Knowing the opponent's location, a group of gunmen also showed up and opened fire.

Bullets rained down, covering a big rock ten meters away, causing stone fragments to fly everywhere!

Li Qi was pressed behind the stone and couldn't lift his head.

The opponent is outnumbered and he is dangerous alone.

But at this moment, there was a burst of gunfire not far away. Chen Xin'an and others had heard the gunfire and came over!

With an angry look on his face, Luo Xiaoman followed Chen Xin'an and said, "Old Chen, don't think that I really can't catch up with Ah Qi!

This isn't a race, I just don't want to spend Li Qi's money on useless things.

If you don’t believe it, after we found Pigeon and the others, Aqi and I had a serious competition. He was definitely not as fast as me! "

Chen Xin'an shook her head helplessly, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I know you are the fastest!

The fastest man in the world is none other than you! "

Luo Xiaoman frowned, looked at Chen Xin'an sideways and said, "Why doesn't this sound like a good word to me?"

At this moment, gunfire came from the front!

Chen Xin'an suddenly raised his head and said seriously: "Aqi has found them, go and pick them up!"

Everyone immediately rushed towards the direction of the gunfire!

They were about to surround and annihilate the gunman, but a group of killers shouted excitedly.

But at this moment, intensive gunshots rang out, and the two killers at the front were beaten into pieces before they could react!

The remaining people were so frightened that they fled in all directions. Seeing that Becky had run away, they all followed closely!

Chen Xin'an and the others met with Li Qi, and all the killers around them had disappeared.

A red flare flew into the sky.

Chen Xin'an said to the three of them: "Quickly take a look at the injuries of Pigeon and the others, and then go down the mountain immediately!"

When the four of them stood in front of Luo Qianhe, they all shrank in their hearts!

Seeing Chen Xin'an, Luo Qianhe, who was already on the verge of coma, cheered up and burst into tears: "Senior brother..."

Chen Xin'an took out the silver needle and said while giving him the needle: "Don't be afraid, senior brother is here!

It's okay, it's safe now. Senior brother will take you back.

Senior brother will kill anyone who hurts you to avenge you! "

Luo Qianhe shook his head, looked in the direction of Dao Lei's body, and cried: "Brother, I'm sorry! Dalei Zi..."

Following his line of sight, everyone turned their heads and looked at the body in the pool of blood.

If it hadn't been for his reminder, no one would have noticed that this corpse turned out to be Dao Lei!

From head to toe, there was almost no complete spot on his body!

Chen Xin'an gently put down Luo Xiaoman, stood up and walked slowly towards Dao Lei.

He stood next to the corpse, bent his knees, and knelt on the ground.

He gently held Dao Lei's head with both hands and held him in his arms. He didn't say anything, just held him tightly like this.

Luo Xiaoman, Li Qi, and Xiao Zhang also knelt beside them, with tears streaming down their faces.

Before coming to the Eagle Flag Country, everyone knew that this trip was not safe and could be said to be going deep into the tiger's den.

So everyone is mentally prepared, maybe they won’t be able to go back.

But at this moment when his brother died in front of him, everyone's heartache was really unspeakable.

The moment Chen Xin'an gently put down the sword and turned around, everyone's hearts trembled!

At this moment, his eyes were blood red, and the color of his pupils could hardly be seen!

All brothers know that once Chen Xin'an's anger reaches the extreme and murderous intent emerges, his eyes will turn red and bloodshot.

But no one has ever seen his eyes completely turn into blood pupils like this!

"Aqi, follow me! Aman and Lao Xiao, take care of Pigeon and Da Leizi here!"

"Got it!" everyone responded.

Even Luo Xiaoman, who had always been dissatisfied with the assignment, now honestly agreed.

Because he knows that Chen Xin'an at this moment must not be disobedient, let alone irritated!

King Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi next to him in the direction where Becky had just escaped: "Remember, I want to live!"

"Understood!" Li nodded.

Does the main criminal want to live, or does everyone want to live?

Should we chase separately or cooperate with each other?

Li Qi didn't even ask. He only knew that the boss issued combat orders and he just had to carry them out.

"Follow me!" Chen Xin'an said, then rushed forward, followed closely by Li Qi.

It wasn't until this moment that Li Qi truly realized how terrifying the boss's strength was!

He is the Soldier King of Patrolling Eagle, and he considers himself to be top-notch in all military qualities.

Even if he faced Luo Xiaoman, who had internal strength, once he entered the forest, Li Qi would be sure that he would not be able to touch the corners of his clothes.

I originally thought that although the boss was powerful, he only stayed in the Black Mountain Tiger for three months, and he could not display his full strength in the mountains and forests.

But now I know that his familiarity with this terrain is almost instinctive!

He is even more flexible than a monkey. You will never guess what he will do next second, but his speed is beyond your reach and you cannot catch up!

Billy stopped after Becky and said breathlessly: "Mr. Becky, there seem to be only three or four of them. We don't need to be afraid of them, right?"

Becky kicked him and said coldly: "Afraid of him? Who do I need to be afraid of?

In this world, only others are afraid of me, and there is no one worthy of my fear! "

Billy nodded quickly and said: "Mr. Becky is right, but I said the wrong thing.

But why should we run? "

Becky snorted and said: "Idiot! This is the alliance's decision, I can only obey it!

You losers just need to stay with me and help me, and you don’t have to worry about the rest! "

"Yes!" Billy had no temper at all.

But at this moment, there was a gunshot, and the bullet grazed his face and hit Becky in the chest!

Billy was so frightened that his hair stood on end!

This shot was just a little easier, and his head blossomed!

Becky yelled and stepped back, but kept firing the pistol around, shouting: "Stop him! Don't let him come!"

Billy had a headache.

I really want to stop him, but where is he?

The pursuit was too fast. Just after resting here for a while, the opponent had already caught up!


A shot was fired into Billy's shoulder, causing him to step back two steps, look up following the sound of the gunshot, and shout, "Damn it, he's in the three o'clock tree!"

Everyone looked up and saw a black shadow flashing past like a ghost.

Although they knew it was useless, everyone still fired at him in a flurry.

Sure enough, apart from a bunch of fallen branches and fallen leaves, it didn't hit a single hair on anyone's body.

But it was met with a burst of gunfire!

The killers around him screamed.

The opponent obviously had a single point, but it had a continuous effect.

And every shot hit a killer, but none of them were fatal!

Li Qi ran and jumped quickly in the forest, constantly changing his position.

Relying on the support and cover of trees, keep shooting at the enemy.

There are more than a dozen killers on the other side, and they have an absolute advantage in numbers.

But in Li Qi's eyes, these people did not pose much of a threat at all.

They don't even have decent tactics, they are just a bunch of rabble.

If it weren't for the boss who wanted to live, it probably wouldn't have taken more than three minutes for him to take out a dozen of them by himself!

Becky saw Li Qi turning sideways, and it was a good opportunity for him to deal with this guy!

As soon as he raised his hand, the muzzle of the gun was pointed at Li Qi's head, but before he could shoot, a cold light flashed, and a cloud of blood spattered on the back of his hand holding the gun!

Becky looked down and saw that it was a steel needle!

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