Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2276 Distorted Psychology

When Li Qi went down the mountain, he left marks for Chen Xin'an along the way.

If you can find just one spot, you can find the entire route.

So Chen Xin'an and Zhou Huafeng finally went down the mountain before dark.

They also encountered several interceptions on the way, but the main force had been led away by Ah Shui, Ah Le and Xiao Sun.

Therefore, it would not take long for Chen Xin'an and Zhou Huafeng to resolve the battle.

It’s actually Zhang Jiayu’s courtyard!

When Chen Xin'an saw this place, he recognized the terrain.

Zhou Huafeng pulled Chen Xin'an's arm and pointed to the roofs of the east and west rooms of the courtyard, as well as the roof of the north room of the adjacent courtyard.

It looked like the people inside were trapped.

But there is still a stalemate. The gunmen outside have not attacked, which means that the people inside have hostages.

Chen Xin'an took a look at the people who were ambushing outside and fought with them, so she immediately recognized that these were the people from the Poseidon escort team!

Why are you so polite? Just hit him!

A single burst of fire knocked over a sniper on the roof, and his body rolled down from the roof!

Time passed quickly and it was almost dark.

The injured Luo Qianhe had no better measures and the acupuncture had lost its effectiveness. So at this moment, his face was pale and groggy from the pain, and his physical condition was extremely poor!

Guo Zhaodi wiped his wound with tears in her eyes, but the bullet could not be removed and all medicines had no effect.

Nancy, who was tied to the chair behind her back, shook her head and said with a relaxed expression: "Procrastinating like this is not the answer, and the longer it goes, the worse it will be for you.

You might as well consider my suggestion, I can send you away, after all, our target is not you.

In fact, we are all equal people, and you are not Chen Xin'an's slaves.

There is no need to risk your life just waiting for him to save him!

"Shut up!" Luo Xiaoman shouted angrily, put the muzzle of the gun against her head, and cursed through gritted teeth:

"Do you think you can make us give up on our brothers by saying these nonsense? You underestimate us too!"

"Tch!" Nancy glanced at him with disdain and said with a sneer:

“There is an old saying in China: Husband and wife are like birds in the same forest, but when disaster strikes, they fly separately.

Husbands and wives are like this. You so-called brothers, who don't even have the slightest blood relationship, are still fighting for each other. Aren't you fools?

I don’t even know what you are planning!

How much can Chen Xin'an give you?

No matter how generous he is, can he get your lives back?

If your wife becomes a widow, she still has to marry someone else.

Your children have taken someone else’s last name.

Your property is owned by another man.

Is this all you get in exchange for your life?

does it worth? "

"You bitch!" Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang were both angry, and raised their guns to hit her on the head.

Nancy showed no fear and looked at them with sarcasm in her eyes.

If the other person is angry, it means that she has touched on the other person's pain points and her words have had an effect.

Playing psychological warfare is her strength.

What she likes most is seeing enemies killing each other.

Li Qi waved to Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang, glanced at Nancy and asked:

"What about you, why do you have to kill Chen Xin'an?

You are half Chinese and the other half belong to Farr.

Why are you so loyal to the Eagle Flag Country and willing to be their lackey? "

Nancy's expression froze. She didn't know why, but she was a little afraid of this young man.

It wasn't just the terrifying strength he showed, but the temperament in him that made her dare not violate him, as if they were born with each other.

She also knew that this man was a former soldier trained by the Chinese Special Forces.

Could it be that just because of this identity, her bloodline has been suppressed?

Nancy lowered her eyes, not looking at Li Qi, and snorted: "I am not loyal to anyone, I am only loyal to Mane! Money is my master!"

Li Qi looked at her with cold eyes and said, "Even in China or Farr, if you want money, it's not difficult to earn it.

But you would find it boring to make money that way, right?

Because you have lacked family affection and friendship since you were a child, you have become distrustful of these things.

He has also developed a mentality of instigating family conflicts and breaking up friendships, and gets a bit of despicable pleasure from it to satisfy his perversion.

You hate China and you hate Far, because you hate your parents, and you also hate people from these two countries.

So you choose to be loyal to the Eagle Flag Country and are willing to be the lackey of the Eagle Flag People.

Betraying your own country... No, you don't have a country at all. Neither China nor Farr want you, so you can only let yourself become an Eagle Banner man!

You are working for the Eagle Banner people just because you want to be recognized by the Eagle Banner country, so that you, who has forgotten his ancestors for many times, can completely get rid of the imprint of China and Farr..."

"Shut up!" Nancy became furious and cursed at Li Qi: "Damn you, what do you know!

How well do you think you know me?

It’s not that they don’t want me, it’s that I hate them and everything!

Do you know what those people call me?


A little girl of five or six years old was called a bastard all day long!

Mud was thrown at him, bricks were thrown at him, and his body was covered with dirt and his head was bruised and bloody!

But your parents don't care, they just argue and fight endlessly, and let you be humiliated! "

Nancy's face was calm, but her eyes were full of resentment.

She leaned back in her chair and said calmly: "Then one day, they finally stopped quarreling.

That woman, right in front of the little girl, killed the drunk man with a knife!

The whole world is pure!

Do you know why she killed him?

Because I told her!

Since there is no love anymore, let’s get rid of it!

Good for everyone.

Do you know where her knife came from?

I polished it with my own hands and handed it to her!

Even if she jumped from the building, I was the one who advised her.

All her men have been killed by her, and she has become a murderer.

Sooner or later, you will be thrown into jail for life!

As for me, I can only live alone.

Continue to be called a bastard by those people and continue to be bullied by them.

Then he was ruined by them, sold, and lived a life worse than a pig or a dog!

Instead of watching me suffer, it would be better not to watch and be done with it!

You say, even the once vowed alliance has turned into cannibalism, where is the nonsense of family, love and friendship?

Everything is fake, the most important thing is to live comfortably! "

Li Qi looked at her coldly and said, "But are you living comfortably? No, you are not.

You pretend to see everything, but you are full of pessimism and evil thoughts about the entire world.

So you don’t eat well and you can’t sleep.

Even if you join the Eagle Flag Nation, it won't change that you were born from Chinese and Far people.

So you will always be one..."

Li Qi didn't say the word bastard.

But this completely angered Nancy. She almost jumped up from her chair and cursed at Li Qi:

"Shut up!

You bastard!

I won't let you say another word!

I will kill you!

Cut out your tongue!

You know nothing, you nonsense talker! "

Li Qi looked at it calmly, with a trace of sarcasm on his lips.

Nancy gradually calmed down, raised her head, looked at Li Qi with cold eyes and said:

"it's useless!

He won't come.

You will all die. Even if I let you go today, you will still be unable to leave Black Hawk Island.

You have no idea how powerful the killer troops are.

No one can escape from their pursuit! "

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