Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2274 Not even God can save him

There was a trace of taboo on Dickens's face.

He may not take Maigret seriously, but he dare not disobey Baron Andile!

Everyone knows that Baron Andier is the biggest financial backer of the Killer Alliance!

He sighed and said to Dan: "It doesn't matter whether Chen Xin'an lives or dies. We, as long as we can survive today, will worry about it!"

A sarcastic sneer appeared on Dan's face, he looked at Dickens sideways and said:

"Mr. Dickens, the famous top killer and the vice president of the world's largest killer alliance, is he sometimes afraid?"

Dickens turned his head and looked at Dan with no anger in his eyes, but with pity.

He patted Dan on the shoulder, smiled at him and said, "There used to be many people under my command who looked down on this person just like you.

Now, to be honest, I don’t even know where their bodies are buried! "

Dan's face darkened, he stared at Dickens and said nothing.

Suddenly there was gunfire from the front, and someone rushed over and shouted to Dickens: "Commander, we found him!"

Dickens gritted his teeth and ordered: "Let everyone rush forward and surround him!

Don't let him escape, shoot without limits! "

The so-called unlimited shooting means that there are no restrictions on the weapons used.

As long as you can kill the opponent, you can even use round bullets!

Dan Leng sneered, shook his head and said: "I think you are just wasting it!

It seems that there is only one person on the other side, but we are a killer army of nearly a thousand people!

Anyone pulled out here is a terrifying killer.

No matter how powerful that guy is, he can't possibly destroy our thousand-man army!

What's more, we have all kinds of weapons and equipment, which are a bit redundant to use against one person! "

Dickens looked at the fighting place in front and said softly: "I hope so too!"

There was a loud sound of gunfire, mixed with the sound of grenades and RPGs being launched, as well as the sound of grenades exploding.

The sound continued for more than thirty minutes before gradually becoming less frequent.

Dan said with a ferocious smile: "Now I kind of understand your worries just now.

This guy really has his way.

So many people surrounded him and the fight lasted for thirty minutes before it ended.

I have to say, this guy is the strongest opponent I have ever encountered!

But it still didn't work, he still lost! "

A killer ran over and said to Dickens with frightened eyes: "Commander, the enemy has escaped!"

"Ah?!" Dan almost spat out his blood and shouted to the man: "What did you say? The enemy ran away?

So many of you have been fighting for so long, are you just pretending to be empty-handed?

Under heavy siege, can you still let that person run away?

Could he have wings and fly? "

The killer said with a frightened look: "He can really fly!

Many of our brothers have seen him flying around in the trees like a monkey, even bullets can't catch him!

Mr. Commander, we are not dealing with a person, but a devil! "

Dan was stunned and speechless.

Dickens seemed to be unsurprised by this result, and just sighed and said: "How many casualties are there on our side?"

"Thirty-seven people were sacrificed and six were injured!"

Dickens took a breath and said in a deep voice: "It's getting more and more ruthless! Keep chasing! Let me tell you, the enemy has been seriously injured and fled, and we will capture it soon!"

"But..." The killer seemed hesitant. After all, the devil was still unscathed up to this point!

Dickens glared and cursed: "You bastard! Do as I say!"

"Yes!" The killer responded, turned and left.

Dickens' face was ashen and he muttered: "If this continues, no one will dare to face him face to face!"

If a killer force of nearly a thousand people is scared out of their wits by one person, it will become a big joke around the world!

And if this operation cannot kill Chen Xin'an, it may be a question whether the Killer Alliance will be rebuilt!

After all, the GbSA Secretary-General election is coming soon, and Baron Andile is one of the candidates, and he is also deliberately alienating his relationship with the Killer Alliance for the sake of reputation.

If the action doesn't satisfy him this time, then it's natural to disband the Killer Alliance directly with an excuse!

Chen Xin'an wiped the sweat and blood from his face and looked at the mountains and forests in front of him with a gloomy expression.

Pelosi and the Killer Alliance really want to catch him this time.

The number of killers sent was countless, and what was even more troublesome was the various high-power weapons they brought!

The company's heavy machine gun was carried up the mountain. If it hadn't been for running fast just now, it would have been cut in two by bullets!

These grandsons really think highly of him.

This kind of firepower is enough to attack a city, but now it's just to surround and suppress him alone!

I have to say that this arrangement really works.

Chen Xin'an himself didn't know whether he would be able to escape safely the next time he encountered it!

Squatting on a big tree, Chen Xin'an took a handful of wild mushrooms, stuffed them into his mouth, and started chewing them.

If it weren't for the severe loss of physical strength, Chen Xin'an wouldn't have eaten while running for his life.

Fortunately, all the hounds have been killed just now, which can be regarded as solving a hidden danger.

There was a buzzing sound above his head, and Chen Xin'an frowned. He looked up and saw several drones hovering over the forest.

Chen Xin'an really felt a headache for this thing.

High-tech products that can monitor, track, fight and lurk are very difficult to deal with.

Without any hesitation, Chen Xinan got up and ran away!

Sure enough, the moment he escaped, a helicopter had already spotted him.

The dense bullets shot out at an angle, knocking the branches and leaves of the big tree where he had just stopped flying, and it became bald in the blink of an eye!

It was no longer safe to be in the tree, so Chen Xin'an had no choice but to jump off the tree branch. Just after running for a while, a large number of figures appeared in front of him, flying behind the tree!

It's bad there's an ambush!

Chen Xin'an made a quick decision, turned around and ran away!

But at the same time, a large number of killers appeared and gathered here.

Got caught in an ambush!

Chen Xin'an looked gloomy and quickly changed the magazine.

These killers can be defeated by him in terms of personal strength, but they can't stand up to the crowd!

As long as his position is determined, an encirclement can be formed, and it will be difficult to rush out at that time!

Once the target is identified and a firefight occurs, gun lines are drawn from all directions.

No matter how powerful he is, he doesn't have the ability to escape to heaven and earth. He will still be shot to death in the end!

I have killed more than a hundred people, and I have killed enough!

Chen Xin'an showed no fear on his face. He looked at the crowd around him, picked up the rifle in his hand, and prepared to fight the enemy to the death!

Dan exclaimed excitedly and said proudly to Dickens: "I just said this method works, now do you believe it?

Dickens, times have changed, and the tactics and tactics are also different from before!

When high technology is available, stop relying on old traditions.

As long as you cooperate with the surveillance and pursuit of drones, coupled with the encirclement and blockade on the ground, even if this bastard is a real devil, he will still be swept into pieces! "

Dickens shook his head, sighed softly, and said with regret: "Putting aside his position, I still admire this man.

If he surrenders now, I won't mind sparing his life! "

Dan laughed loudly, nodded and said: "Don't worry, he is a smart man and will definitely surrender!

Under such circumstances, even if God comes, he cannot save him!

If he continues to resist, he will inevitably die! "

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