He himself is an inheritor of ancient medicine, so he naturally knows how to avoid fatal places.

Coupled with the help of steel needles to stop the bleeding, Becky is still conscious until now, and there is no consequence of excessive blood loss!

But this is what Becky fears the most!

He wished he could die now so he wouldn't have to endure such pain!

It's just obvious that Chen Xin'an doesn't want him to die.

Even when he saw that he couldn't hold on anymore, he would use his medical skills to save him!

The killers around them all collapsed!

They had vomited many times, but the demon showed no mercy.

After they finish vomiting, the bloody meat strips will be forced into their mouths again!

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang thought they would not be able to stand it anymore and would vomit.

But when they saw Dao Lei's body, their eyes turned red, and they suppressed their inner discomfort.

When dealing with animals, you cannot treat them as the same kind.

No matter how cruel the method is, it is all as it should be!

It was daylight, and Becky was now almost inhuman.

You can see the beating of his heartbeat under his skin with the naked eye, and it looks very scary.

He no longer expected to live, he just wanted to die immediately.

But just such a wish is still difficult to come true!

If you ask him what he regrets most in his life, he will definitely say without hesitation that he ended up offending Chen Xin'an!

Even if he had shot Chen Xin'an's two friends to death, he would not have incurred such terrible revenge from this guy!

He thought he was perverted enough and scary enough.

Now I know that this Chen Xin'an is a thousand times more perverted than him! Ten thousand times more terrifying than him!

If he could take the regret medicine, he wouldn't dare to provoke this devil!

He will stay away from this for the rest of his life, the further away the better!

"Let me go!" Becky didn't even have the strength to speak loudly, so she just begged in a low voice: "Give me a pleasure! I beg you!"

Chen Xin'an remained unmoved and just cut the flesh on his body expressionlessly.

Becky burst into tears and kept begging Chen Xin'an.

The killers all looked at this scene in shock.

They had never seen the arrogant ogre be so vulnerable.

But it was already very powerful. If it were them, they wouldn't have been able to hold on for so long and they would have knelt down and begged for mercy!

"Old Chen, look!" Luo Xiaoman suddenly shouted, his eyes fixed on Dao Lei who was sitting with his back against the big tree.

Chen Xin'an turned her head and took a look.

Dao Lei, who was originally glaring angrily, has closed his eyes at this moment!

Luo Qianhe said in a trembling voice: "Senior brother, that's enough!"

A dog barked in the distance.

Chen Xin'an nodded, and wiped his bloody hands and the knife clean on Becky's body.

He stood up, picked up the assault rifle on the ground, and turned on the safety.

Becky sighed, closed her eyes, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Come on!"

He knew that the killer troops had arrived, but he didn't want to continue living at all.

Even if he was not a doctor, he knew that his current injuries could not be saved at all.

Moreover, it would be even more undignified for those bastards to see him in this miserable state.

The next second, intensive gunshots rang out!

But Becky was still conscious, and it seemed like not a single bullet had landed on him!

When he opened his eyes, he found that he had not been shot, but Billy and his gang had all turned into sieves!

Because at first it was just Chen Xin'an who was shooting, but later it became everyone shooting together!

After beating all the killers to death, Chen Xin'an walked up to Luo Qianhe and said, "Let's go, I'll carry you on my back, junior brother!"

He carried Luo Qianhe on his back, Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang placed Dao Lei's body on the prepared stretcher, Li Qi explored the way in front, and everyone left together.

"Kill me! Kill me!" Becky lay on the ground in panic, screaming in distress.

But everyone ignored him.

Becky became anxious and yelled: "Chen Xin'an, you useless coward!

Don’t you even have the courage to kill me?

Don't you want to take complete revenge on your brother?

Do you think you can escape?

I just sent a signal and a dragnet has been set up here!

Even if you are lucky enough to jump out, you can't escape Medusa's pursuit!

He is the scariest!

It can kill you when you are least prepared!

Chen Xin'an, you are dead!

All this is because I led you up the mountain, you"

Chen Xin'an and everyone ignored him and disappeared without a trace.

There was a burst of barking, and several hounds rushed over. Excited by the smell of blood, they pounced on Becky and bit into her body.

If it was normal, Becky wouldn't have to do anything at all. As long as he glared, these beasts would be so frightened that they wouldn't even have the guts to get close to him!

But now, he didn't even have the strength to dodge.

He could only lie motionless on the ground, wailing in pain as these beasts bit his flesh and dragged him back and forth!

A large number of killers came later, and some people scolded the hounds. Looking at the bloody gourd-like person on the ground, some of them who were not able to bear it had already bent down and vomited!

This is no longer a person!

The lower body is intact, but the upper body from head to waist has turned into a skeleton wrapped in skin!

But what makes people mad is that this skeleton is obviously still alive, and you can see the beating of his heart.

"Kill me! Kill me!" Seeing the eyes of those around her, Becky's eyes showed great pain and fear.

He is one of the top three killers in the Killer League!

In this life, others looked at him with only fear and admiration. They had never been so full of pity and ridicule as now.

It seems to be saying: Are these the top three ogres on the killer list?

Do you have today too?

Becky just wants to die now!

But no one was willing to help him.

It was just a hound that broke free from its owner's grasp, flew over, used its claws to peel off his chest membrane, and opened its mouth to bite the still-beating heart!

Becky never dreamed that she would die at the mouth of a dog!

He remembered that he had fed these hounds, and even gave them the skin and meat cut from the enemy's bodies.

Unexpectedly, one day, I would become their food!

Chen Xin'an carried Luo Qianhe through the mountains and forests.

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang followed closely carrying Dao Lei's body.

Li Qi caught up from behind and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, there are people in front and behind, and there are a lot of pursuers. I guess it will be difficult for me to get down the mountain during the day!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and asked Luo Qianhe behind him: "Zi Ge, is Zhaodi going this way?"

Luo Qianhe lay on his back and nodded, "You can't be wrong! Just follow this stream and you can go all the way to the bottom of the mountain.

But I don’t know if it has left the range of Pyroses. "

Chen Xin'an said to him: "This is the way to go! Listen, everyone, Ah Qi will carry the pigeon for me later. You continue down the mountain from here, and I will lead those people away!"

"No, it's too dangerous!" everyone replied in unison.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "I know the danger, but this is the only way for you to get down the mountain!

Injuries to pigeons must be dealt with immediately.

At least you need to take medicine, but the medicine is all in Zhaodi’s place!

You must catch up with Zhao Di as quickly as possible and send Big Leizi down as well!

Those people were targeting me.

When I'm the only one left, I can be more open-minded!

Don’t forget, that’s how I escaped back when I was hunted by the Inca army! "

Everyone fell silent.

Knowing that everyone was still worried, Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "In this case, I will go down the mountain to find you tonight!

After tonight, if I haven't come down the mountain yet, and you have settled down Big Thunder and Pigeon, it won't be too late to go up the mountain to find me! "

After hearing what he said, everyone had no reason to shirk and could only nod helplessly.

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