Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2270 Surround three and leave one

Fierce gunfire echoed in the mountain forest, mixed with the voices of countless people shouting, and the killer troops began to gather in the direction of the gunfire.

Thirty minutes later, a group of people climbed up from the pothole next to them. They were Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman.

Luo Qianhe lay on Li Qi's back and said to him: "Aqi, did you see the petals on the ground? These are the ones Zhao Di lost.

She went down this road, it should be right in front! "

Li Di nodded and said: "Brother He, don't worry, everyone is attracted to the boss's side. It's relatively safer to go down."

Luo Qianhe was worried when he thought about Chen Xin'an's current situation, and cursed angrily:

“It’s all my uselessness and dragging everyone down!

Senior brother has to deal with so many enemies alone, how dangerous he is!

Put me down and go help him quickly!

Even if I climb, I can still get down the mountain! "

Luo Xiaoman scolded him: "Don't talk nonsense like this! We are brothers on both sides, and everything is important!"

He turned his head and glanced at Dao Lei's body on the stretcher behind him. His eyes were red and he said tremblingly: "We can't lose any more brothers!"

Xiao Zhang turned his head, not daring to look at the bloody man on the stretcher, but tears were streaming down his face.

Just as Luo Qianhe was about to say something, Li Qi patted his arm gently and said, "Brother He, you know the strength of the boss.

In this mountain forest, the more enemies there are, the more terrifying he is!

Having us around can make him worry.

But if he were allowed to completely let go, I can't even estimate how destructive he would be! "

Luo Qianhe stopped talking and just turned his head to look at the mountain with worried eyes.

I have already seen the buildings at the bottom of the mountain.

Everyone started to be careful. Li Qi suddenly turned around and said to everyone: "Be careful, there is someone! Hide quickly!"

Looking from a distance, a group of people wearing work clothes, armed with ammunition, were walking up the mountain in a row.

This should be the patrol and search team sent by Pajros.

Everyone's situation is not suitable for combat now, so it's best to avoid them first.

But in the surrounding terrain, where to hide?

At this moment, there was a sudden rustling in the grass nearby, and a man crawled out and waved to them quickly!

Guo Zhaodi!

Luo Qianhe looked surprised. Just when he was about to call her, Li Qi lowered his voice and said, "Don't make any noise. Let's follow Zhao Di!"

Everyone quickly approached the grass nearby. There was a big stone and a puddle about seven or eight square meters.

The stream on the mountain and yesterday's rain are collected together, and it will dry up in a few days.

Everyone hid the stretcher in the grass and then followed Guo Zhaodi into the puddle.

The search team members walked up with guns in hand, talking and laughing.

Everyone held their noses and quietly dived into the water.

The search team walked very slowly, and two people even stopped to have a fight.

Luo Qianhe, who was already injured, was so weak that he could hardly hold it in anymore and his eyes began to turn white.

Luo Xiaoman gritted his teeth as he watched, wanting to show off and fight with those people once he was discovered!

But Luo Qianhe seemed to have read through his thoughts and held his arm tightly.

Finally, those people left happily.

As soon as they left, everyone was dripping with water, coughing and wheezing.

Li Qi dragged Luo Qianhe ashore and looked at the wounds on his body. Guo Zhaodi cried out!

"Master, why are you injured so badly? Didn't you go to save Brother Lei? Where are the others?"

Luo Qianhe's face turned pale and he said to her: "Your uncle gave me the injection, it's okay! Lei Zi... is over there!"

He pointed to the stretcher in the grass.

Guo Zhaodi walked over and took a look, covering her mouth with both hands, tears streaming down her face!

Xiao Zhang patted her shoulder lightly and asked in a low voice: "Zhao Di, let's go down the mountain first! How long have you been hiding here?"

Guo Zhaodi wiped away her tears and said to everyone: "It's been more than an hour! The mountain is blocked and we can't get down!

In about half an hour, they would patrol up the mountain once and then go down the mountain from somewhere else.

I can only hide here and wait for dark!

By the way, Master, I found some backpacks! "

She pushed aside the grass next to the stretcher, revealing several large bulging backpacks.

These backpacks are filled with herbs collected by the master and apprentice.

It was originally carried by them and Quinn's bodyguard team.

Later, the entire bodyguard team was wiped out and killed by the ogre and his men.

These backpacks are scattered on the mountain.

Unexpectedly, Guo Zhaodi picked up two of them.

Including her own and those left by Master, there are four in total.

Guo Zhaodi said with a pity on her face: "I can only take these, otherwise I will definitely pick up more.

There are all good things in there!

Master, can I put some medicine on your wound? "

Luo Qianhe waved his hand and said, "There's no rush now! We have to find a way to get down the mountain first!"

Li Qi said to him: "Let Zhaodi help you apply the medicine. Everyone just wait here. I'll go down to explore the way. When I come back, we can go together!"

Everyone nodded.

Going down the mountain like this now, the target is too big and can be easily discovered.

After Li Qi left, Guo Zhaodi took out a handful of herbs from a backpack and said to everyone:

"Brother Man, Brother Xiao, you are also injured. Get ready. After I give Master the medicine, I will give it to you too!"

She stuffed the herbs into her mouth and chewed them.

Luo Qianhe said distressedly: "Silly girl, these have to be crushed. If you chew them directly with your mouth, you will be poisoned!"

Guo Zhaodi shook her head and said nothing. She just chewed the extremely bitter herbs vigorously.

Is there any medicine here? How to mash it?

The only thing that can be used is the teeth.

After giving the medicine to the three of them, Guo Zhaodi could no longer feel her mouth, and saliva flowed out from the corners of her mouth.

Luo Qianhe was also very distressed, so he pulled her over and rubbed her cheeks.

Li Qi came back and said to everyone: "Go into the water first, the search team is coming up!"

Everyone quickly packed up their things and sank into the water.

After the search team left, everyone came up. Li Qi said: "The road out of the mountain is blocked. Only the way to the right seems to be unblocked."

Luo Xiaoman asked him: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go directly to the right. As long as we can go down the mountain, we will have to break out even if we forcefully break through!"

Li Qi frowned, looked at Luo Xiaoman and said, "Brother Man, I'm afraid they are surrounding three and leaving one!"

"What do you mean?" Luo Xiaoman was stunned for a moment.

Xiao Zhang explained on the side: "Just make a pocket and let us get into it ourselves!"

Luo Xiaoman also frowned. After a while, he punched the ground and said to everyone:

"Then you have to take a gamble!

You can't let the pigeons soak in the water for a day, right?

His wound must be inflamed!

Even if it is really a bag, we must tear this broken bag apart!

In the evening, Lao Chen will come down to see us and mark the way. Whether it's life or death, all we need to do is stay together! "

After hearing what he said, everyone nodded together.

There is no better way now, so we can only take risks.

Everyone stood up, Li Qi carried Luo Qianhe on his back, and Luo Qianhe was carrying a backpack.

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang each carried a backpack and carried the Dao Lei body on the stretcher.

Guo Zhaodi carried a backpack herself and walked at the front to explore the way for everyone.

She has followed her grandfather to climb mountains and collect herbs since she was a child, so she is no stranger to this kind of environment.

Everyone went down the mountain together, avoiding the search team. As expected, they did not encounter too dense a blockade and arrived at a residential area.

Li Qi looked around a few times, widened his eyes and said, "Damn, this is the small courtyard of Pairoses!"

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