Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2265 Let’s play a game

With a scream, Luo Qianhe fell to the ground!

He has superb medical skills, but his combat prowess is very average.

In front of a top killer, he was as vulnerable as a child.

Looking at the bloody gourd-like sword and thunder not far away, Luo Qianhe's heart was as sharp as a knife, and he cried out sadly: "Big Leizi! I'm sorry, I'm useless, I can't save you!"

The dying Dao Lei on the ground squirmed, turned his head with difficulty, and looked at his brother.

"Geve, don't, don't cry! I'm sorry, it's my company that's hurting you! Shoot, let's send our brother away..."

Luo Qianhe's tears remained. He had already seen the injuries on Dao Lei's body. They were too serious!

Even if he and Chen Xin'an join forces, they probably won't be able to bring Dao Lei back from hell!

Now death could really make him suffer less.

But this is his brother, and Luo Qianhe can't get down even with a gun!


A knife was inserted into Luo Qianhe's gun-holding shoulder, almost penetrating his entire body.

Luo Qianhe screamed again and dropped the pistol to the ground.

Becky came over with a sinister smile on her face, grabbed the handle of the knife, and pulled hard.

Amidst Luo Qianhe's miserable screams, his entire body was dragged forward by the knife inserted on his shoulder, and he lay face to face with Dao Lei!

Becky squatted down, looked at Luo Qianhe with a ferocious smile, and said in a hoarse voice:

"I know that your relationship with that Chen Xin'an is not simple, so don't worry, you won't die for the time being.

I'm going to use you to get Chen Xin'an up the mountain, and I'm going to kill you in front of him. That would be fun!

Now I kill this guy in front of you, do you think it’s fun? "

He laughed wildly, but the cut off nose was involved in the wound, and he cried out in pain.

He hated Dao Lei even more in his heart. He suddenly hugged Dao Lei's head with both hands, pulled him up, opened his mouth and bit off one of his ears!

Dao Lei was already dying, and at this time he didn't even have the strength to scream. He just twisted his body in pain, closed his eyes, and passed out.

Becky let go of his hands, his mouth full of blood was crunching and his ears were broken, and he said to Luo Qianhe with a ferocious expression:

"How about it, do you want to eat it? Can I rip off the other ear and give it to you?"

"Beast! You are such a beast! If you dare, kill me! Senior brother will help us take revenge!"

Becky burst out laughing, gritted her teeth and said, "I'm waiting for him to avenge you, this is the purpose of my going up the mountain!

I will eat him up in front of you!

This person's meat must be very delicious, very delicious!

I can't help but drool now! "

He spat out the meat residue in his mouth, looked at Dao Lei with a look of disgust and said, "Unlike this guy, the meat is old and hard and not tasty at all! You are no longer useful, go to hell!"

While speaking, he grabbed Dao Lei's hair with his left hand, lifted his head up, and slashed Dao Lei's neck with the knife in his right hand!

"No! Da Leizi!" Luo Qianhe cried heartbreakingly.

Seeing blood gushing out of Dao Lei's throat and his whole body shaking in pain, a look of relief appeared on his face.

"Ah!" Luo Qianhe gritted his teeth and yelled. He didn't know where the strength came from. He suddenly rolled his body and picked up the pistol that had fallen on the ground!

Becky didn't expect that this guy, who looked so weak and so injured, could move so fast and get the gun!

The next second, Luo Qianhe's gun was pointed at Becky's body and he fired three shots!

After two bangs, Becky was knocked to the ground!

But the third shot was empty because there were no bullets in the magazine!

But this result is not bad, at least Da Leizi has been avenged!

Seeing Dao Lei lying in a pool of blood, completely lifeless, Luo Qianhe shed tears.

He was just about to crawl over and close his brother's eyes when he heard a voice not far away that sounded like it came from hell.

"Why don't you hit me on the head?

That would really kill me!

Fortunately, your friend was wearing a large body armor. It looked good to me, so I took it off for him and put it on me.

Don't tell me, it fits quite well! "

Becky sat up from the ground, rubbed her chest, shook her head and cursed:

"Although I have tasted this feeling many times, I still have to say, it really hurts!"

Luo Qianhe had a look of despair on his face. He never dreamed that this bastard was actually wearing Dalei Zi's body armor!

It was because of his poor marksmanship that he didn't dare to shoot because he was not sure he could hit.

Luo Qianhe hurriedly went to change the bullet, but it was difficult for him to complete the seemingly simple action now. His right arm was injured and he couldn't move at all!

Becky had already stood up, walked up to him calmly, kicked the pistol away, then raised her foot and pressed it on Luo Qianhe's right shoulder wound, gritting her teeth and grinning ferociously!

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't use it!

I really hate you Chinese people, you are like cockroaches that cannot be killed!

Every time I feel like you are powerless to resist, yet every time I scare you almost to death!

You idiots, don’t you know pain and aren’t afraid of death? "

As he pressed harder, the severe pain made Luo Qianhe unbearable. He screamed loudly and kept cursing:

"My senior brother will help me take revenge! Bastard, you will die miserably! You are just a beast! No human being would do this..."

Becky nodded, looked at Luo Qianhe and said, "You are right, Chen Xin'an came back to seek revenge from me.

No matter you are alive or dead, he will come anyway if he knows what is going on here!

So, tell me now, what is the use of your life?

It's better to be eaten by me like your friend!

Of course, you won't die so easily.

In fact, what I like most is not eating people, but playing with them and torturing them before eating them.

I enjoy the way they fearfully beg me for mercy before they die!

Let's make a bet. How many minutes will it take for you to beg me for mercy? "

He turned his head and said to Billy and others who were laughing and watching the fun: "Hang him up too, and I'll give you something more exciting!"

A group of killers are people who are used to seeing blood.

All the previous discomforts were simply caused by seeing Becky eating human flesh.

But the more you see it, the more you get used to it.

The rich blood here now stimulates their central nervous system.

Each one became more crazy and bold, running over laughing and joking, trying to pull Luo Qianhe up from the ground.

At this moment, there was a loud gunshot, and a killer standing in front of Becky had his head split open and fell down!

Everyone was confused and didn't understand what happened.

But Becky fell down and rolled behind a tree, shouting loudly: "Damn it! That guy is here, get down!"

Only then did a group of killers react and fled in all directions!

The gunfire continued, one shot after another.

Every bullet hits a killer.

"God, where is he? Has anyone seen him?"

"It doesn't look like you're alone? It's everywhere! Are we surrounded?"

"Run quickly! Hide first! These people are so accurate with their marksmanship, they can't show their heads!"

After all, he was a well-trained killer who had seen the market, so he quickly hid it.

It's just that they underestimated their opponent's marksmanship.

Someone even showed up, preparing to take a look at the enemy's position, when a bullet fired from an unknown source killed him with a headshot!

But Becky suddenly appeared and fired, shouting: "Behind the big rock over there!"

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