Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2261 We must survive

The huge inertia pushed him backwards, and his head was nailed to the tree with a bang!

Until the last moment of his life, the man still looked in disbelief, with his eyes and mouth wide open.

"Ah! They're catching up!" Someone yelled in horror, and everyone hurriedly got up and ran deep into the woods again!

Not far behind, a group of black shadows appeared like ghosts, shouting and shouting like they were driving away sheep.

A strong man in a large denim suit walked over to the body and pulled out the arrow that had shot through the head and was nailed to the tree.

The body fell to the ground.

The strong man stretched out his tongue and licked the blood on the tip of the arrow, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

A killer stood beside him, suppressing his inner discomfort, and asked with a smile:

“Mr. Becky, why don’t we just kill them all?

Isn't it too troublesome to chase them all over the mountains like this? "

The strong man turned his head and looked at him expressionlessly.

The killer's expression changed instantly. He quickly took a step back, bowed and said, "Billy will absolutely obey Mr. Becky's orders!"

Becky grinned, let out a sinister laugh, and said to him:

"Cute little Billy, you have to know that only after experiencing the greatest fear and high-intensity exercise can human skin shrink to the extreme.

At that time, if you take a bite of such meat, it will be the most fragrant and tough!

Otherwise, like the guy just now, the meat is too hard and cannot be torn off, and the taste is not good, which I don’t like. "

Billy felt like he was going to vomit!

It was also a little creepy, but he didn't dare to show any expression of disgust.

There is no way, the man next to me is the second-ranked ogre in the Killer League!

A veritable cannibal, who is not afraid of this?

Becky licked the blood at the corner of her mouth with her tongue and said to Billy:

"Remember, those three Chinese people must stay alive.

I'm going to use them to lure that Chen Xin'an up the mountain! "

On Black Hawk Island in the early morning, the streets were almost empty.

A modified Hummer sped past at lightning speed!

Chen Xin'an kept urging Xiao Zhang: "Old Xiao, hurry up!"

Luo Xiaoman and Li Qihe looked anxious and looked out the window.

Xiao Zhang almost stepped on the accelerator and felt the shortcomings of this car for the first time.

This damn speed just can't be increased, and it won't go up when it reaches 180!

Chen Xin'an's face was ferocious, and his eyes were staring in the direction of Foss Mountain.

Ogre, if you dare to hurt my brothers and friends, I will make you regret ever coming to this world!

The number of people around him kept decreasing, and Quinn's face became more and more gloomy.

Seeing the terrified expressions on the brothers' faces, Quinn simply stopped.

They are not good, and everyone has killed someone for various reasons.

They were all ruthless people who should have been punished with the death penalty.

So they should be the most terrifying people, but now they are like frightened birds!

If this continues, they will collapse!

Even if the enemy doesn't kill them, they will become cowardly trash.

Luo Qianhe also stopped, shook his head and said to everyone: "The situation is not right! The people behind are deliberately hanging us and trying to drive us deep into the jungle.

This is a trap, we can't go any further! "

Dao Lei frowned and said, "But it's even worse to stop. There are a lot of people in that group, and they are very experienced in killing people. Once we are completely surrounded, there is only one way to die!"

Quinn said to Luo Qianhe: "Let's stay here and fight with them. You can take this opportunity to go down the mountain!"

Luo Qianhe shook his head and refused: "No, it's too dangerous!"

Quinn frowned and looked at him and asked, "Do you have a better idea?"

Luo Qianhe was speechless.

Dao Lei turned around and asked, "What did he say?"

Luo Qianhe sighed and said: "He said he would stay with these people to hold off the pursuers. Let us go first!"

Dao Lei walked up to Quinn, patted his shoulder and gave him a thumbs up.

"Friend, if I see you again at the foot of the mountain in the future, I would like to have a few drinks with you!"

Luo Qianhe translated Dao Lei's words to Quinn.

Quinn didn't say anything, just nodded and said to him: "If we can't get down the mountain, please tell Chen Xin'an about us.

Let him tell Stilwell and our family will get paid! "

Dao Lei nodded vigorously.

Quinn waved his hand and said to him, "Let's go!"

Dao Lei did not delay, turned around and said to Luo Qianhe and Guo Zhaodi: "Let's go!"

"But they..." Luo Qianhe still couldn't bear it.

Dao Lei didn't give him a chance to look back. He took his arm and walked away and said:

"Pigeon, listen up!

If they can't stand it, I will.

I can't stand it anymore, so I need you to stand up and let Zhaodi find a way to get down the mountain.

Of the three of us, at least one must go out.

Tell An Geer what happened here, he will avenge us! "

Luo Qianhe quickly took out his mobile phone and took a look. Damn it, there was still no signal!

However, he also understood Dao Lei's words and knew that now was not the time to be indecisive. He nodded vigorously, turned to Guo Zhaodi and said:

"Zhao Di, you heard me. If you are the last one left, you must find a way to protect yourself and go down the mountain to find my senior brother!"

Before Guo Zhaodi could say anything, there was a shout from behind, followed by intensive gunshots!

The three of them also quickly quickened their pace, looking for a way down the mountain.

The sound of gunfire gradually became sparse, and the forest was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Countless corpses were lying on the ground.

Billy gritted his teeth and kicked Quinn one after another, cursing: "Damn bastard, you killed a dozen of my brothers!"

Quinn was covered in blood, sitting on the ground with his back against a big tree, his lungs were punctured, he was panting and muttering something, and spitting out blood foam from time to time.

But there was a disdainful smile on his face.

It's not a loss if you die this time, at least it's enough.

It turns out that these guys are not that scary. They will cry and scream in pain just like them when they are shot.

Becky was holding a sharp knife in her hand, picking her fingernails, looking at Quinn and saying expressionlessly: "Which direction are they going?"

Quinn said a few words, but her voice was too low to be heard.

"What the hell are you talking about!" Billy cursed, bent down, and put his ear to Quinn's mouth.

At this moment, Quinn, who was already seriously injured, didn't know where he got the strength. He hugged Billy, opened his mouth and bit his ear hard!

"Ah!" Billy screamed loudly and tried to push Quinn away, but he held him tightly.

He looked askance at Becky and shouted, "Help me!"

Becky seemed not to have heard anything, but her eyes were gleaming with excitement, and she stood motionless, watching the fun with interest.

Billy screamed and fumbled with his hands, finally finding the gun that had just fallen to the ground.

He put the muzzle of the gun against Quinn's chest, fired several times, and emptied the entire magazine!

Following Billy's shrill scream, Quinn finally tore off his ear, chewed it twice, then lowered his head and died.

Billy covered his head and rolled on the ground.

Becky looked at him expressionlessly, then kicked him and said, "Hurry up and chase those three people.

If they disappear, I'll eat your other ear too! "

Billy shivered in fright, but he still got up obediently, waved to his men, and stumbled into the woods.

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