At first Luo Qianhe thought he had a nightmare, but soon he realized that this was not a dream!

When did this person come in?

Why didn't anyone notice it?

What was he eating, and why did blood smell so strong?

"Who are you?" Luo Qianhe stood up, took two steps closer to the big man, carefully observed him, and finally saw clearly what was in his hand.

That turned out to be a human arm!

Looking at the blood in his mouth, it was obvious that he had eaten a lot!

And behind him, lying a bloody corpse.

That severed arm was torn from this corpse!

Luo Qianhe felt that the hairs all over his body were exploding, and a strong sense of nausea surged up from his stomach. He screamed loudly, waking up everyone in the cave for a while!

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Guo Zhaodi sat up and rubbed her eyes.

Dao Lei also frowned and cursed: "Geve, did your sleep hair explode? Why are you yelling!"

But when everyone saw Luo Qianhe's appearance at this time, they were startled. Following his gaze, they also saw the big man and the body behind him.

Then I saw the big man put his arm into his mouth as if no one was watching, pulled off a piece of meat with force, and chewed the meat in his mouth with all his strength!

"Ugh!" Seeing this scene, many people bent over and vomited.

"Master, who is he?" Guo Zhaodi was so frightened that she almost cried and ran to Luo Qianhe's side, trembling.

Luo Qianhe protected her and said nothing because he didn't know whether this guy was a human or a demon!

But Quinn yelled: "Luke!"

He has recognized that the body behind this guy is his brother!

At this time, Luke should have been standing guard at the entrance of the cave, but unexpectedly he encountered an unexpected incident.

And from beginning to end, there was no sound!

"Damn you!" A bodyguard also had a good relationship with Luke. Seeing his friend's tragic death and even the corpse being eaten by the demon, he became so angry that he took out his gun and pointed it at the demon.

But at this moment, there was a loud gunshot, and a blood hole appeared on the bodyguard's forehead. He fell straight to the ground and was killed on the spot!

At the same time, several heavily armed killers suddenly poured in from outside the cave and fired a round at everyone.

The leader shouted excitedly: "The game has begun!"

The people in the cave were in a mess. Dao Lei said to Luo Qianhe and Guo Zhaodi: "Let's go inside!"

I had observed it before when I entered this cave.

This is not just an exit, it is connected in all directions.

But when everyone rushed to another cave entrance, they met another group of people, shooting at them with guns!

In desperation, everyone hurriedly looked for other exits. Finally, at the entrance of a cave, there was no ambush, and everyone rushed out.

This is a road up the mountain, and you enter the mountain forest after exiting the cave.

Even when they were fleeing for their lives, Luo Qianhe and Guo Zhaodi, masters and apprentices, carried their own backpacks, which contained all the herbs they had collected on this trip to the mountains.

Even animals know that injuries and illnesses can be cured with herbs, but the Eagle Banner people don't believe in these things.

They only use chemically synthesized drugs to treat diseases.

So Mount Foss is the Great Medicine Mountain. There are many precious herbs here, even those not found in other places.

But no one picked it, and it grew and withered year after year, with no one paying attention.

But for Master Luo Qianhe and Guo Zhaodi, this place is simply a treasure mountain!

What they carry on their backs are their carefully selected medicines, which are even more important than their lives, so naturally they cannot be thrown away.

Everyone ran for half an hour at a stretch, not knowing whether they were going up the mountain or down the mountain.

There were dense trees everywhere, with no end in sight.

However, the group of pursuers behind them made no sound. Could it be that they have been abandoned?

Quinn said to Luo Qianhe: "Mr. Luo, take a rest! We have got rid of those people!"

Luo Qianhe nodded and signaled Dao Lei and Guo Zhaodi to stop and rest.

Several bodyguards said a few words to Quinn, and some started crying and wanted to go back.

Luo Qianhe asked Quinn, "What are they going to do?"

Quinn said with a gloomy face: "They are going back to the cave and taking Luke's body back!"

Luo Qianhe's expression changed, he shook his head and said, "No! It's too dangerous, we can't go back!"

"What's wrong?" Dao Lei couldn't understand their conversation, but he felt something was wrong in the atmosphere.

Luo Qianhe frowned and said, "Those people want to go back to the cave and take away the bodies of their companions!"

"Are you crazy?" Dao Lei cursed angrily: "Are you looking for death? You can't take away the bodies of your companions, but they also want to take your lives? Those people are simply lunatics!"

Quinn didn't understand what Dao Lei said, but he knew what he meant by looking at his expression, and he lowered his face and said:

“That’s not your friend, so you don’t understand what we think.

Those demons were chasing us just now. Even though we got rid of them, they won't go back to that cave again.

So go back now and be careful to bring out our brother's body.

This time I brought out these brothers, never expecting to come back alive.

But the body must be buried and cannot be eaten by a group of demons! "

Luo Qianhe looked at him with a strange look on his face and said, "You just stayed to help protect us. Even if you leave now, no one will say anything to you. Why are you still thinking that you will die?"

This group of people were all Stilwell's bodyguards. In order to show their favor to Chen Xin'an, they were left behind when Stilwell left Black Hawk Island.

Although he is a bodyguard in name, he was sent by his senior brother to follow him.

But after all, they are not one of their own. Once there is danger, it is reasonable for them to turn around and leave.

Quinn showed a self-deprecating smile, shook his head and said: "We are not ordinary bodyguards, we should all be dead!"

Listening to his story, Luo Qianhe finally understood the identities of these people. It turned out that they were all death row prisoners!

Some were former soldiers, and some were people from other professions. Because they had lives on hand, they had long been sentenced to death.

But Steve Bulman selected them and trained them to become his own soldiers.

Although everyone is extremely vicious, they also have their own weaknesses.

Such as parents, wife, children, etc.

Stilwell used the weaknesses of each of them to promise them benefits, thereby achieving the purpose of controlling them.

The requirement for them is that when they need to die, they should not hesitate to die generously!

Otherwise, their families and loved ones will suffer.

Being left on Black Hawk Island this time was a death order.

If they want to completely obey Chen Xin'an's arrangements and let them protect the three of Luo Qianhe, they must protect them with their lives and must not be greedy for life or afraid of death.

Otherwise, not only will his fate be miserable, but his relatives and loved ones will also be avenged by the Reggie family!

But even if he dies, his death will not be in vain. Stilwell will give their family and loved ones a generous reward.

The premise is that there is a corpse, otherwise it will be calculated as missing and the reward will be halved.

That's why they want to bring back Luke's body.

Only in this way, when they themselves die, their companions will take their bodies back.

After hearing Quinn's explanation, Luo Qianhe didn't know whether he should stop him or not.

A bodyguard said: "When the three of us go back, you will wait for us here!

Those people can't catch up with us, just be careful..."

Before he finished speaking, an arrow shot over with a whoosh and penetrated his head directly!

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