Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2273 You are a beast to begin with

Even if Nancy didn't lie about her origins, she is half Chinese.

But after all, he is still a Chinese who grew up abroad and received foreign education since childhood.

Especially in medicine, I believe in modern medical skills, and my understanding of ancient Chinese medical skills cannot be said to be small, it can only be said that I don’t understand it at all!

Not to mention this knowledge of herbs.

She knew that master and apprentice Luo Qianhe came to the mountains to collect herbs, and she thought that taking these herbs back would have to be processed with various instruments and mixed with some chemicals before they could be turned into real medicines.

I never expected that the master and the apprentice would be chewing it with their mouths and dispensing the medicine on the spot!

Will this work? is that a lie?

But when she saw Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang drinking the medicinal juice brewed by the master and apprentice with boiling water and the medicinal soup boiled in a pot, the color gradually returned to their faces and they stood up slowly, she was stunned. I can’t even say it!

I really don’t want to do the tasks of the Chinese people anymore. They all have unique skills and always have unexpected ways to break the situation. It makes me often passive. It’s really tiring!

Seeing that Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang had resumed their actions, Nancy sighed, shook her head and said:

“This situation is a bit embarrassing now.

My people are all outside, and the house is sealed with guns and ammunition.

Of course, if you have me as a hostage, people outside will not dare to act recklessly.

But we can't remain in a stalemate. Why don't we all give in and pretend that nothing happened? "

Xiao Zhang pointed a gun at her head and said, "Do you think it's possible?"

"Why is it impossible!" Nancy said with a strange look on her face: "Our target is not you, just Chen Xin'an.

And I am just a small person in Pyroses. Even if you kill me, it will not affect the overall situation. "

Li Qi looked at her and said, "So, what do you want to say?"

Nancy spread her hands and said to everyone: "It's very simple! I'll send you out, and you just leave like this!"

Don't worry, there won't be any tricks. I can call a car and follow you. Just drop me off at the gate! "

Unexpectedly, Li Qi shook his head, looked at her and said, "No, we will go with the boss!"

Luo Xiaoman also sneered and said: "Old Chen hasn't even come down from the mountain, what are we doing out there?"

Xiao Zhang sneered and said to Nancy: "Let's not say whether we should believe you or not. It would be unreliable to leave An Ge'er and let us escape alone!

With that kind of mentality, why should we come with him? "

Master Luo Qianhe and Guo Zhaodi also nodded vigorously.

Nancy sighed and said: “You see, this is what I just said, the weakness of you people.

These so-called loyalty and feelings will only make you die in vain! "

Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "Without these loyalty and feelings, even if you are alive, you will not be happy. You have no relatives or friends. How are you different from an animal?"

Nancy said indifferently: "No! This is how I live. Isn't this a good life? Carefree and carefree!"

"Of course you are different!" Luo Xiaoman looked at her with disdain and said, "You are just a beast!"

"You!" Nancy's expression changed, and Luo Xiaoman suddenly rushed in front of her and grabbed her neck!

But at this moment, Nancy flipped her right hand, and a cold light flashed in her hand!

Luo Xiaoman let go and avoided it, punching out with his left hand.

Nancy also made continuous strokes with her left hand, blood splattered!

But at the same time, Luo Xiaoman stepped forward, and before Nancy could react, he punched her in the stomach!

"Ah!" Nancy's body bowed like a shrimp, and her feet fell off the ground and flew backwards!

Just as her body was about to hit the door, Luo Xiaoman rushed over like a ghost, grabbed her ankles, pulled her back, and slammed her to the ground!

This almost made Nancy lose her breath. Her mouth was so big that she didn't make a sound for a long time. After a full thirty seconds, she exhaled heavily!

Luo Xiaoman looked at his arm and saw two bleeding wounds.

Guo Zhaodi hurried over to bandage him with herbs. Fortunately, the wound was not deep and the blood vessels and muscles were not touched.

"Sword in the Hidden Sword?" Luo Xiaoman looked at Nancy on the ground coldly and said, "The ninja kung fu of the Ying people, coupled with the Northern Sect's Xiaoyao Step, your kung fu is quite mixed, right?

With such ability, he is still a minor figure in Peroses?

Tell me, how many swords have you practiced? "

Nancy coughed twice and said with a dejected look: "No matter how hard I try in front of you, it's useless!

There are three knives in total, and now you have shaken them all out!

I know that your kung fu is very strong, but I didn’t expect that I still underestimated you in a real fight! "

Guo Zhaodi was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat.

She also didn't expect that Nancy could be so terrifying and so powerful!

He just snatched her knife and thought he had complete control over her.

I didn’t expect that she had a backup plan!

If she waits until a critical moment and this woman suddenly attacks, she may be tricked without realizing it.

What's even more frightening is that because of this, everyone will be in danger again!

Luo Xiaoman snorted coldly, looked at Nancy and said: "You still want to take action under such circumstances, just to use your strength to take out this house. Unfortunately, as long as I am here, you can't succeed!"

Nancy's heart trembled.

Luo Xiaoman's move just now really made her feel the gap in strength between the two.

How could someone kick someone away, then catch up and pull them back before they hit the ground?

What a strong reaction and speed this requires!

But what shocked her even more was that this guy who seemed to be always careless and disrespectful to Chen Xin'an in Chen Xin'an's team was not rough at all, and his brain was not stupid at all!

This is what made Nancy even more desperate!

Smart and good at fighting, such enemies are the most difficult to deal with!

Li Qi looked at Nancy and asked calmly: "Nancy, who are you?"

On Mount Fox, after a miserable dog barking, the forest was quiet.

Suddenly, a burst of dense gunfire rang out, and countless killers in camouflage rushed over and swept at a boulder!

The crowd surrounded the left and right and came behind the boulder. There was nothing else except the bodies of six hounds and the bloodstains on the ground.

"Damn it!" Dickens, the commander of the killer team, kicked a dog corpse away.

With a sullen face, he shouted to the people around him: "Find that damn bastard at all costs!

Before dark, I want to see him, or his body!"

A man with glasses looked at him and said: "Dickens, I think you should know that Mr. McGregor wants a live person!"

Dickens grabbed his collar and stared at him with a pair of big blue eyes:

"Dan, I hope you can figure it out.

What McGregor wants has nothing to do with me!

That bastard is the one who destroyed the Killer Alliance. As the vice president, he is my enemy.

I only want his life!

In order to catch this guy, more than 30 people have died!

No matter what kind of mission, we have never encountered such a situation.

In such a short time, there is such a big loss!

If I still want to show mercy now, my people will sacrifice more!

If McGregor wants a live person, let him catch him himself!"

He pushed his arm forward and pushed the man with glasses out.

Dan was not angry, he just pinched his collar and turned his clothes, and said to Dickens: "It's not Mr. McGregor who wants to be alive, it's Baron Andil's intention. If you don't agree, I will have to report the truth to Baron Andil!"

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