Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2280 Even if you die, you have to take a look

Knowing that he was doomed today, Philemon, who was injured, took heart and prepared to shoot!

Even before he dies, he has to drag a few damn escorts on his back. They are all accomplices of Peroses!

But the next second, his face was full of surprise, and he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

All the guards suddenly jumped up and threw away their guns as if they were possessed by evil spirits.

The next second, a group of people jumped out from the green belt, rushed to the guards, and cut their necks in three strokes!

Only then did Philemon see that there was a steel needle deeply inserted into the wrists of these guards!

A group of escorts were all killed, and the whole process took less than ten seconds!

Philemon looked at the group of people in front of him in shock, and the hand holding the gun was trembling. He asked in a trembling voice: "Who are you?"

"I'm your friend, not your enemy!" Zhou Huafeng said to him with a smile.

The two of them spoke Eagle Flag, and only Zhou Huafeng on Chen Xin'an's side was the most fluent in Eagle Flag.

Philemon immediately lowered his gun.

Yes, these people must be friends, otherwise they would have attacked him just now.

Looking at Chen Xin'an and others, Philemon widened his eyes and said, "Are you Chinese?"

Zhou Huafeng nodded and said, "Yes!"

Philemon said excitedly: "My partner is Chinese, and I can speak Chinese! Hello!"

His accent was a bit weird and not quite standard, which made everyone laugh.

Zhou Huafeng said to Chen Xin'an: "There are also many Chinese people in the Interpol headquarters."

Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and said: "These people are so powerful that they have gone abroad to become police officers, and they are still Interpol!"

Zhou Huafeng shook his head and said: "Actually, there are not many people in Interpol.

Generally, when a country's case involves a foreign country, the person investigating the case often goes out to handle cases, so he or she will apply to become an Interpol police officer, which gives him certain privileges.

But if the Interpol headquarters can send people to investigate directly, it must be a major international case! "

Zhou Huafeng turned to Philemon and asked: "Say hello to your partner for me!"

Philemon's expression darkened, he shook his head and said, "I can't help you with this.

He died two years ago, right here, for the same case!

It was also because of this incident that I took the initiative to take over! "

Everyone fell silent.

Chen Xin'an patted Philemon on the shoulder and said to him: "Friend, let me give you a gift!"

Philemon looked at him inexplicably.

Are Chinese people so polite?

Giving gifts when you first meet?

Chen Xin'an waved to Li Qi.

Li nodded, turned around, walked to the green belt, and lifted the trembling Nancy over.

A woman?

Philemon was even more dumbfounded.

Why did you give this woman to me when we first met?

The key is that I am Interpol!

what do you mean?

Bribe me?

Zhou Huafeng pointed at Nancy and said to Philemon: "This woman is the murderer of your partner!"

"How is that possible!" Philemon shook his head and said, "My partner died at the hands of a top killer named Medusa!"

Zhou Huafeng nodded and said, "Yes, this person is Medusa!"

Philemon people are stupid!

The top killer is actually a woman?

And just like a big caterpillar, sitting in front of him so obediently?

"This is..." Philemon pointed at Nan Xi, not understanding why she was like this at the moment.

Zhou Huafeng smiled and said: "Chinese acupuncture! Her current pain is like countless fire ants burrowing into her body.

And you still can't dodge it, you can only stand upright and endure the bite! "

Philemon shuddered. Thinking about it, he knew how painful this woman was now. No wonder she was so obedient and motionless.

"Damn you!" Philemon pointed the gun at Nancy's head and cursed through gritted teeth:

"You killed my best friend Johnny with your own hands!

He is my good partner!

He also has a two-year-old!

You actually killed him in such a cruel way!

You she-devil! "

"Kill me!" Nancy begged, foaming at the mouth.

Death now is the relief she wants most.

She had ridiculously thought that it would be more comfortable to fall into Chen Xin'an's hands.

Only now do I realize how stupid this idea is!

She would rather be killed by Li Qi than tortured by Chen Xin'an.

This feeling of life being worse than death made her feel like she was really in hell!

Zhou Huafeng gently raised the muzzle of Philemon's gun, shook his head and said: "Friend, don't worry!

This person, Mr. Chen, is still useful.

But don't worry, she will never end well, it will be even more uncomfortable than death!

Now we need your help.

We have to rush to the factory hospital as soon as possible, there are still injured people here..."

Philemon nodded and said: "I will take you there! But these corpses..."

Two minutes later, everyone changed into the clothes of the escorts, even Guo Zhaodi and Nancy also put on uniforms.

All the bodies have been hidden and should not be discovered for a short time.

It turned into a scene of a group of security guards escorting a man in work clothes, but this time they did not return to the workshop, but went to the hospital.

The factory area is very large, like a small town.

There are probably more than 50,000 employees in the entire factory, divided into different work areas.

Many places require card swiping or facial recognition for access control.

Otherwise, you won't be able to get through it at all.

This is the purpose of Chen Xin'an taking Nancy.

He was on guard against such access control, and since Nancy had been here for two years, her level should be high and she could enter many places.

“There are a total of 6,000 guards in the factory, divided into more than 300 teams.

Although they wear the same uniform, they are in charge of different areas and don't meet often.

So even if they are all escorts, they may not know each other face to face.

This is the advantage of your pretend escorts.

But there are some special beings, namely the guards in white uniforms.

They all protect the safety of the restricted area. "

Chen Xin'an turned around and asked, "What's in the restricted area?"

Philemon shook his head and said seriously: "I have thought about sneaking in countless times, but I have not succeeded!

However, according to the information obtained by the headquarters, Pyrosis is probably building an underground factory!

Exactly what is being produced, no one knows.

All the investigators sent by the headquarters have been cleared, and now I am the only one left.

I have to find a way to go in and see what is hidden, even if I die, I have to take a look! "

Chen Xin'an patted him on the shoulder and said, "You will see it, and you won't die!"

Philemon suddenly remembered something and said to everyone: "But I went to the garbage station and saw the things inside!"

"Garbage station?" Everyone was a little surprised. What's so interesting about a place where garbage is placed?

Philemon raised his arm, pointed at a large chimney a hundred meters away and said, "It's right under that chimney.

It is claimed to be for burning waste, but I have seen a car drive in.

The car was full of corpses, people of all colors.

They were all sent to the incinerator and burned! "

Zhou Huafeng translated his words to everyone.

Everyone looked stern.

The horror of Pyroses is beyond everyone’s imagination!

In fact, Nancy must also know these secrets.

But Chen Xin'an didn't believe everything she said.

Even though she looks like she wants to die now, as a top killer, her body is professionally trained to withstand pain.

The more you think you have her under control, the more likely she will bite you back.

So Chen Xin'an didn't give her this chance.

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