Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2275 Let’s use high technology to deal with them

But as soon as I finished saying this, something strange happened on the battlefield!

Two drones in the sky suddenly opened fire, but it was not Chen Xin'an who attacked, but other drones!

One of the drones even aimed its high-speed machine gun at the killers below.

Before anyone could react, gunfire broke out and the scene was filled with howls of ghosts and wolves!

As long white smoke drew two white lines in the air, there were two explosions in the crowd, one after another. Countless people were blown up into the sky, and there was a rain of blood in the forest!

"It's a drone attack! He has reinforcements! Everyone, hide now!"

"My legs are broken! Damn it, they have Hellfire missiles!"

"Hurry up and find the person who controls them! It should be on this mountain!"

Seeing the chaotic killer troops, Chen Xin'an frowned, glanced at the two drones in the sky, and turned around to hide in the forest.

There was a buzzing sound above his head, and Chen Xin'an looked up. A drone that had just rescued him was hovering above his head. The drone followed him wherever he went.

Chen Xin'an understood the drone's intention and nodded.

The drone flew forward quickly, followed closely by Chen Xin'an.

In a hidden cave, four young men appeared and stood in front of Chen Xin'an.

Two of them each control a drone.

On the display screen, a drone was still exchanging fire with the enemy. As soon as the fire came towards the face, the display screen instantly went black.

The operator said with regret: "DJ-05 was destroyed!"

The person next to him patted him on the shoulder and said, "It was worth it!"

He turned around and walked up to Chen Xin'an, saluted him and said, "Mr. Chen, my name is Zhou Huafeng! We have received an order to cover your safe descent from the mountain now!"

Chen Xin'an returned the gift to him, nodded and said, "Are you Li Niandong's people?"

Zhou Huafeng shook his head and said: "We are from China, and we are all under the command of Mr. Li. Miss Li is our liaison officer!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, they were the people Xiaodong often contacted!

He said to everyone with a solemn look: "Thank you for your hard work! But I can't go out now. I have to go find my brothers and friends first.

You have a special mission, so you don’t need to be exposed. Take this opportunity to go down the mountain! "

Zhou Huafeng shook his head and said: "Our task now is to escort Mr. Chen down the mountain safely.

No matter where Mr. Chen goes, we must carry out protection tasks!

Mr. Chen, can you confirm the location of the person you are looking for? "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "I have seen the marks they left! They should have gone to the living area of ​​​​Pairoses. I want to go there!"

Zhou Huafeng took out the map, looked at it carefully, then clicked on one of the places with his finger, and said to his companions:

"Everyone remember this position. Okay, let's go!"

These people spent a lot of effort and cost to hide in the Eagle Flag Country.

Now I have to show up to save Chen Xin'an, but I may no longer be able to hide my identity in the future.

This shows how much Mr. Li values ​​Chen Xin'an and how much sacrifice he has made.

To be honest, Chen Xin'an didn't want them to get involved.

But it can also be seen that they are all soldiers, and they are very good at executing orders. If he drives the other party away, they will not listen to him.

Hesitation at this time will only kill everyone!

Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said to everyone: "Then let's go down the mountain!"

"Wait a minute!" Zhou Huafeng grabbed Chen Xin'an and turned to his companion next to him: "Ah Shui, please change clothes with Mr. Chen!"

A man who was about the same size as Chen Xin'an came over, took off his coat, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Mr. Chen, the enemy has sealed the mountain.

I need to lure them somewhere else, so put on a disguise! "

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded and simply took off his coat.

Zhou Huafeng said to the others: "Ah Le, you and Ah Shui go in the opposite direction. Xiao Sun, you continue to control the drone until the ammunition is empty, and then go in the other direction."

I followed Mr. Chen.

Remember, try to attract as many enemies as possible, so that the less pressure on Mr. Chen's side, the better! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "There's no need for this, it's too dangerous! The most important thing for you is to protect yourself!"

Xiao Sun raised his head, smiled at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, you don't think we only have these two drones, do you?

We in China are not so shabby!

This thing is worth thousands of troops, so don’t worry about us! "

Chen Xin'an has seen the power of drones more than once.

So after hearing what Xiao Sun said, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone came out of the cave and did not separate immediately.

After walking for a while, there was a buzzing sound above his head. Zhou Huafeng looked up and shouted to everyone: "It's not our drone, hide it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, dense bullets flew towards him!

The Killer Alliance sent out six drones, two of which were shot down just now. This is one of the surviving drones.

This kind of strafing is not dangerous. What is really scary is that when the drone discovers Chen Xin'an, it will call most of them over!

Zhou Huafeng took out his pistol and shot into the sky, trying to shoot down the drone.

But because there were trees blocking it and the pistol's power was limited, it was just a waste of bullets.

Chen Xin'an knew that these people could equip drones and load them with advanced weapons, but they could not equip themselves with too advanced weapons.

Not only due to financial reasons, he cannot afford to buy a rifle, but also to consider hiding his identity.

The rifle is too big to be hidden, and it is too conspicuous when going out. Due to the nature of their work, it is impossible to carry such an accessory that can easily reveal their identities.

The drone seemed to be aware of the lack of firepower of the people below, and became even more arrogant. It hovered on the branches, shot at Zhou Huafeng at fixed points, and beat him to the point where he was hiding behind a tree and unable to move!

At this moment, Zhou Huafeng suddenly discovered that Chen Xin'an beside him was missing!

There seemed to be a sound above his head. Zhou Huafeng looked up and was stunned. He shouted: "Mr. Chen, danger!"

Chen Xin'an didn't know when she climbed up the tree, and she was still climbing up, very fast!

Zhou Huafeng has never seen anyone climb a tree more nimbly than a monkey!

Then his eyes widened as he watched the man pull away the iron ring of a small pineapple and hold it in his hand.

After three seconds, he jumped up and threw the little pineapple in his hand towards the drone!


An explosion sounded in the air, and the drone instantly turned into a ball of flame, then was blown into pieces and fell down with a loud crash!

Chen Xin'an also quickly slid down from the tree and said to everyone: "Let's go!"

Isn't this too fierce?

Everyone was stunned.

It wasn't until Chen Xin'an shouted that he realized it!

Soon there were gunshots all around, and the killer troops had already rushed over!

Ah Shui and Ah Le said to Zhou Huafeng: "Boss, let's go!"

Zhou Huafeng turned around, glanced at the two of them, raised his right hand, and saluted them.

Ah Shui and Ah Le also returned the favor with solemn expressions.

Chen Xin'an warned: "Remember, the most important thing is to preserve yourself, don't resist forcefully.

Since there are drones cooperating, use high technology to fight them!

This matter is over, I'll drink with you!

We won’t return until we get drunk! "

Chen Xin'an has always had respect and affection for these people who hide their identities, lurk outside, and perform various tasks, and do their best to help them.

Ah Shui and Ah Le smiled slightly, saluted Chen Xin'an at the same time, and said in unison: "Yes, Chief Instructor!"

Then he turned around and quickly disappeared into the forest.

After a while, intensive gunshots came from behind!



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