Qinzi was about to open the car door and get out, but Mu Jiahua pulled her back, locked the car door, and yelled at her: "You don't want your life?"

Qinzi said with tears: "I want to avenge the boss! She killed the boss!"

Ning Xiruo said to her: "Qinzi, don't mess around! The black dragon must be avenged, but he can't die!

Leave the battle outside to Mark and his security bureau.

We try our best to protect ourselves!

Remember, we are the ones they are dealing with.

If you send yourself to your door to die, you will kill more people! "

Qinzi stopped talking, huddled in the car seat and cried.

Mu Jiahua on the side looked guilty and said: "Do you know what the consequences will be if you are impulsive?

I know! Because of this stupid thing, I did it tonight!

Originally, these people didn't have to be so crazy to seek revenge.

Just because I didn't hold back my hatred and killed William, I ruined Mr. Chen's entire plan and put us in such danger! "

He took a deep breath, turned around and said to Ning Xiruo: "Miss Ning, don't worry.

If the people in the Security Bureau can't hold on any longer, I will send you out even if I risk my life!

This happened because of me, and I will pay for it with my life! "

"Master Mu, don't be like this!" Ning Xiruo shook her head and said to him: "If I had your experience, I would not be able to remain calm either.

And even if this didn't happen, the other party wouldn't let us go.

None of us can die lightly, we must cherish our lives and live well. "

At this moment, Qinzi suddenly covered her ears with both hands and said to everyone: "Shh! Don't make any sound!"

Everyone held their breath, Qinzi had a look of surprise on her face, and then tapped the microphone gently with her finger.

After a while, Qinzi let go of his hands and said happily to everyone: "Brother An brought them back and will be here soon!"

Li Niandong looked at Qinzi and said, "You use the intercom system as a transmitter?"

Qinzi nodded and smiled: "The boss said that this is the safest method of communication. So even if the enemy monitors us, they will not be able to determine our location, let alone understand the content of our calls!"

Li Niandong nodded and said thoughtfully: "This method is good! In the future, my people will also learn this communication method, and it is best to connect with you!"

Ning Xiruo asked with a strange look on her face: "Don't your people belong to 003?"

Li Niandong shook his head and whispered: "It is 001's external intelligence organization. My grandfather personally leads it.

It doesn’t have as wide a coverage as 003, but it’s more targeted!

As long as you have heard of this kind of thing, you don’t need to know too much about it. "

Ning Xiruo nodded, she was not interested in this in the first place.

The dense bullets rained down on the security guards like a rainstorm!

Everyone covered their heads and ran away, dodging behind.

The car at the front was hit in the fuel tank and then exploded, blazing with flames.

A group of security team members looked at Mark with horrified expressions. Their weapons and equipment were so different, how could they settle this matter?

At this moment, a fire sword bullet dragged a long tail, flew from a high place, and landed in the crowd on the opposite side.

Hitting the heavy machine gunner's position impartially.

Countless pieces of flesh, flesh, and stumps flew into the sky mixed with machine gun parts!

There were people all around who had been knocked down by the bombing, and the scene was filled with howls of ghosts and wolves!

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