Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2263 This is the real devil

Seeing the speed at which Dao Lei rushed over, Becky felt a little regretful.

Even if this guy is injured, his strength is higher than he imagined!

A sword carried the wind and stabbed Becky in the heart!

Dao Lei's ruthlessness and accuracy greatly exceeded Becky's expectations, so from the beginning, he chose to retreat!

But Dao Lei pressed forward step by step, giving him no chance to breathe!


After all, Becky accidentally made a move and was stabbed by Dao Lei.

However, his powerful muscles also saved his life. In addition, Dao Lei was injured, so he couldn't use his full strength, so the knife was stuck in his muscles.

At this moment, a killer next to him fired a shot. Dao Lei staggered and almost fell down, holding on to the big tree next to him.

His right leg was bleeding and his pants were instantly stained red.

But there was a mocking sneer on his face, and he stared at Becky with disdain.

Becky was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat. When she was stabbed, she had already broken her promise and pulled out the knife.

Seeing the sarcasm on Dao Lei's face, Becky felt ashamed.

He felt that he had never been so embarrassed as he was now!

This damn Chinese man was obviously seriously injured, and his bones were even broken by his punch, but he could still have such fast speed and movement. How did he do it?

The killer who shot just now shouted to Becky with a look of taking credit: "Mr. Becky, are you okay?

He actually hurt you!

Fortunately, I reacted quickly. I'll bandage it for you! "

Billy looked at the boy coldly and snorted.

He also wanted to curry favor with the top three figures in the Killer League.

But what do you mean by flattering me like this in front of me?

If you want to take pictures, I will take them!

The killer ran to Becky's side and diligently took out the cotton wool and gauze in his pocket.

When they perform tasks, there will be several people carrying some emergency medicine on them.

Although he is not a medic, he can still provide emergency treatment when he is injured.

But before he handed the thing to Becky, he was grabbed by the other party, and then a knife pierced his throat!

The surrounding killers' expressions changed with fear, and they all took a step back.

Becky ignored the blood splattered on her body, gritted her teeth and cursed:

“Damn bastard!

I said this person is my prey and I don’t need you to interfere!

Who asked you to shoot?

Do you think I can't beat him?

Stupid bastard, this is what you get for disobeying my orders! "

The unlucky killer probably didn't understand until his death that the flattery had cost him his own life, so he didn't close his eyes until he died.


The body was kicked to the ground. Becky wiped the blood stains on the knife in his hand on his chest a few times and said to Dao Lei: "Let's fight again. I know you can still fight!"

This time, he learned the lesson and did not put the knife back, but took it in his hand.

But the sarcasm on Dao Lei's face stung him deeply. That look was like looking at a clown!

You don't need to understand the other person's words to see the other person's contempt.

In embarrassment, Becky simply rushed over and cursed: "You damn pig, don't look at me like that!

do you know? I hate your eyes, I will dig them out and eat them later! "

Dao Lei could no longer stand, but he refused to fall down. He leaned his back against the big tree, looked at Becky who was rushing towards him, and coldly snorted and cursed:

"You bitch, come on! Grandpa dies here today, and you will be scratched and cramped by Brother An!"

He knew he wouldn't be able to survive today.

Because I was going up the mountain to collect herbs, I didn’t bring many weapons and ammunition with me, not even a small pineapple.

All that can be used now is the sword in his hand.

And he could feel that this opponent was very strong.

Even if he wasn't injured, the opponent would be superior to him in terms of strength.

Coupled with his physical strength, he basically had no hope of defeating this guy.

Being able to hurt him now is already earned.

Of course, if he is not physically injured, even if he is killed by this guy, it will make him uncomfortable, at least it will make him lie in bed for a few months!

But now, his physical strength is disappearing rapidly and he is on the verge of collapse!

Even so, Dao Lei did not abandon his sword and admit defeat.

There is no wimp in China who can run away without a fight!

He Dao Lei is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death!

If you want my life, you can!

Even before I die, I will bite you to let you know that Chinese people are not easy to mess with!

Seeing Becky swinging his knife, Dao Lei dodged to the side symbolically.

But it was obvious that the distance was not enough, and the knife slashed across Dao Lei's chest, cutting his coat, revealing the body armor underneath.

"Hahaha!" Becky laughed, as if she had found a balance point, looked at Dao Lei with mocking eyes and shouted: "I thought you were really not afraid of death, but it turns out you are wearing this!"

The kid he killed just now was smart enough to hit this guy's legs instead of his upper body.

Otherwise, I will be fooled again, thinking that if this guy gets seriously injured again, I might be tricked by him again!

From this point of view, I should really thank that guy.

It's a pity that in order to establish his authority, that unlucky guy became a victim and has already gone to see God!

Becky knew that this kind of body armor was just a vest, which could not protect other parts except the chest and back.

He swung the knife and slashed at Daolei again, this time the target was the opponent's neck!

Dao Lei raised his left arm, trying to block it with his arm.

A sneer appeared on Becky's lips, she was fooled! That's what I want you to do!

In the flash of lightning, his blade deflected, and with a thud, it pierced Dao Lei's armpit from bottom to top!

Dao Lei groaned and his body trembled.

A winner's smile appeared on Becky's face. Just when she was about to speak, the hand holding the knife was caught by the man's arm!

In this situation, the other party even dropped his arm, tightly clamping his knife and his hand.

At the same time, a cold light flashed before his eyes!

Becky was shocked and subconsciously turned her head to the side, but her nose felt a sharp pain!

The knife in the opponent's right hand was originally meant to stab him in the face.

Because Becky subconsciously turned his head to avoid it, a knife pierced his nose!

Just cut off his nose!

The severe pain made Becky scream loudly and take two steps back, without even pulling out the knife stuck in Daolei's arm!

"Fake! Fake!" Becky covered her nose with her hands, blood gushing out between her fingers.

He looked at Dao Lei, who was leaning against the tree and shaking, but refused to fall down, with a look of fear in his eyes.

Who the hell is this person?

This is the real devil, okay?

Why is the will to fight so strong!

Although he had been so seriously injured, why did he still have such terrible strength to fight back and hurt him!

Almost all those who died at his hands would suffer a mental breakdown in the moments before their death, and would kneel on the ground begging for his forgiveness.

But this damn Chinese man has no strength to even stand, but he is still fighting with him, as if he will always fall to the ground as long as he doesn't die!

Just like now, when Becky became angry and wanted to take revenge, the guy who could fall down with just one breath actually raised the bloody sword in his hand tremblingly again!

Becky was so angry that he took out his pistol, fired several shots at Dao Lei, and cursed: "Damn you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to eat you bite by bite!"

The bullet penetrated Dao Lei's body, breaking all of his legs, and his arms were also punched with several bullet holes.

He was finally unable to pick up the sword in his hand, nor could he support his body, and collapsed on the ground.

However, he still used his last bit of strength to keep his upper body leaning against the tree, standing tall!



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