Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2286 Don’t forget your own identity

The entire large workshop was in chaos, with workers and the escorts fighting.

As Philemon said, the guards did not dare to shoot even if they had guns. They only fired into the air to scare the workers.

Normally, the workers would be really frightened.

No one can guarantee that these guardsmen actually pointed their guns at people in a hurry or accidentally.

But today, under the instigation of Bobby and those in his dormitory, a group of workers vented all their long-standing dissatisfaction with the guards!

Moreover, this time the escort's demands were too much and they didn't regard them as human beings at all!

Why should we live in the workshop?

After a tiring day, it’s so comfortable to go back to the dormitory to eat, drink, take a shower and sleep. What’s in the workshop?

Is this a place to sleep?

This doesn’t treat them as human beings at all!

Chen Xin'an led everyone with their heads lowered and blended into the crowd.

Follow everyone towards the dormitory.

There is an exclusive passage between the workshop and the dormitory building, which is a bit like a large boarding bridge. Vehicles are prohibited.

Countless people crowded in the passage, and Chen Xin'an was among them.

"Lisa!" Chen Xin'an shouted softly, then pulled Paul's daughter over and asked her to follow him.

Chen Xin'an was not at ease about handing over Ge Ge and Guo Zhaodi to someone they met for the first time.

I had to do this out of urgency, but I also had to have a guarantee.

So Paul's daughter Lisa was asked to go with him, pretending to be Guo Zhaodi.

In this way, the factory surveillance will find that their number has not changed, and they will not be suspected of going to the hospital in a short period of time.

Send the pigeons and Zhaodi out to Paul to gain more time and opportunities.

Although he was brought out as a proton, Chen Xin'an still took good care of Lisa and tried his best to protect her.

At this moment, a burst of gunfire sounded from behind.

At first, he thought it was the escort bluffing again, but when the chaotic shouts and the crowd came over, Chen Xin'an realized that a shot had just been fired!

In the workshop, countless armed killers rushed in, trying to get the workers back to the workshop.

They were not wearing guard uniforms, so the workers would not listen to them.

This made these killers lively. They were originally a group of thugs who killed without blood!

One of the workers pulled over one of the workers who was the most abusive and pointed a pistol at his head.

The worker thought the guy was trying to scare people, so he spat directly into the killer's face!

The killer looked gloomy and pulled the trigger without hesitation!

After the gunshot, a pool of blood spurted out from the back of the worker's head. His eyes widened and he seemed a little unbelievable. However, his life force quickly disappeared and the body fell straight to the ground!

The workers around him were all shocked when they saw it.

A group of workers ran over angrily to settle the score with the killer, but the rifle in the other person's hand rang!

And it wasn't just him who fired the shot, but several killers nearby fired at the same time, and more than a dozen of the workers fell down at once!

The guards were all shocked!

Now the workers were all frightened and rushed to the dormitory like crazy!

A leader of the killer unit came over, yelled to stop, and then slapped the killer who shot first on the face hard!

If the workers are all in the workshop, it can scare those guys and prevent them from going back to the dormitory.

But in this situation, more than half of the people are crowded in the passage, and shooting will only make them run faster!

Now I can't stop them even if I want to. I can only let them go back to their dormitories, and then lock each dormitory to prevent them from coming out.

Everyone returned to their dormitories.

Chen Xin'an and others followed Philemon and saw the legendary Gate No. 6.

It's on the right side of the first floor of Dormitory Building F1, at the end of the corridor.

It looks like it should be connected to the F2 dormitory building.

It's just that a big hole was blown open at this moment, the entire door was blown to pieces, and even some of the walls next to it collapsed!

But I couldn't take a closer look. A group of security guards blocked the entrance of the corridor, which was already closed to traffic.

Urgent sirens sounded, and a man's stern warning began to play over the PA system.

It should be a voice telling everyone to go back to their dormitories and not be allowed to come out.

Philemon took Chen Xin'an and the others back to their dormitory.

There are a total of four beds here, all bunk beds, accommodating eight people.

Soon Bobby ran back, but his face was full of tears.

Philemon grabbed him and asked with wide eyes: "Bobby, where are Kate and Brian?"

Bobby wiped his tears with his sleeve and cried: "They are dead! They were beaten to death!"

Those bastards really shot! "

Philemon had a sad look on his face, punched the bed frame next to him, and cursed: "These bastards!"

He has been working undercover here for nearly two years and has developed a deep relationship with these workers. He regards them as his best friends and even brothers!

Zhou Huafeng said to Chen Xin'an in a deep voice: "We can't let them trap everyone in the dormitory!

We will soon find out which dormitory the workers who were beaten to death belong to, and then someone will see us.

We need to make everyone chaotic so that we can enter Gate 6! "

Philemon gritted his teeth and cursed: "What are you talking about!

Do you know those people really dared to shoot?

Do you still want to take advantage of these innocent brothers?

How many more people do you want them to die? "

Zhou Huafeng looked at him calmly and said: "Then let them find us and start a war?

Do you think no one will die then?

Or do you think we should take the initiative to go out and surrender now?

Have you forgotten your identity? "

Philemon's body trembled and his expression was painful.

He is an Interpol police officer, so of course he knows that Zhou Huafeng's judgment is correct.

If there is no chaos at this moment, all the workers will be driven into the dormitory later, and only two or three people with guns will be required to block the outside, and no one can escape!

Then they will still be exposed after all, and they will not be able to escape the fate of being killed!

"But..." Philemon couldn't bear to look at Bobby.

He couldn't watch his brother die.

Bobby wiped his tears again, then looked at the blood splattered on his hands, and said to Philemon: "I want to avenge Kate and the others! I want to kill those dogs!"

Soon, thick smoke billowed out from the dormitory, the fire began to burn, heart-piercing shouts came from the corridor, and then the piercing fire alarm bell rang!

The workers were all in confusion, and the people who had just gone upstairs stumbled down again!

Some people even smashed the windows and jumped directly from the third or fourth floor or even higher!

Countless people were crowded in the corridor, and the guards and assassins couldn't stop them even if they fired their guns!

On the first floor of the dormitory, a large number of killers blocked the stairs, preventing workers from coming down.

Regardless of the fire and smoke above their heads, they would rather burn these workers to death than let them leave their dormitories!

At the critical moment, Chen Xin'an, Li Qi, and Luo Xiaoman rushed towards the killers, grabbed the guns as quickly as possible, and then shot!

Several killers who were blocking the front were knocked to the ground, and a gap appeared in the human wall.

Philemon directed the workers to attack through the gap!

The killer troops couldn't stop it, and the guards didn't dare to stop it at all, so the blockade was broken open and workers poured down the stairs like a tide!

The whole first floor was chaotic like a Chinese Spring Festival travel scene, with people everywhere.

Chen Xin'an winked at everyone, pulled Lisa up, separated the crowd and rushed towards Gate No. 6!

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