Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2271 How did you see it?

The scene of the riot in the living area of ​​​​Peroses that night was still vivid in his mind, so he had a deep impression of this place.

Luo Xiaoman looked around and said: "No matter where it is, there are few people here, let's go down first, and then find a way out!"

Li Qi also nodded and said to everyone: "Be careful, there should be a guard of Paxose here!"

Everyone went down the mountain together, carefully avoiding passers-by.

In this kind of place, there are generally not many people during the day. After all, it is working time, and everyone is busy in the work area.

But just as they entered the alleyway, a sharp whistle sounded, and there seemed to be a shout from the distance, as if a team was gathering!

what's the situation?

Has it been exposed?

Everyone stood behind a house, not daring to move forward for a while.

Li Qi gently put Luo Qianhe down and said to everyone: "Everyone wait here, let me take a look!"

He held the gun and ran out.

Less than five minutes later, he ran back and said to everyone: "It's not good, the escort team of Peroses is gathering, and they seem to have found traces of us going down the mountain!

We are currently searching the living area and will find us soon.

We must find a place to hide as soon as possible, otherwise we will definitely start a fight! "

Even Luo Xiaoman, although he kept saying that if the worst happened, there would be a fight.

But given the current situation, it’s better not to fight or not.

Otherwise, there will definitely be casualties. After all, Luo Qianhe and Guo Zhaodi are both objects that need protection.

Bullets have no eyes, and no one can guarantee that they will be well protected.

So the top priority is to find the hiding place as soon as possible!

But this place is right under the enemy's nose, where can he hide?

At this moment, a man came in a hurry and said to everyone: "Hurry up and follow me!"

Everyone was startled when they saw this person suddenly appearing, and they all looked at her with wide eyes in surprise.

Guo Zhaodi said with a puzzled face: "Nancy, why are you here?"

Nancy said helplessly: "My passport is still being held by Zhang Jiayu! If I don't come back to get my passport, how can I return to China!"

Luo Xiaoman looked at her coldly and asked: "Get your passport? Do you think Perose is your home? You can come back when you want, and you can take whatever you want?"

Nancy pointed at her face and said, "I know how to put on makeup! Both Ye Zhen and Zhao Di know this!"

Guo Zhaodi nodded, looked at her and said, "Ye Zhen said she can also disguise herself, and her technique is pretty good!"

Nancy quickly said to everyone: "Those people are coming soon, you should follow me quickly!"

Li Qi asked her: "Where to go?"

"Zhang Jiayu's house!" Nancy pointed to the front and said to everyone: "It's not far ahead.

Now that Zhang Jiayu is dead, the courtyard needs to be renovated and used by others.

It's just that it's still ownerless for the time being.

No one will come here.

Let's go in first, wait until it gets dark, and then find a way out!

By the way, where is Mr. Chen? "

Luo Xiaoman said with a worried look: "He is still on the mountain, covering us to go down first! We agreed..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Qi rushed to say, "We have to go back to the hotel and wait for him. Nancy, can you help us arrange a car as soon as possible to get us out of here?"

Brother He's injury cannot wait, he needs to go to the hospital immediately! "

Nancy glanced at Luo Qianhe, nodded and said, "Let me think about it.

Don’t worry, I will definitely try my best to help you get it out!

Now go back to Zhang Jiayu's small courtyard and take a short rest. "

Under her leadership, everyone came to a small courtyard.

Li Qi recognized that this was the place where he fought that night.

The bullet marks on the gun have been smoothed away and the collapsed garage door has been repaired.

The room had been tidied up, and there was no trace of any battle.

Nancy closed the door and said to everyone: "Everyone wait here, I will get you some food."

No one stopped him.

Master and disciple Luo Qianhe basically went without eating for a whole day and night.

After all, I didn't plan to spend the night on the mountain when I went up there, let alone being chased.

Now I am so hungry that my eyes are blurry.

Li Qi gently placed Luo Qianhe on the sofa.

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang also put down the stretcher, found a sheet, wrapped Dao Lei's body, and tied it tightly with a rope.

In this way, even if there is no stretcher, you can still carry it directly on your body, making it easier to take him away with you.

Nancy walked into the kitchen familiarly, and Guo Zhaodi said to her: "Let me help you!"

Originally, Nancy wanted to refuse, but she couldn't get over it, so she could only agree with a smile.

After a while, the two of them came out carrying several large plates and placed them on the coffee table.

Bread, milk, fried eggs, beef.

For everyone who was already starving, let alone eating, their mouths were already watering just looking at it!

Luo Qianhe glanced at Guo Zhaodi and saw her quietly shaking her head, so he felt relieved and said to everyone: "Eat first before talking!"

Everyone was not polite and ate with their heads down.

They were all starving, so eating was like a breeze, and they were all finished in less than three minutes.

It was already noon, Luo Xiaoman wiped his mouth and said to Nancy: "Nancy, can you get a car?

Just give us a car and you don't have to worry about the rest, we can go out. "

Nancy thought for a while and said to everyone: "I'll go out and try! You just hide here and don't open the door if anyone calls.

I locked it outside so no one would suspect it! "

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

Nancy walked out and the room fell silent.

After a while, Luo Xiaoman said with a gloomy face: "There is something wrong with this woman!"

Everyone nodded.

It's all such a coincidence!

Just when everyone thought they had nowhere to hide, she appeared and led everyone here.

Although her explanation was to come back to get her passport, this reason was too far-fetched.

Xiao Zhang frowned and said, "But so far, she hasn't done any tricks.

Let's just wait and see what happens. Sooner or later, whether he is loyal or traitorous, he will reveal himself! "

At this moment, Li Qi's expression changed, he made a silent gesture to everyone, and then tiptoed to the window.

After a while, he came back and pressed his hands down on everyone, beckoning everyone to bow down.

There was a sound at the door, someone was unlocking it, and then Nancy's voice came: "It's me!"

Guo Zhaodi was about to respond, but Li Qi waved his hand to her, picked up the rifle in his hand, and pointed it at the door.

The door was opened, Nancy walked in and said to everyone:

“I haven’t got a car yet, but I’ll have a car when I get back from get off work!

You...why are you looking at me like this?

Why are you pointing a gun at me? "

Li Qi looked at her expressionlessly and asked, "Nancy, are you from Peroses?"

Nancy looked puzzled and asked him: "Why do you say that?

Didn't I already tell you?

I'm just a substitute captured by Zhang Jiayu!

Don't you believe me?

Fortunately, I took the risk to help you find a car and wanted to take you out! "

Li Qi was unmoved, just looked at her coldly and said, "You brought a lot of people back, right? Why don't you let them in? Stop hiding!"

Nancy looked at him innocently, her expression seemed a little aggrieved.

Then he relaxed his brows, raised the corners of his mouth, and slowly showed a smile. He glanced at everyone and asked curiously:

"How did you get it?

But it doesn’t matter. Even if you can see it anyway, what can you do?

Even if you hold a gun now, do you still have the strength to pull the trigger? "

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