Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2287 We must learn to take life and death lightly

The two dormitory buildings F1 and F2 are connected.

The workers thought that the door that was blown open was also the isolation door between the two buildings.

Later I learned that this door is one-way, and there is no such door at F2.

Moreover, this door is often opened in the middle of the night, and a strange car is pushed out from inside, like a huge coffin, making strange creaking sounds.

The workers living on the second floor were so frightened that they couldn't sleep all night every time they heard the sound.

At this moment, the original conflict has developed into a riot.

And workers in all the dormitories united.

After all, the dormitory buildings in each district are connected. If one building is on fire, the remaining ones will not be able to escape.

But now, the killer army actually wants everyone to stay in the dormitory.

It's like leaving them waiting for death!

Without people like Chen Xin'an and Philemon, the workers would naturally be frightened by the weapons and would not dare to resist.

But if there is someone leading it, it will be different.

How about a gun? Wouldn't it be the same as grabbing it?

If you want me to die, then let you die first!

I would rather be beaten to death than burned to death in the dormitory!

They are all a group of workers who usually work on iron, and they have a lot of strength.

Even with bare hands, there were many people, and there were people who rushed forward and grabbed the gun, so the others were even more excited!

Not to mention the guards, even the killers did not expect that they would encounter such resistance.

However, they don't want to worry about those in the escort. Killing is the most common thing for them, so they won't hesitate to shoot.

It's just that this situation is not suitable for shooting. After all, there are people everywhere, workers and companions are all mixed together, and they can't all attack at once without distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy.

Once someone rushes to do that, after killing several companions, he is likely to be the next corpse.

But they are killers. Even if they don't use guns, they have many ways to kill!

Of course, these workers are not easy to kill. When the situation becomes desperate, everyone will have to fight for their lives.

They are very powerful and difficult to control, and it takes twice as much effort to defeat an individual as a normal target.

After throwing down a few, I felt like I was exhausted and had no strength.

This is equivalent to giving those workers the opportunity to snatch their knives and guns and then kill them!

Chen Xin'an and the others didn't want to fight, and after finding an opening, they slipped into Gate No. 6.

"Who is it?" As soon as he came in, he encountered an obstacle.

Eight people in white clothes appeared in front like ghosts.

These are the most mysterious guards in the legend, the men in white.

Chen Xin'an didn't even say any nonsense, he just shot!

At the same time, everyone behind him also opened fire.

Lisa tacitly covered her ears with her hands, shrank her body and hid aside.

Before those men in white could react, they were beaten and died on the spot!

Li Qi walked over with the gun, checked it once, and nodded to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an asked everyone to quickly change into white uniforms, and then continued to move forward.

This is a passage going down. I didn’t expect there to be such a place under the dormitory building!

There are chain rails underground. It seems that the coffin-like car was brought up through the chain rails.

Luo Xiaoman saw the blood stains on the ground. They were not left by the men in white, but were somewhat dried up.

He poked Chen Xin'an with his arm and whispered: "Old Chen, there have been fights here before!"

Chen Xin'an nodded. He had already seen the blood stains here, and also saw some unusual things, such as oil stains.

Li Qi squatted down, touched the ground with his hand, and then looked at his fingers carefully.

After a while, he came over and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, it's weak nitroglycerin, it should be used to blow up the door!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to everyone: "Let's go, everyone be careful! Philemon, give Bobby a gun and teach him how to use it!"

Bobby also came in with Philemon and was standing next to Philemon.

Seeing the rifle handed over by his good friend, Bobby didn't feel nervous at all, and was even a little excited.

Introducing the operation steps to Bobby, Philemon said to him: "Remember, you can only shoot when you see the enemy.

Never point your gun at one of your own, even when the gun is unloaded. "

Bobby nodded vigorously and asked Philemon: "Boss, can I join your organization now?"

Philemon smiled slightly, patted him on the shoulder and said: "When this mission is over, I will introduce you to the Interpol headquarters.

Of course I will train you for a period of time, so there should be no problem for you to join! "

Bobby asked excitedly: "Can I really pass the exam?"

Philemon nodded.

Poppy suddenly covered her eyes and cried: "Kate and Brian are better than me, and they have a greater chance of success, but..."

Philemon also looked a little sad, took a deep breath, pressed Bobby's shoulder and said:

“Bobby, if you want to be an Interpol officer, you must learn to take life and death lightly.

Because what we do is very dangerous.

Many tasks require our lives to be completed.

If you cannot be brave enough to face sacrifice, whether it is your own life or the life of your companions, you are not qualified to join us! "

Bobby stopped talking and just kept wiping his tears with both hands.

After walking down for about a hundred meters, a door appeared in front of everyone.

There was a card swiping device on the wall next to them.

"I'll do it!" Luo Xiaoman was ready to force the door open.

Li Qi stopped him and took out a card from his pocket.

"What is this? Where did you get it?" Luo Xiaoman looked at Li Qi with a strange look on his face.

Xiao Zhang next to him suddenly realized and said, "Just now in the hospital, you went to the interview room just to pick up this thing?"

Li Qi nodded and said to everyone, "It fell from Nancy. I don't know if it works."

You'll know if it works after trying it.

Li Qi took the card and swiped it on the card reader. With a ding, the green light rang, and the iron door in front of him opened.

It really works!

It seems that Nancy has also been to this place.

A room appeared in front of them.

To be precise, it was an elevator room like a room.

It can accommodate 20 or 30 people without any problem.

Everyone walked in and pressed the down button.

There was no floor selection. It seemed that there was only one floor below.

But it was only this floor, but the elevator ran for five or six minutes!

Chen Xinan looked around and found that the original surveillance camera had been destroyed, leaving only the disconnected wires on it.

The skylight above his head should have been opened, and the screws were gone.


The elevator stopped and finally arrived.

Chen Xinan gave everyone a look, and everyone put on their hats and lowered their heads, using both hands to cover the bullet holes on their clothes.

Outside the elevator, several people in white came over and said to Chen Xinan and the others: "Hey! Damn Vincent, why are you so anxious every time?

We haven't gone up to change shifts yet, and you brought people down!

Do you still want the boss to spank you?"

Several people in white laughed beside him.

Chen Xinan quickly looked around and found that this place was like in front of a hotel elevator.

There were several doors next to it, and I didn't know what was inside.

However, these people in white came out of the door opposite, which looked like a security room with surveillance.

In just a blink of an eye, the other party noticed something was wrong, suddenly took a step back and asked:

"You are not Vincent's people! Who are you? Why is there blood on your clothes?"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xin'an raised his right hand, and a series of cold rays shot out from his hand!

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