Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2264 I must go back

It's almost dawn!

Chen Xin'an took Luo Xiaoman, Li Qi, and Xiao Zhang, and the four of them plunged into the Foss Mountain Forest.

"Ah Qi, explore the way!" Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi with a gloomy face: "Now our intercom system has been greatly restricted.

So just rely on the leaf flute I taught you to communicate. Once the situation is discovered, notify us as soon as possible! "

Li Di nodded and responded: "Yes!"

Turn around and enter the forest.

Luo Xiaoman said worriedly: "Old Chen, would you like me to accompany you..."

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "You can't keep up!"

"What?" Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened and he pointed in the direction where Li Qi disappeared and said, "I can't keep up with him?

Lao Chen, I feel uncomfortable with you being so fond of the new and hating the old!

Do you believe that if I fight Ah Qi now, I can overturn him with one hand? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, nodded and said, "Then go ahead! Come back when you hear the sound of the leaf flute!"

Luo Xiaoman snorted and said: "Don't worry, I will bring you all the pigeons intact later!"

"Gah!" screamed, and a flock of frightened birds flew around.

Luo Qianhe, who was carrying a large backpack, suddenly stopped and looked at his feet blankly.

Guo Zhaodi licked her lips, took his arm and asked, "Master, let's go. What's wrong?"

Luo Qianhe's eyes suddenly turned red. He threw his backpack on the ground, looked at Guo Zhaodi and said, "Zhaodi, keep walking forward. You should be going down the mountain soon. Don't stop!"

Guo Zhaodi hugged his arm and cried: "Master, what are you doing? You want to go back again, right? I won't let you go back!"

Luo Qianhe pointed to his ear and said: "I heard Da Leizi's scream! He has been captured, I have to go back to save him! Look here!"

He pointed to the stream at his feet.

Only then did Guo Zhaodi discover that there was a touch of red mixed in the gurgling stream.

That's blood!

Taking advantage of Guo Zhaodi's daze, Luo Qianhe freed her arm and pointed forward: "Go, don't look back!"

Seeing that Guo Zhaodi still wanted to speak, Luo Qianhe scolded with a straight face: "Did you not listen to Master's words?

Go down the mountain, see your uncle alive, and let him avenge us!

Don't listen to your brother Lei, even if you are caught, you must keep your life.

Remember, only life is the most precious, Master lets you live! "

After saying that, he took out his pistol, turned and left.

"Master..." Guo Zhaodi cried out with tears in her eyes.

Seeing Luo Qianhe waving his hand with his back to her, he couldn't help biting his lip, bent down and picked up the backpack that his master had thrown on the ground, turned around and left.

Blood dripped from mid-air to his feet, hitting the thick fallen leaves.

Becky pulled out the syringe and threw it aside, looking at Dao Lei who was hanging in the air with a grin on his face.

"You want to die, don't you?

I won't let you succeed so easily!

This adrenaline hormone is enough to keep you alive, I want you to try my methods! "

Because he was laughing, the wound on his nose was even more painful. Becky cursed angrily:

"Damn it, you cut my nose off!"

Thinking that he would become a noseless person in the future, even though he usually didn't pay much attention to appearance, he felt a little annoyed.

He gritted his teeth and pulled out the knife from Daolei's arm.

Dao Lei groaned and spat out a mouthful of blood at him!

"You bastard!" Becky was so angry that she almost went crazy.

Why is this guy so hard to give in?

Now that he has become like this, he still dares to attack him.

After wiping the stains on her face, Becky gritted her teeth and looked at Dao Lei. She originally wanted to take revenge and cut off his nose.

But now I am really afraid that this guy will bite him again and bite his finger off, which will be too much!

But just because you don’t cut something, doesn’t mean you can’t torture him!

"Tell me, where did those two people go?" Becky asked through gritted teeth as the blade slowly moved across Dao Lei's body.

Dao Lei couldn't understand what he was saying, but he could understand what he wanted to know. A contemptuous sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he opened his mouth in a spitting gesture.

Becky subconsciously wanted to dodge, but she heard the sneer from the hanging guy.

He also understood that the other party was actually just playing tricks on him.

In a rage, Becky cut off the tendon of Dao Lei's left hand with a knife!

Dao Lei, who was stabbed through the armpit, let out a scream and his body twisted extremely.

With an excited grin on her face, Becky picked the wound a few times with the tip of the knife, then stretched out her hand, pinched it with two fingers, and pulled out a white ligament!

Such severe pain is unbearable for human beings. It is as strong as a knife and thunder, and one cannot help but scream loudly!

Even when he was hung up, his body showed strange distortions, and blood was falling from the air like rain.

Becky took out a knife, cut the ligament directly, stuffed it into her mouth, and started chewing it.

Billy's group of people's scalps were numb when they looked at it, their faces were all pale, and they felt nauseous.

But Becky laughed loudly and yelled at Dao Lei with a bloody mouth: "Tell me where they are!"

"You foreign beast! I rely on your whole family!" Dao Lei cursed piercingly, and several of his teeth were bitten into pieces by him. With his mouth full of blood, he spat on Becky's head!

Becky was not angry either, but his expression was even more ferocious. He walked to the right side of Dao Lei and did the same to his right arm!

The shrill screams resounded in the forest again. Billy and the others were horrified to see it, but they seemed to be somewhat used to it. Instead of being nauseated just now, they started to get excited.

Dao Lei, who was covered in blood like a gourd, had been put down and was lying on the ground.

Big muscles had been shaved off all of his limbs, and excessive bleeding had left his face a scary gray-white color.

Billy took out another adrenaline shot and wanted to inject Dao Lei.

Now they are gradually turning into beasts and enjoying the excitement brought by blood!

It turns out that torturing someone can be so fun!

Becky pushed him away and shook her head.

At this moment, Dao Lei had only one breath left, and even an injection of adrenaline would not work.

He lifted Dao Lei's head, and now even if he put his hand on this guy's mouth, he didn't have the strength to bite it.

"Tell me which direction those two people went, and I can give you a happy surprise!"

"I'm here!" One person shouted, rushed out, and pulled the trigger on everyone!

With two screams, the two killers were knocked to the ground.

Becky turned around and ran towards the big tree next to her!

Luo Qianhe glanced at Dao Lei in the pool of blood on the ground, his heart ached like a knife, and he cursed with red eyes: "You bastards, I will join your ancestors!"

Like crazy, he rushed after Becky, shooting as he ran!

Becky quickly hid behind a big tree, took out his pistol, and shot Luo Qianhe.

The bullet hit Luo Qianhe's chest, and the huge inertia made his body pause for a moment, but the next second, he rushed towards Becky again, as if he was completely risking his life!

A killer looked at the crazy Luo Qianhe not far away, picked up a pistol and pointed it at his head. Just as he was about to shoot, he was pushed by Billy beside him.

The killer then remembered the fate of his previous companions and quickly lowered his gun. It was better not to meddle in other people's business!

Seeing the man opposite him rushing over despite being shot, Becky knew that he was wearing a bulletproof vest just like the kid just now!

Seeing that the man had rushed over, Becky sneered, stretched out the muzzle of the gun from behind the tree, aimed at Luo Qianhe's legs, and fired two shots!

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