Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2268 I’ll let you eat enough

It was obvious that Chen Xin'an wanted to kill his dead brother in front of him and avenge him!

Becky curled her lips and said to Chen Xin'an with disdain: "Chen Xin'an, even if you kill me, you can't escape from Forth Mountain!

It’s enough for me to repay the five of you by myself!

Come on, shoot me to death!

What are you still hesitating about?

Don't you want to avenge your brother?

As if she hadn't heard anything, Chen Xin'an squatted beside him and took out a steel needle from his body.

Before Becky could react, Chen Xin'an started injecting needles into him.

After two injections, Becky felt the blood in her body speed up, and the sound of the flow seemed to be heard by her own ears!

Chen Xin'an was minding her own business and injected five needles into his head. Becky's whole body started to tremble, and blood spurted out from her mouth and nose. It took ten seconds for her to calm down.

"I heard that you like to eat people?" Chen Xin'an looked at Becky coldly and said, "I will let you eat as much as you want today!"

Becky gasped for breath, and the smell of blood in his mouth made him feel very uncomfortable.

Now I feel like my eyes can see things more clearly than usual, and the sounds I hear seem to be clearer.

The whole person's perception is much stronger than before, and even the pain from the wound is sharper than before!

What does this guy want to do?

Becky knew that the longer the other party refused to kill him, the less merciless he would be.

So he must keep irritating the other party and make the other party kill him!

As a killer, life and death have long been indifferent. He has never been afraid of death.

"What, you want to cut off your own flesh and give it to me?

I just told them that your meat must be delicious!

My mouth is drooling now, I can't wait to bite you right away!

Your brother's meat is not delicious. The skin is too thick and the meat is too hard. Only the ears are crispy! "

"Son of a bitch!" Luo Qianhe cursed through gritted teeth, but Becky burst into laughter.

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang stared at him and asked, "Pigeon, what is this bastard talking about? I'll kill him now!"

Chen Xin'an stood up expressionlessly and said to Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang: "Hel Da Leizi up and lean against the tree over here!"

"Ah?" Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang were both stunned for a moment.

Dao Lei has been...

But since Chen Xin'an gave the order, the two of them could only do it.

Now that Dao Lei has not yet developed rigor mortis, Luo Qianhe and Xiao Zhang carefully placed him under the big tree not far from Becky.

Have him lean against a tree in a sitting position with his eyes still open.

Chen Xin'an turned his head, looked at Dao Lei with red eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Brother, look clearly!"

He squatted in front of Becky and pulled out the sword. With the cold light flashing and squeaking sounds, Becky's coat had been cut into pieces, revealing the body armor underneath.

"Damn it, this is Dalei Zi's bulletproof vest!" Luo Xiaoman was anxious, rushed over and took off his clothes.

Chen Xin'an did not stop him. When Luo Xiaoman left with the body armor, he tore off Becky's long-sleeved T-shirt, revealing a strong body with black hair.

Becky sneered and said to Chen Xin'an: "How about it? I'm stronger than you, right? Are you envious?

I never thought you, a guy, would be interested in men!

Come on, I'll play with you, who's at the bottom and who's at the top? "

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything, she just drew a slash on Becky's chest with her sword!

"Ah!" Becky yelled, her senses now sharper than usual, and the pain of this knife was stronger than usual.

But it was still within his tolerance.

He glared at Chen Xin'an with a ferocious smile and cursed: "That's it? I just didn't deal with your brother so softly!

See that hole in his face? I tore it off directly with my teeth, no need for a knife! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, then no need for a knife!"

Sure enough, he stuck the sword on the ground, stretched out his hands, inserted the tips of his fingers into the wound, and then pushed it to both sides!

Becky's eyes almost bulged out of pain, and she screamed loudly!

It's a pity that he can't move his body and can only lie upright like this!

Chen Xin'an ignored it at all, picked up a piece of flesh with his hand, and with a click, it tore off a large strip like a rag!

"Oh! You damn bastard!" Becky roared, her whole body tightened at this moment, blood spurted out, and the wound was twitching visibly to the naked eye!

Chen Xin'an stuffed the piece of bloody meat into Becky's mouth and said in a deep voice: "Eat it!"

Becky wanted to turn around and avoid it, but she couldn't move at all!

He could only close his teeth and not let Chen Xin'an succeed.

But Chen Xin'an didn't panic, stretched out his hand, pinched a steel needle on his head and turned it several times.

Becky felt the pain intensify instantly, opened his mouth wide and screamed, and Chen Xin'an stuffed the meat directly into his mouth!

"If you dare to spit it out, I will make you endure ten times more pain than this!

And you won't die, or even faint, you can only experience this pain clearly! "

His eagle flag language is not standard, but as long as the other party can understand the meaning, it will be fine.

Becky's face was full of pain and anger and hatred, but she didn't dare to disobey Chen Xin'an, so she could only swallow the piece of meat in big mouthfuls!

After all, it was his own flesh, and he didn't have the courage to chew it.

But if you don’t chew it, you won’t be able to swallow such a large piece of meat!

He could only chew it bit by bit and swallow it hard!

But at this moment, there was a squeaking sound, and Chen Xin'an tore off another piece of him!

The unbearable pain made him open his mouth, and just as he was about to scream, Chen Xin'an slapped his mouth, and the piece of meat was forced directly into his throat!

In order to prevent herself from choking to death, Becky could only stretch her neck and swallow it in big mouthfuls, and finally swallowed the whole piece of meat!

But the next second, a bloody piece of meat with a fishy smell was stuffed into his mouth again!

The bloody scene made the killers around them afraid to look directly.

They were all injured and were forced back by Li Qi with a gun. Now they no longer had the courage to even stand.

Some of them were so upset that they felt like they were about to vomit.

Chen Xin'an looked at them expressionlessly and said to Li Qi: "Let them all come over!"

Li Qi kicked Billy and motioned for him to take the lead.

Billy's face was pale, one arm and one leg were shot, and he limped forward two steps.

Li Qi kicked the wound on his leg. The pain caused him to scream, and he quickened his pace and walked to Chen Xin'an.

Following Becky's screams, Chen Xin'an cut off a piece of flesh from Becky's arm with a knife and cut it into strips in front of everyone.

Then he handed it to Billy and the others and said coldly: “Pigeon, you are better than me.

Tell them, eat it, or I'll make them suffer like this ogre! "

As a disciple of ancient medicine, Luo Qianhe was used to seeing blood and dead people.

But seeing the scene in front of him, he still felt a little sick.

But he will not organize his senior brother to continue, because his good brother was tortured to death by these beasts!

He translated Chen Xin'an's words to the killers.

The killers had a look of fear on their faces, but they didn't dare to refuse.

Because they know that the person in front of them can do what they say!

He's scarier than an ogre!

Holding back the nausea that made them want to vomit, everyone swallowed the raw meat in their mouths.

But what makes them all collapse is that this is not just a piece of food!

Chen Xin'an either cuts it with a knife or tears it with her hands.

Just like this, most of the flesh on Becky's chest and arms was cut off!

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