Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2283 Can I trust you?

Li Qi and his men who were fighting outside were also startled.

The door of the room was blown apart, revealing a big hole.

Looking inside the hole, broken limbs and arms were scattered all over the floor, and the scene was extremely bloody!

Li Qi widened his eyes, looked at Xiao Zhang and asked: "Brother Xiao, where is Nancy?"

Xiao Zhang turned his head and also stared at Luo Xiaoman: "Aman, where is Nancy?"

Luo Xiaoman looked at Zhou Huafeng beside him.

Zhou Huafeng's eyes twitched, brother, I didn't even touch that woman, it's not appropriate to blame me, right?

Luo Xiaoman also felt it was inappropriate, so he looked at Philemon on the side.

I'm a newcomer!

Philemon also turned his head.

Luo Xiaoman was helpless, so he shrugged and said, "I locked her in the room, fearing that she would affect our battle! By the way, I put a small pineapple under her butt to prevent her from running away. I didn't expect that she really wanted to run away, so I can't blame her! Wait until Lao Chen comes out, you must speak for me, I don't want this to happen!" Everyone looked helpless. This should be someone who wanted to rush in from the window, and just met Nancy, so he wanted to rescue her. Unexpectedly, Luo Xiaoman actually hid a small pineapple under her body, and directly killed them all. It was a lucky coincidence, but according to Chen Xinan's intention, he didn't want to kill Nancy so early, and she would be useful later. Now she is dead and can't even put the body together, so she can only blame her bad luck! The rope that fell outside the window was cut by broken glass, the rescue mission failed, and four teammates were lost, including Lady Medusa and team leader Wright. The rest of the people returned to the main force in a daze, and were scolded by Sanx again! At this moment, Sanx's phone rang. He took it out and stood at attention and answered, "Yes! They are all here! Okay, we will attack immediately! Lady Medusa has... Yes, I understand!" After hanging up the phone, Sanks said to everyone, "I have good news for you. Mr. Betsy has led the assassin team down the mountain. They will be here soon! He ordered us to attack at all costs and get rid of these bastards!" A guard next to him asked, "But boss, Dean Paul is still inside..." Sanks cursed, "You idiot! Don't you know what it means to attack at all costs? Don't worry, the assassin team will be here soon! Even if we fail to attack, the assassin team will block them from behind, and these people are dead!" Just then, Sanks' phone rang again. As soon as he saw the number, he quickly answered: "Mr. President, this is Sankes from the guard team. Do you have any instructions?

Yes, we are all at the hospital, Chen Xin'an is also here!

Ah? Can't affect the industrial zone below?

Okay, I understand!"

After hanging up the phone, Sankes looked tangled and said to his subordinates beside him: "The president called in person and said that the battle should be controlled as much as possible in the hospital.

The movement should be smaller, so as not to affect the workers in the industrial zone below.

But the killer team wants us to attack at all costs.

What the hell should I do?"

The guard on the side whispered: "Boss, if that's the case, why don't we wait for Mr. Betsy and the others to come down before fighting!

Letting us be cannon fodder, isn't it a bit..."

Sankes' face darkened. Just when he was about to scold him, he felt that this kid was right.

Yes, your killer team is from the Killer Alliance.

We are the guard team of Paroses. You are not our superiors. Why do you order us?

Why do you use us as cannon fodder?

He rolled his eyes and said to everyone: "We don't need to rush over, just suppress the firepower, we have more people!"

A group of guards nodded one after another, and under the leadership of Sanx, they all fired wildly.

But their people hid behind and did not attack at all!

Li Qi and his people suddenly heard gunshots outside the corridor, and dust flew around. They thought the enemy was going to attack and avenge their Lady Medusa.

Unexpectedly, the thunder was loud but the rain was small.

The gunshots were quite dense, but no one attacked.

These grandsons think they have too many bullets!

Li Qi and his people ignored them and were careful and alert.

In the operating room, Chen Xinan tied the rope tied around his chest and said to Paul next to him: "Mr. Paul, can I trust you?"

Paul seemed to have not calmed down from the previous excitement. He took a deep breath and said to Chen Xinan:

"I have called Owen. Since this gentleman is his master, he is my friend, Paul.

I am just a doctor, so my position is to cure diseases and save people.

Mr. Chen has just shown me the mysterious oriental acupuncture, which opened my eyes!

Sorry, I am a little excited and my words are incoherent.

I mean, Owen will be here soon.

They will be safe!"

Chen Xinan nodded and said: "Okay! When this matter is over, you can come to me anytime.

I will teach you that acupuncture!"

"Thank you, Master!" Paul wanted to kneel down excitedly, but Chen Xinan waved his hand and said: "It is to thank you for your help, not to accept a disciple! You don't have to call me Master!"

Paul said stubbornly: "I know the rules of the Chinese.

This kind of secret technique must be passed on.

You teach me, then you are my Master!"

At this time, Chen Xin'an didn't have time to care about this. He asked the person behind him and said to Paul: "Then I'll leave first!"

Paul nodded and said: "I'll take Master and leave through the back door! The killer troops have already gone down the mountain, and a large number of wounded will be sent to the hospital in a while.

If there are no beds available in the living area, they will be sent to the factory hospital.

You have to get out of here before they come. "

Chen Xin'an nodded, walked to the side and put her hand on the door handle, suddenly turned around and asked:

"You helped me, McGregor won't let you go!"

Paul smiled and said: "He still relies on me to do many things for him, and he doesn't dare to do anything to me!"

Chen Xin'an wanted to say something, but she didn't say it after all. She nodded, opened the door of the operating room and walked out!

"Brothers, let's go, get out of here!" Chen Xin'an glanced over and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that everyone was fine.

Seeing Chen Xin'an carrying Luo Qianhe out, everyone's faces were full of surprise.

"Old Chen, Pigeon..." Luo Xiaoman asked worriedly when he saw Luo Qianhe lying on Chen Xin'an's back, covering his head and not moving, and slapped him.

Chen Xin'an stepped aside and said to him: "I just finished the operation and the anesthetic has not worn off yet!

It's okay, the bullet has been taken out! "

Everyone was relieved.

Chen Xin'an glanced around and said to Li Qi: "Aqi, where is Nancy? Take her with you and let's enter the factory!"

Luo Xiaoman said with a guilty look on his face: "Old Chen, I have to admit my mistake to you!"

He hesitantly explained what had just happened. He was originally expecting Chen Xin'an to scold him, but when he heard him just say "oh", he looked at everyone and said:

"If you die, just die. I had no intention of letting her leave alive.

As long as you're not injured, let's go first! "

Luo Xiaoman was stunned for a moment, followed quickly, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, don't you blame me for disrupting your plan?"

"Then what's the plan?" Chen Xin'an said with a wry smile: "Now we can only take one step at a time.

The killer troops have already gone down the mountain and will be coming to the industrial area soon.

We need to get to the factory before they form a circle.

Nancy has little effect. Whether she is dead or alive is actually not important to us anymore! "

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