Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2285 Chaos in the workshop

After changing into work clothes, Philemon brought everyone to the work station and pretended to work.

The best hiding is not to hide, but to blend in.

There is a lot of surveillance in the factory, but if you lower your hat and try not to look at the camera, your face will not be photographed.

Of course, if strangers want to sneak in, it's okay to hide it from outsiders, but it's definitely not easy to hide it from your own people.

So Philemon and everyone tried to avoid the workshop leaders and relied on colleagues to cover up and stall for time.

As long as I can wait until I get off work.

I have to say that this kid Philemon knows how to do things and is very popular.

Almost everyone in the workshop has a good relationship with him.

There were five more people who obeyed his orders.

These five people were also in the same dormitory with him.

There are still ten minutes left for get off work. By then, Chen Xin'an and the others can blend into the crowd and enter the dormitory.

There is no factory management there, only the guards are responsible for security and maintaining discipline.

But eight people died at once today, and the escort team must not have enough manpower.

Chen Xin'an told Philemon that she would accompany him to open door No. 6 tonight.

The so-called door No. 6 is a steel door on the first floor of dormitory building 2.

Circles were drawn on it, and no entry signs were spray-painted in red paint.

But more than one person has seen people come out of it.

And it was still in the middle of the night. Someone came out pushing a trolley and put a wooden box on a transport truck.

After the car drove away and the person pushing the cart returned, everything returned to calm.

This kind of thing has not only happened once.

So everyone is curious about what is inside Gate 6.

However, this topic is forbidden to be discussed in the factory. Once someone is found chatting about this privately, their wages will be deducted, and some people will even be fired directly!

Because he is Interpol, Philemon knows some secrets better than others.

Chen Xin'an also wanted to get to know him better.

Holding a folder and pretending to check the equipment, Chen Xin'an asked Philemon next to him: "What is the hibernation plan?"

Philemon whispered: "Johnny once sent back some information, which mentioned that Pegasus was building a large underground military factory.

Specializes in producing some banned or imitation arms and sells them to some radical organizations at low prices.

This plan is codenamed hibernation.

The preliminary plan is for three phases, which will be completed in five years.

Now in its third year! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and asked a little strangely: "How did Interpol focus on this project?"

"It's just a coincidence!" Philemon said to Chen Xin'an: "Through a smuggling case.

We have made statistics and found that approximately 30,000 people sneak into Black Hawk Island through various channels every year.

Half were captured and deported.

The remaining fifteen thousand people entered Black Eagle Island or other cities in the Eagle Flag Country.

We did some statistics and found that there were approximately 10,000 people.

But there were still almost five thousand people, and we could never find any trace of them.

It wasn't until Interpol uncovered an illegal labor trafficking case involving Pajros that we noticed this place.

Behind a large number of missing persons cases, this company is also related.

So Interpol began to send people to investigate undercover.

Unexpectedly, these people were very vigilant and concealed a large number of counter-reconnaissance experts, causing Interpol to suffer heavy losses!

Chen Xin'an thought of Dayao and Lao Han's gang, who were deceived by Pai Josese.

If I hadn't met him, I would have become an illegal worker by now!

At this moment, there was a loud bang and the ground shook.

Everyone was shocked and didn't understand what was happening.

Li Qi walked to Chen Xin'an and whispered: "It's an explosion, it seems to be explosives!

But the distance is quite far. "

After a while, Philemon hurried over and said to Chen Xin'an: "It's amazing! Door No. 6 was blown open, and I don't know who did it!

I heard that three or four men in white were killed! "

The so-called men in white are the guards wearing white uniforms.

These people are the most mysterious beings in the industrial area.

Everyone knows that there is such a group of people, but they don’t know where they work, and they rarely see them.

But this time, Philemon also knew that these men in white should be responsible for the hibernation plan!

It was about to get off work, the alarm suddenly sounded, and everyone was asked to gather.

Bobby ran over and said to Philemon: "Sanks is here, and he has brought a large group of people to conduct a large search of the entire factory!"

Philemon's expression changed.

If there's a big search, it won't matter where they hide.

Chen Xin'an said to Philemon: "Let's go out first, don't bring trouble to everyone!"

"No!" Philemon grabbed Chen Xin'an's arm and said to him:

"It's too late to go out now!

Once you are exposed, the situation will be very dangerous!

I'll figure it out! "

Philemon waved, called Bobby over, and said a few words to him.

Bobby nodded, with a smirk on his face, turned around and ran away!

After he left, Philemon asked Chen Xin'an to gather everyone together, avoid the cameras, and hide in a corner.

A group of security guards rushed in and all the workers in the factory began to gather.

Even in normal times, the relationship between workers and guards is not very good, and there are often frictions of one kind or another.

And usually the security guards are not allowed to hold guns when they go to work.

But this time, they were armed with live ammunition, which made the workers even more nervous.

The terrain where Chen Xinan and his group were now was relatively high, but they could see the whole situation below.

I really didn't expect that there weren't many people pretending to work below just now.

But when they gathered together, they were so crowded that there were probably two or three thousand people.

A leader of the guard team was speaking, but the distance was too far to hear what he was saying.

But the workers below were obviously unhappy and kept saying something.

The leader seemed a little angry and took out a pistol.

A group of guards also pointed the muzzles of their rifles at the workers in front of them.

Chen Xinan frowned, and Philemon beside him whispered, "Don't worry.

These guys are just pretending, they don't dare to shoot at all!

Pyroses pays great attention to the interests of employees and will not beat employees at will.

As long as it's not excessive, they dare not do anything to us!"

Sure enough, although the guards were very angry and even raised their guns, the group of workers were not afraid, and their emotions were even greater than before!

Bobby even rushed to the leader, pointed at him and asked loudly.

The leader may have never been refuted in front of so many people, and felt very embarrassed, so he directly pointed the muzzle of the pistol at Bobby's head!

But Bobby was not afraid at all, and slapped his arm away!

This action completely angered the leader, and he kicked Bobby in the stomach!

This was more like poking a hornet's nest, and all the people who shared the dormitory with Bobby rushed over with curses!

A group of guards did not dare to shoot, holding their rifles upside down, and smashed the heads of these workers with the butts of the rifles.

Blood spurted out of Bobby's forehead instantly!

All of a sudden, more than 2,000 workers were all angry!

They rushed to the guards and wrestled with them, and some even wanted to grab the guns!

These workers were usually bullied by these guards.

The relationship between the two sides has always been tense, like two gunpowder barrels, and now they were just ignited by a fire.

In just a blink of an eye, the huge workshop below was in chaos!

Philemon said to Chen Xin'an with a smile: "Okay, let's go!" Seeing that Zhou Huafeng was still in a daze, Chen Xin'an pulled him and said, "Brother Feng, let's go first!" He knew what Zhou Huafeng was thinking. The assassin team went down the mountain, which meant that Ah Shui and Ah Le... might have been sacrificed!

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