Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2288 The duty to defend with life

The reaction of this group of people in white was not unpleasant, but they met Chen Xin'an!

With screams, these men in white had several steel needles inserted into their bodies!

Bobby subconsciously picked up a gun, but Philemon held him down.

"Don't shoot! Once this place is opened, we won't be able to enter!"

Bobby said nervously: "But if we don't shoot, how can we fight them?"

Philemon pointed to Chen Xin'an and the others, and whispered: "Just leave it to them!"

After the steel needle passed, Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman rushed forward together. Li Qi and Zhou Huafeng also drew their swords and rushed towards the two men in white in front of them.

Xiao Zhang immediately pulled Lisa behind him. Chen Xin'an said that he should protect her!

These are the men in white that according to legend, even the guards above dare not provoke!

Bobby thought there was going to be a fierce fight. Unexpectedly, after a confrontation, before he could see clearly, all eight men in white on the other side fell to the ground, and their throats were cut with a knife!

Bobby's big mouth didn't close for a long time, and even Philemon was dumbfounded.

He could see clearly that Zhou Huafeng only solved one.

There were three people left, and each of them killed two men in white in a flash. Chen Xin'an even killed three.

And the last two people he killed died almost at the same time!

He cut the throat with his right hand and crushed the throat of another man in white with his left hand.

With his hands retracted, the two corpses fell to the ground at the same time with a bang!

Chen Xin'an quickly wiped the blood stains on the sword on the corpse and waved to everyone.

Opening the door of the surveillance room, four people rushed in.

Philemon wanted to go in to help, but Xiao Zhang stopped him and said, "That's enough. If those four... those three can't handle it, no matter how many more people go in, they will be waiting for death!"

Philemon swallowed and nodded.

Soon the door opposite was opened again. Zhou Huafeng stood at the door and waved to everyone, and the four of them hurried in.

When they stood inside, everyone was shocked.

It was not that he was petrified by the bloody scene in the control room.

But the scene in front of them made them feel like they had entered an alien space!

The five men in white clothes in the monitoring room have been settled, and Chen Xin'an is standing next to the huge monitoring wall, looking at the picture in front of him.

The home screen is a huge construction site, with excavators and cranes everywhere.

At first glance, it looks nothing like an ordinary construction base.

But when you see the proportion of the size of these machines in the entire construction site, and the people who are as young as ants, you know how big this construction site is!

And above the construction site, there were three bloody corpses hanging!

This should be the person who blew open Door No. 6 before. I heard that he did not escape, but was captured again!

And the only outcome for coming back is death!

And he died in such an undignified way.

There were many people on the construction site, almost thousands.

Wearing only a pair of boxer briefs, they kept working under the whips of the men in white.

Such a scene makes people mistakenly think that they have entered a slave society!

Each of these workers was emaciated and covered in scars.

There was no expression on his face, not even pain, he was just doing all kinds of labor like a machine.

"So this is the hibernation plan! The place Johnny mentioned is right here!" Philemon was trembling with excitement, staring at the construction site on the monitor screen, his whole body trembling.

Interpol headquarters sacrificed so many colleagues for this place.

Even Philemon himself didn't know if he would live to see this.

If it weren't for Chen Xin'an and the others, he might have been killed by the escort!

"Brother Feng!" Chen Xin'an said to Zhou Huafeng on the side with a gloomy face.

Zhou Huafeng nodded, walked to the side, and pulled out a person from the pile of corpses.

The man in white was not dead yet, he was just injured, his hands and feet were broken, and he was lying on the ground unable to move.

Zhou Huafeng asked him: "How many guards are there in total? Where is the terrain distribution map..."

Lisa suddenly rushed over and grabbed the man in white's mouth!

Zhou Huafeng subconsciously wanted to push her away, but Chen Xin'an also rushed over and kicked the man in white on the head!

The man in white immediately fainted.

Chen Xin'an opened his mouth and said to Lisa, "Have you seen him?"

"I've seen it before!" Lisa nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "The hospital once rescued such a person. Before committing suicide, he also retracted his jaw hard like this and bit the fangs in his mouth!"

This is also a move commonly used by the Killer Alliance!

Chen Xin'an is also quite familiar.

I just didn't expect that Lisa could be so alert.

He directly removed the chin of the man in white and asked Lisa to find the fangs.

After Lisa carefully took out a tooth, Chen Xin'an closed the man in white's jaw with one kick, and then kicked him awake again.

Before he could speak, Chen Xin'an stabbed the man in white on the head with several more steel needles!

Even the top ranked Medusa in the Killer League couldn't bear the torture. How could a small guard member endure it?

Without wasting any more words, everyone got what they wanted to know, and then Li Qi killed this person with a single blow.

Behind the big screen in the monitoring room is the construction site.

Next to it is the security activity area, including dormitories and leisure areas.

Several old workers from before took advantage of the white-clothed guards' meeting to avoid surveillance, carried explosives, and went up to blow up Door No. 6.

After being captured, he was beaten to death and then hung on a crane for public display.

In fact, even if they don't do this, every time new workers come, they will kill a few people for everyone to see.

This is killing the chicken to scare the monkey.

Human life is very worthless in the world below. This is the real hell!

Those who were caught here were deceived under various excuses and names.

Once they are sent here, they lose all freedom and even the right to be human.

Like animals, they are enslaved and abused. At least two or three people die every day due to illness or injury.

Some were even exhausted to death!

So every once in a while, these corpses will be cleared out in corpse trucks.

This is why some workers heard scary noises at night and even saw the huge coffin-like cart!

But even the man in white doesn't know what exactly is going to be built here.

It’s just that in order to speed up the progress during this period, more new people have been recruited!

Almost every week, many workers are sent in from special channels.

A batch arrived yesterday, and they were all Chinese!

Chen Xin'an asked Zhou Huafeng to call up the surveillance video and saw the person he was looking for on the split screen.

When he zoomed in to the home screen, he looked gloomy.

That's right, it's Dayao, Lao Han, and other Chinese people. They should be the villagers who smuggled over with them!

At the moment they are moving rocks in a corner of the construction site.

This is Black Hawk Island.

There are solid rocks below.

The difficulty of construction in this place can be imagined.

The stones smashed by machines need to be cleaned manually, so most of the people in this area have just arrived.

Because these people's bodies have not been destroyed by the environment below, and they still have a lot of strength.

When they are slowly weakened by abuse and injuries, they will go to other work stations, and this place will be given to the newcomers.

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath, pointed at the screen and said: "Go to this place first and rescue them.

Philemon, turn all of this into evidence and preserve it. Even if you die, you must hand over these evidences smoothly! "

Philemon nodded vigorously and said to Chen Xin'an: "Don't worry, this is my duty, and I will defend it with my life!"

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