Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2282 It’s so easy to find you

When the battle started, Philemon realized that these people were really not just bragging!

When they faced the siege of hundreds of people, they didn't have the fear that people under siege should have. Instead, they were as excited as if they had the upper hand!

A large number of quilts were poured with water and piled up at the entrance of the corridor. Together with wooden boards and various debris, they formed a simple fortification.

Someone took out a grenade and wanted to throw it over, but was kicked by the person next to him!

"Are you crazy?

Lady Medusa and Dean Paul are both inside!

If they get hurt, can you take responsibility? "

The guard was so frightened that he quickly packed up the little pineapple.

This battle was a bit frustrating!

He was obviously on his own territory, but he was restrained.

Instead, the other party used all their firepower and pinned so many people at the entrance of the stairs. They would die if they went out. More than a dozen of them fell down!

The alarm sounded in the factory workshop, so the senior management here also knew that the people who were chasing people on the mountain had actually escaped to the industrial zone.

But they seemed to have disappeared. They disappeared after entering the industrial area!

So the entire escort team was checking surveillance cameras to find the whereabouts of these people.

It happened that District 6 had to deal with a worker who was suspected of being an undercover worker, but the escort team took the person out and disappeared.

Finally, the tracking focused on the missing worker Philemon, and then his location was found.

So we immediately gathered people and rushed to the factory hospital!

One of the guards wiped the blood splattered on his face, turned to his companions and shouted: "Captain Sanks, you can't rush through!"

Just now, a companion was shot in the head as soon as he went out!

Blood and brains spattered on his face, almost scaring him to the point of peeing!

Sanks frowned and asked, "Where is the place next to the operating room?"

The guard said: "It's a conversation room, it's empty!"

"Okay!" Sanks said to him: "Wright, you immediately ask a few people to find a way to get in from other floors.

In this way, we can go around behind the group of people, surround them from front to back, and get Lady Medusa out first! "

Wright nodded vigorously, this is a good method.

Or maybe he can be the captain, his brain is really good!

Climbing equipment was easy to find. Wright called everyone in his team over and said to everyone while tying the equipment on his body:

"Now I have a task for everyone. If it can be completed, this month's bonus will be enough for the first half of the year!"

Everyone's eyes lit up and they looked at him with surprise.

Wright pointed out the window and said to everyone: "We will climb down from the fourth floor later and directly enter the conversation room next to the operating room on the third floor.

Then cooperate with the people outside, attack from the front and back, and take down this damn gang!

But before that, we have to find Lord Medusa first after we go to the third floor.

Don't forget, she is the Baron's lover.

If we can rescue her, Lord Baron will not treat us badly! "

Everyone's eyes lit up.

The team leader is really awesome, he can get such an opportunity!

Getting rich is just around the corner, what are you waiting for?

Now everyone has begun to imagine the scene of suddenly appearing behind that group of people and killing those Easterners indiscriminately!

It's like killing a pig, the bullets keep firing, it's really not that exciting!

Everyone speeded up, and then led by Wright, they went up to the fourth floor.

After finding the room corresponding to the conversation room below, Wright tied the rope to a fixed place and tested the firmness.

Everything was fine. Wright made a good deal with everyone, then opened the window and put down the rope.

Two ropes, two people go down together.

When I arrived outside the third floor, I discovered that the windows here were closed.

It doesn’t matter, I’ve thought of this situation a long time ago!

Wright took out a round suction cup with a handle from his body and pressed it in the middle of the glass.

Then he took out a glass knife and drew a circle along the glass frame.

Lift the handle on the suction cup up and lift up the piece of glass!

Even the suction cup of the glass belt was raised above the head, allowing the people above to pass it up one by one.

Wright and his companions jumped into the room through the opened gap.

Unexpectedly, there was a person sitting behind the curtain with his back to everyone. They were startled and almost pulled out a gun!

The people on the rope outside the window behind were also frozen, not daring to move!

But the person sitting there didn't move, just like a statue!

At this time, Wright's eyes suddenly widened.

Because he has recognized that this person seems to be wearing the clothes of the escort!

Wright and his companion looked at each other, then made a cautious move towards him.

The two of them took out their guns and pointed them at the man on the chair in front of them.

Then he carefully walked around to the front to see his front.

When he looked at this man's face, Wright was stunned!

Isn’t this Lady Medusa!

Why is she sitting here?

Wright had seen Medusa's true appearance before and was deeply impressed by it, so he could recognize it at a glance!

The huge surprise immediately filled him up, this was a godsend!

He thought it would take a lot of effort to find her, and it might even cost him a few lives.

I never expected that the person I was looking for would appear in front of me so easily!

The companion next to him also recognized this person and opened his mouth to say hello, but Wright covered his mouth and pointed in the direction of the door.

When you get here, all movements must be taken lightly, otherwise the plan will be in vain!

Since Lord Medusa is here, there is no need to go looking for her, just send her up directly from the window!

Wright stood in front of Nancy and made several gestures to her:

We're going to get you off the rope and up to the fourth floor.

The enemy is outside. We will flank the large forces later to destroy them!

Seeing Lady Medusa slumped on the chair, motionless, Wright guessed that she had been abused by the enemy!

They actually tortured our top killer to this point, slumped in a chair and unable to move. These bastards deserve to die!

Moreover, when her rescuer arrived, there was no surprise on her face, but a look of horror on her face, which made Wright even more angry.

How much hardship has he endured and how much inhuman abuse have he endured to have such a frightening look in his eyes!

Wright patted his chest and gestured to Medusa: Don't worry, I can carry you out! With me here, you are safe!

This is the lover of Lord Baron, and a true beauty.

I didn't expect that I would also have a kiss. This kind of opportunity is something that others can't ask for in their entire lives!

He stood in front of Nancy excitedly, and reached his arms under her arms with his hands!

The panic in Nancy's eyes was even worse at this moment. She seemed to want to push him away, but she couldn't find the strength and couldn't speak!

The people next to him all looked at Wright with envy.

The moment he picked up Medusa, everyone heard a crisp click.

It seemed like something had been pulled out.

Then a round little pineapple rolled out from under Medusa's butt.

Looking at this gadget, Wright instantly understood why Lord Medusa looked at him with such horror just now!


Everyone cursed, and then there was a deafening explosion!

Blood and flesh splattered, and the glass on the window shattered!

The people next to him were blown away together, and the two people who were still hanging outside the window were also covered by the explosion sound and glass fragments. They screamed and fell down together with the cut rope!

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