Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2259 The ogre goes up the mountain

There were three-meter-high heavy-duty trucks from the Eagle Flag State rushing towards the front of the cars.

Those roadblocks were like children's toys, smashed into pieces.

Zhang Jian was lying on the roof of the car, holding Butlin in front of him.

As the heavy truck was traveling at high speed, Butlin's gun muzzle poured out a torrent of bullets.

The gunmen who blocked the front didn't even have the courage to fight back, so they all dodged and escaped, and some even jumped directly into the sea!

"I'll go, it's so fierce!" Mark looked at the heavy truck roaring from the next lane with envy on his face.

He never expected that Chen Xin'an would ambush him like this. If he had known it, he wouldn't have been so desperate.

The battle lasted only a few minutes, and three of them were killed and seven or eight were injured. It was a heavy loss!

I have to say that that guy Chen Xin'an is really rich.

Equipping one's own people with such equipment would cost hundreds of thousands of people.

The woman in red and her gang were all stunned. The carefully planned siege was ruined by the sudden appearance of such a group of people!

The angry woman in red gritted her teeth and shouted to her companions: "Retreat!"

The opponent is well-equipped and will not be able to leave unless they leave.

At this moment, a woman's shout came from not far away.

The woman in red subconsciously turned her head and saw a woman with an oriental face, raising a gun towards her!

Almost as an instinctive reaction, the woman in red immediately turned around and leaned back.

The opponent came over with a shot and hit her right shoulder.

The woman in red staggered, moved her gun to her left hand, and fired three shots at the opponent!

When his subordinates drove up, the woman in red endured the pain and didn't bother to check if the other party had been hit. She jumped into the car and ran away in panic.

"Qinzi!" A person jumped out of the heavy truck that had just stopped, threw Qinzi to the ground, and cursed at her: "What are you doing! Do you want to die?"

Qinzi said anxiously: "That woman just killed our boss!"

Nagamoto Shinta was stunned for a moment, then said seriously: "Qinzi, are you sure?"

Having said this, Qinzi hesitated a little.

Just because the other person is wearing red clothes doesn't mean it's that person, right?

In fact, she did not go to the reef cave at that time, but only heard what her companions said after they came back.

So subconsciously, I became attracted to the woman in red.

She was really not sure whether the woman in red just now was the murderer of the boss.

"Brothers and sisters!" Zhang Jian jumped off the front of the car and ran to Ning Xiruo's car. He breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw that everyone in the car was okay.

Ning Xiruo lowered the window and said to Zhang Ji'an: "Brother Ji'an, we are fine! Thanks to you for arriving in time! Everything is fine here. Do you want to go to the island?"

Zhang Jian shook his head and said: "I will send you to the city first. The boss has told me that the safety of you and Mr. Li is the most important!"

"Okay!" Ning Xiruo didn't hesitate, nodded to Zhang Jian and said, "Let's set off now!"

With this heavy truck escorting us, the entire convoy can move sideways!

As soon as he got off the bridge, Mark accelerated the car, drove next to the heavy truck, and shouted to Xuan Bin in the passenger seat:

"Friends, are you also Chen Xin'an's people? It's very unfamiliar! The equipment is good, Chen Xin'an is really willing to spend money on you! This is my business card, let's have coffee together when you have time!"

Xuan Bin's eyes twitched and the muscles on his face trembled, resisting the urge to shoot his grandson.

Jin Youhe shouted loudly to Zhang Jian above his head: "Boss, I want to kill this bastard!"

If it weren't for these bastards, how could the black dragon die?

Zhang Jian lay on the roof of the car and cursed in a deep voice: "Don't make trouble for me! You're not even wearing a hood, so take it easy!"

"Got it!" everyone responded.

Hyun Bin stretched out his hand, pretending to take the business card, smiled and said to Mark: "Go to hell!"

What he said was Chinese, and Mark couldn’t understand it either. He nodded and said:

"Haha, I just like friends like you!

If you don't go back to China with Chen Xin'an, then you can stay in London and have coffee with me! "

Xuan Bin nodded, waved his hand and said to him: "Goodbye, idiot!"

Mark understood what he meant, waved his hand and said, "Goodbye!"

It's daybreak.

Chen Xin'an was still sitting on the rooftop of the hotel, with Luo Xiaoman, Li Qi, Xiao Zhang, and Nancy standing behind him.

The phone rings. Chen Xin'an hesitated for a moment and answered the phone.

"Mr. Chen, my sister-in-law and Mr. Li have arrived at the hotel successfully. The security bureau did not sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers. The red hood escorted them all the way."

Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief, and his expression finally softened.

He hesitated for a while and asked in a deep voice: "Did you take care of the sniper on the opposite floor?"

The other party did not answer directly, but said in a deep voice: "The leader has an order, and Chen Xin'an's safety is more important than anything else. Even if the leader does not allow it, the eldest lady will let us do this!"

Chen Xin'an fell silent, and after a while, she said to her mobile phone: "The equipment has been ordered and will be placed in this hotel today and tomorrow.

You have time to send someone to pick it up.

The Red Hood has it, and so do you.

Make a list for me if you need anything, and I will do my best to prepare it for you when the time comes.

From now on, you don't need to interfere with my affairs.

Everything is for the purpose of protecting and hiding oneself.

The number Xiaodong told you is my long-term contact information.

Whenever you need anything, call me!

No matter what the leader says, I just don’t want my brothers outside to live in such fear! "

There was also a long silence there.

After a while, Youyou said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, thank you!

One more thing, the ogres are going up the mountain. If possible, you'd better go there as soon as possible! "

Chen Xin'an's face darkened, she nodded and said, "Okay, I understand!"

After hanging up the phone, Luo Xiaoman asked Chen Xin'an: "Xi Ruo, something happened over there? What's the point of leaving ink? Let's leave quickly!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Xi Ruo is fine over there, Ji'an arrived in time.

But something happened over there at Pigeon!

The top three ogres in the Killer League rankings went up the mountain, I guess they were just following the pigeons! "

"Damn!" Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang became anxious upon hearing this.

The brothers have been together for so long, and their relationship is not an ordinary one.

Pigeon's medical skills are not much inferior to Chen Xin'an's, but their physical skills are vastly different.

To put it bluntly, he is just a weakling, even Xiao Zhang can beat him.

Fortunately, Dalei Zi was with him.

But Dalei Zi himself was seriously injured and his strength was greatly affected!

What's more, Zhao Di is also there, even with Quinn and those bodyguards.

But with the fighting prowess of those guys, they might not be qualified to fight head-on against an opponent like the Ogre, right?

The heavy rain has stopped completely and the temperature on the mountain has become very low.

Luo Qianhe lay next to the fire, turned over, felt the biting chill, and opened his eyes.

The fire was out and white smoke was rising.

Luo Qianhe added a few pieces of firewood to let the fire burn.

Then he stood up and walked to the disciple next to him, took off his coat and covered Zhao Di.

Dao Lei next to him was still grinding his teeth while sleeping and talking incomprehensibly in his sleep.

Luo Qianhe shook his head helplessly, but smelled a strong smell of blood in his breath.

He raised his head and saw a strong man who looked like a hill sitting next to another fire not far away.

At this moment, he held his hands in front of his chest, as if he was chewing something.

Hearing the noise, the strong man raised his head, grinning with a bloody mouth, looked at Luo Qianhe with a sinister smile, opened his bloody mouth and said in the Eagle Flag language: "Are you awake?"

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