Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2267 It’s the best to hit you like this

Although it was a needle, it had almost completely disappeared into his palm!

What weapon did the other party use? Could it be a nail gun?

Chen Xin'an walked out from behind the tree with an expressionless face, completely ignoring the fighting around him.

He just stared at Becky indifferently and asked in a deep voice: "Are you the ogre?"

Becky couldn't understand what he said and just frowned at the man who kept walking in.

This is Chen Xin'an!

Although Becky had seen the photo, even if he hadn't seen it, he could still recognize the guy with red eyes at a glance. He was the one who brought down the Killer Alliance!

Because only such a person can be worthy of his fierce and murderous aura!


This is a decent opponent!

A sly smile appeared on Becky's face, she put the back of her hand to her mouth, bit the butt of the steel needle, pulled it out with one grit of her teeth, and spit it on the ground!

"Your friend was killed by me. Did you see what he looked like when he died? Are you satisfied?

And your junior brother will also become a useless person in the future.

No, it should be a dead person!

Once you've arrived, you can no longer go down the mountain!

Because this is the purpose of leading you up the mountain!

idiot! Now that you have chosen the Killer Alliance, you still dare to let your own people come here. You really don’t take us seriously!

I know you can't understand what I'm saying, but I still want to tell you.

Do you know that you are going to die?

A dragnet has been laid here.

The killer troops have assembled, and we can do whatever we want on the Forth Mountain!

You and your brothers will all die!

But the way you die is different from theirs, you will be eaten by me!

Hahaha! "

Seeing Becky's wild laughter, Chen Xin'an said coldly: "I don't know whether I will die or not, but you will definitely die first! Just before that bullshit killer army arrives!"

Becky's smile suddenly froze on her face, and she looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief with her eyes wide open.

The other party actually said what he just said in Eagle Flag Language!

He can actually understand and speak!

Chen Xin'an asked Li Niandong to learn foreign languages ​​for more than just talk.

It's true that he can't speak, but it's not that he can't say a word.

In addition, during the period when he came to the Eagle Flag Country, he was in such an environment. He was passively or actively learning foreign languages ​​every day.

So even without a translator, it is not difficult for him to communicate simply with the locals.

Of course the accent was weird and it sounded awkward, so he would rather let the translator do it.

But now, who cares about the accent!

"Then it depends on whether you have the ability to kill me!" Becky shouted angrily and quickly handed the gun in his right hand to his left hand!

As a top killer, shooting with both hands is a basic requirement.

But Chen Xin'an was faster than him. The moment he changed his gun, he flicked his right hand!

As Becky screamed, a steel needle was inserted into the base of the index finger of his left hand!

Looking at the steel needle on his finger, it actually penetrated into the gap between his finger joints, almost nailing his right hand and the gun together!

Becky had an incredibly shocked expression on her face.

This guy didn't use a nail gun, but relied entirely on his hand strength!

How did he do that?

This kind of injury is actually not serious, it's just very painful. For people like Becky, it doesn't take it seriously at all.

But it can affect his strength, making him unable to hold the gun or pull the trigger!

Becky gritted his teeth and wanted to use another finger to shoot, but when he saw Chen Xin'an waving his hands continuously, a cold light hit his face!

"Ah!" Becky screamed repeatedly and kept retreating.

Several steel needles were inserted into both of his hands and the door, almost each one piercing half an inch!

Fortunately, it didn't hit his eyes, otherwise he would have become blind now!

"Damn you!" Becky simply threw away the gun in his hand and pulled out the sharp knife.

Holding a knife is obviously harder than holding a gun and pulling the trigger.

Looking at this opponent who was half a head shorter than him, Becky was like a brown bear, howling and rushing over, and stabbed Chen Xin'an in the neck with the sharp knife in his hand!

For a top killer, if you want to kill a person, you have to kill him with one strike and attack the most effective part.

The neck is the most fragile, without the protection of bones. Once it is hit hard, the opponent will lose resistance immediately!

If it were anyone else, Becky wouldn't want to kill him with one hit.

Before letting the other party die, torturing them, listening to their screams, their courage shattered, and painfully begging for mercy in front of him, that was the most satisfying thing for him.

But now the opponent is Chen Xin'an, the guy who killed many elite assassins who went to China to perform missions and destroyed the headquarters of the Killer Alliance!

If anyone dares to have fun with this guy, he is simply seeking death!

The best way to deal with this person is to kill him as soon as possible, or completely make him lose his fighting ability!

Just as the tip of the knife was about to pierce the opponent's neck, the opponent's figure disappeared before his eyes!

Becky secretly screamed that something was wrong and quickly backed away, but it was already too late!

A heavy elbow hit him directly in the face!

"Ah!" Becky screamed loudly. A part of the steel needle on her face was still exposed, but it was completely smashed in by this elbow!

Becky stumbled back, shielding her face with her hands.

But Chen Xin'an followed him like a shadow, hitting Becky's head with heavy punches one after another.

At first, Becky wanted to put her arms over her head to reduce the intensity of the opponent's attack.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's fist was so powerful that it was beyond imagination. The fist hit his arm and then hit his own head hard.

The sharp steel needle not only penetrated his head, but also stabbed his arms densely with blood spots!

Even so, the opponent's fists still fell on his head and body like a heavy rain!

Becky felt his consciousness blur. Such punches destroyed his resistance, broke both of his arms, and made him sit on the ground!

Looking at his arms hanging down, Chen Xin'an did not stop, and a pair of iron fists continued to fall on his head!

"Do you know why I only use needles instead of guns and knives? Because it's the best way to fight!"

Chen Xin'an looked gloomy, stopped attacking, looked at Becky whose head was swollen like a pig's head, and said coldly.

But Becky took advantage of the moment when he stopped, suddenly summoned all the strength in her body, turned around and ran away!

But as soon as he stood up, Chen Xin'an rushed over and kicked him in the thigh!

With a scream, Becky's left leg was broken!

In the surrounding forest, seven or eight killers were already lying down, and a few others turned around and ran away when they saw that the situation was not good!

Li Qi didn't chase them, he just took apart all the guns of these people on the ground.

Chen Xin'an walked over, pulled up Becky's broken left leg, and said to Li Qi: "Let them follow and go back to where they were!"

Because Chen Xin'an administered the needle, Luo Qianhe's wound no longer bleeds.

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang have been busy, holding swords in their hands, cutting trees and making stretchers nearby.

No one spoke, but everyone's face was still full of tears.

A man doesn't shed tears easily.

Even though these men were beaten all over and their lives were hanging by a thread, they never shed a single tear.

But the brothers in need who had known each other day and night were now dead in front of them, and they died so miserably. Everyone's heart was filled with guilt and deep sorrow!

The stretcher had just been prepared, and Chen Xin'an and Li Qi had already returned.

Becky was dragged all the way, her back was bruised and there was no good piece of meat, and she could no longer scream.

After being thrown to the ground in a daze, he braced himself up and looked at the familiar surroundings and the body on the ground. He knew that he was doomed this time.

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