Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2281 This is how we fought our way here

The factory hospital is very impressive, even if it is placed outside, its reputation will not be diminished.

Don't think there is anything dirty behind the scenes, but as a world-renowned company, it will naturally not fail in its image project.

Apart from anything else, this kind of supporting facilities should be available, and employee benefits will definitely not be bad.

After entering the hospital, Philemon found two wheelchairs and asked Luo Qianhe and Nancy to sit on them while everyone pushed them around.

Got on the elevator and went straight to the surgery department on the third floor.

Putting on the uniform of the escort makes everything easier.

There were many things that required questioning, but they were immediately let go as soon as they saw this uniform.

After arriving at the surgical clinic smoothly, Philemon invited a surgical expert. When he saw Luo Qianhe's injuries, the doctor named Paul frowned.

"How was he injured?" Paul asked, looking at everyone seriously.

Philemon said with a smile: "Didn't I explain it just now? It was accidentally flushed by the exhaust valve..."

Paul looked at him angrily and cursed: "Hey! Do you think I'm an idiot? Can't you see that this is a gunshot wound?"

Philemon looked a little embarrassed and looked at Chen Xin'an nervously.

Zhou Huafeng said to Paul: "Doctor, arrange the operation immediately. No matter what the injury is, it must be treated. This is a hospital after all!

No matter how much medical expenses are needed, we will just pay it! "

Paul scolded him angrily: "You also know that this is a factory hospital, and you still want me to operate on him?

This hospital is only for emergencies.

Major surgeries have to be sent outside.

There is no conditions for such an operation here. Who will be responsible if an accident occurs? "

"Me!" Chen Xin'an looked at the bodyguard and said, "You just need to provide me with the tools, and I will do the surgery.

No matter what the consequences may be, you will not be held responsible! "

A curly-haired man next to him shouted sternly at Chen Xin'an: "Are you responsible? What are you responsible for?

Are you a doctor? Do you know how to perform surgery?

Do you think this is a playground and you can do whatever you want?

Get out of this place right now!

Take this guy with you.

If he is not sent outside, let him wait for death!

Don't think that just because you are a member of the escort team, you can order us to do things! "

Chen Xin'an asked him: "Who are you?"

"What, do you want to take revenge on me? Damn the Orientals!

I am Roger, Mr. Paul’s first assistant!

Don't think just because you are a member of the escort team, you are great!

You damn orientals, even if you become emperor, you are worthless in my eyes! "

Frowning, Roger stared at the nameplate on Chen Xin'an's chest, frowned and said, "Are you the guard of the Sixth District?

No, when did District 6 recruit so many oriental-looking guards?

Who are you? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at Luo Xiaoman.

Luo Xiaoman understood, turned around and closed the door of the consulting room.

The next second, Chen Xin'an suddenly appeared in front of Roger. Before he could react, with a click, Chen Xin'an broke his neck!

"Oh! God, what are you doing!" Paul was so frightened that his hair stood up.

Is this guy crazy?

Actually killed his assistant!

Chen Xin'an clapped her hands expressionlessly and said to Paul: "I don't have that much time.

Just do what I just told you.

Prepare the venue and tools for me, and I will make the gestures myself. Do you understand? "

Paul's face turned pale and he nodded quickly.

He could see that if he refused, this guy would definitely break his neck without hesitation just like he did to Roger!

As for how the wounded man got a gunshot wound, how did these Orientals become the guards of the Sixth District? What does it have to do with being a doctor?

In the operating room, the tools were ready. Chen Xinan put on sterile clothes and said to everyone:

"Zhaodi comes in with me, and the others stay outside.

Be careful, the enemy may come here if you can't hide it for too long.

But they have scruples, but we have no scruples.

If you want to fight, the louder the noise, the better!

But you must ensure that I complete the operation!

After an hour, Nancy's acupuncture will wear off.

If I don't come out by then, you will kill her.

After the pigeon's bullet is taken out, let's go to Gate 6! "

"Got it!" everyone responded.

Chen Xin'an nodded to Guo Zhaodi, turned around and wanted to go in, but stopped again.

He looked at Zhou Huafeng and said in a deep voice: "Brother Feng, there are no more drones at all, right?"

Zhou Huafeng shook his head and smiled bitterly: "There are drones, but those two are the only ones loaded with weapons!

Mr. Chen, they all know it and they all do it willingly.

I also feel now that everything is worth it!

And they are not as fragile as Mr. Chen imagined.

Even if they can't all come back, it's still possible for...one of them to come back! "

Chen Xin'an was speechless.

He turned around and walked into the operating room with heavy steps.

The three people who stayed on the mountain had only one mission.

Even at the risk of his own life, he must attract the killer troops and let Chen Xin'an break through and go down the mountain.

The so-called drone cover is just an excuse for Chen Xin'an to go down the mountain without feeling guilty!

For Chen Xin'an, for the sake of his brothers and friends, he will not hesitate even if he goes up to the sword or into the sea of ​​fire.

But he didn't want to see his friends and brothers get hurt because of him.

He was afraid of using his own life to save his life!

A merciful man cannot command an army.

This was why Chen Xin'an didn't want to stay in the army for a long time.

He would rather deal with some dangers alone than let the people around him get involved.

The operation began, and Li Qi and his men stood guard at the door.

Nancy was slumped in a wheelchair, seemingly quiet.

In fact, if you look closely at her, you can see that every piece of skin on her face and even on her body is twitching.

The uniform that Guo Zhaodi changed for her was soaked with cold sweat!

The top killer of the Killer Alliance was now as fragile as a porcelain.

Even a toddler could break her with a slap!

But no one pitied her.

Philemon even wanted to shoot her to death!

At this moment, Li Qi suddenly said to everyone strangely: "Do you feel something is wrong?"

Everyone looked at each other with strange expressions.

Zhou Huafeng said, "I also feel a little strange, but I don't know what's strange!" Li Qi explained, "There should be a lot of people here, why are they gone now?" Everyone suddenly realized! Yes, it seems to be much quieter now than before! Luo Xiaoman squatted down and said to everyone, "Don't talk!" He stretched out his hand to touch the ground, and after a while he got up and ran out. He took a look at the corner of the corridor, ran back and said to everyone, "It seems that there is no one on this floor! There are many people rushing up, be careful, they should be coming!" As soon as the voice fell, a fierce gunshot rang out! The wall debris around Luo Xiaoman flew! He quickly rolled sideways and threw a small pineapple! Boom! The explosion sounded in the corridor, and a group of guards who had just emerged screamed, and the rest of the people quickly retreated to the stairwell! Li Qi shouted to Luo Xiaoman: "Brother Man, come back!"

Luo Xiaoman quickly turned around and ran back, saying to everyone: "Get ready, I estimate there are hundreds of people!"

Philimon swallowed his saliva, with some fear in his eyes, and said in a trembling voice: "Hundreds of people?

We only have these few, how can we fight?"

Xiao Zhang smiled and patted his shoulder, grinning and said: "Why, are you scared?

We fought all the way down from the mountain like this!"

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