Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2289 I’m here to save you

The piercing alarm sounded, shaking the entire underground construction site.

But except for the men in white who sent a team over to check, everyone else was still doing their own thing.

There must be someone else trying to escape, right?

Everyone has become numb to such things and is no longer surprised!

There were countless escapes in a month, but none of them were successful.

The health of the workers is very poor. There is a special drug in the meals they eat every day, which makes people feel groggy and limp when they rest after work, and they are unable to resist at all!

Of course, some people have tried various attempts to resist and escape, but without exception, they all failed!

No one can escape this hell, so most people give up.

At this moment, gunshots and explosions rang out.

In the huge underground construction site, the sound was suppressed and transmitted, so it seemed far away from everyone, and it didn't sound too violent.

But there were still many people who heard something unusual about the gunshots.

In the past, when workers made trouble, men in white also opened fire.

But it was a one-sided massacre, used against rebellious workers.

So the gunshots only rang out a few times and then stopped.

But now, there are constant gunshots, mixed with explosions, and it sounds like a war.

More and more people noticed this, so more people raised their heads and looked towards the monitoring room above.

The gunfire came from that direction.

They saw many people in white gathering in that direction, and also saw several outsiders, shooting and fighting with them with guns!

"Keep working!" The man in white pointed his gun at the stopped workers.

There was no sign of a large-scale enemy invasion, and the men with guns seemed outnumbered.

People like this want to cause trouble here, and they are simply coming to seek death!

So those people in white didn't panic at all. They usually regarded human life as nothing, and naturally they would not be polite to anyone who came to their door for them to kill.

With such a small number of people on the other side, it would be more than enough to send a team of twenty people over and kill them!

Ten minutes later, the gunfire gradually became sparse, and it seemed that the battle was over.

In a corner of the construction site, Dayao and Lao Han were carrying stones staggeringly, as if they were about to fall to the ground at any time.

As his footsteps slipped, Dayao, who was carrying the stone, almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, a big man next to him rushed over and held him up!

"Brother Snake!" Looking at the big man next to him, Dayao's nose felt sore and he almost cried.

The big man looked guilty and said to Dayao: "Brother, I'm sorry!

I shouldn't go my own way, ignore your advice, and insist on bringing everyone here!

It's all me who has harmed all of you! "

Lao Han said with tears: "We are also greedy. We always thought that Mr. Chen was making a fuss out of a molehill and didn't believe what he said.

We are always lucky, thinking that such good things are really waiting for us.

It was us who took the initiative to follow Brother Snake, no one else can blame us! "

Dayao looked at the injuries on Brother Snake's body and said in a trembling voice: "Brother Snake, do you think someone will come to save us?

Will we die here? "

Brother Snake looked around at the workers with scars and dull faces, and sighed in his heart, but his face turned cold.

“No one can save us, we need to save ourselves!

Brothers, don't lose heart!

The sea is so dangerous, God wants to destroy us, and those bastards want our lives even more.

But what about in the end?

We still survived!

Now it's just a matter of changing places and continuing to disobey orders!

We Mashan people would rather die standing than live on our knees!


Before he could finish speaking, several men in white rushed over, raised their whips at the three of them, and slapped them on their heads and faces!

"You trash! Useless trash! You just know how to be lazy! Come and work for me!"

"Have you forgotten what I said, you bastards? Don't get together and don't talk! Do you want me to cut out your tongues now?"

"Damn Chinese people! Isn't it enough to repair you yesterday? It doesn't matter. When the work is done, we will continue tonight!"

Lao Han whispered to everyone: "These bastards won't let us get together!"

Brother Snake winked at several brothers and asked them to go to work first.

Hold back for the time being and only resist when you find an opportunity.

Otherwise, just like the few Mofei people before, they wanted to fight these people in white, and even got explosives, escaped to the upper passage, and blew open the iron door!

But in the end, he still couldn't escape.

Not only the people who installed the bomb were blown to pieces, but all the people who helped them accomplish this were shot together and shot with guns!

Several of the masterminds were even killed and whipped to death, and their bodies were even hung in mid-air!

So resisting now is just a dead end.

Being able to blow open the iron gate shows that there are loopholes in the defense of these men in white.

As long as you calm down and look for these loopholes, and then plan carefully, I can't say that it will definitely succeed, but there is definitely a chance!

And this is their hope of survival!

As soon as he returned to his work station, gunshots were heard from above.

Strangers broke in, and a group of men in white exchanged fire with them.

Brother Snake looked a little excited. Did the opportunity come so soon?

Could it be that most of the local people came here?

But there was no scene of police rushing in on a large scale.

The strange thing is that it seems like the men in white are fighting among themselves, because it looks like two groups of men in white are shooting at each other!

Brother Snake's face was full of disappointment. He thought it was hope, but he didn't expect it was internal friction. It seemed that he still had to fight for the opportunity.

Just as he lowered his head and continued to move the rocks, the gunfire from above stopped.

Looks like the friction is over?

Why end it so soon?

These bastards, let's just have a big internal fight. The most satisfying thing would be if they all fight to the death!

But what's strange is that although there are no gunshots above, sharp whistles are ringing one after another.

Those people in white are gathering in the direction of the monitoring room!

what happened?

Everyone was confused for a while.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the radio!

"Dayao, Lao Han, I see you!

All Chinese compatriots, I am here to save you!

Find a way to communicate with all the companions around you. When these men in white are unprepared, grab their guns and resist. Let's work together and rush out! "

The gunfire rang out again and the sound on the loudspeaker stopped.

But for all Chinese workers, this is simply great news!

They are Chinese!

Those who are fighting these men in white above are the Chinese who are here to save us!

Dayao shed tears of excitement and shouted to Brother Snake: "Brother Snake, it's Mr. Chen! I heard his voice! He is here to save us!"

Brother Snake couldn't hide his excitement. He nodded vigorously, looked in the direction of the control room, gritted his teeth and said, "If I can get out of here today, my life will belong to Mr. Chen!"

The people in white around them yelled loudly. They couldn't understand what the Chinese language said on the loudspeaker meant, but they knew that the control room had been controlled by outsiders!

"Shut up! You damn slaves, do you want to die? Hurry up and work for me, or I will beat you to death!"

A man in white rushed over with a wooden stick and swung it at Dayao's head!

But at this moment, Lao Han suddenly appeared from behind, raised a big stone in his hand, and hit the man in white hard on the head!

The man in white threw his body forward and fell to the ground. Several workers around him swarmed up, holding stones and throwing them at the man in white!

In the blink of an eye, this guy's head was smashed to pieces!

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