Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2295 Blockade of the entire venue

Intensive gunfire rang out, and the workers who rushed out fell to the ground row by row.

There was no expression on Maigret's face. He just sat in the car and watched everything indifferently.

The Hibernation Project is a key project of the Golden Gloves, which will become the world's largest underground arsenal.

Once destroyed in his hands, the Golden Glove will not let him go.

Therefore, even if the workers in the factory above find out, they cannot keep the people below.

The worst thing to do is deal with the lower part and then deal with the upper part.

Kill all the insiders and recruit new ones.

Anyway, with the Golden Glove as his big backer, he can do whatever he wants!

But he really wanted to keep that guy Chen Xin'an alive.

It's not that he has any good intentions, but he simply doesn't want this bastard to die so easily!

Killed his younger brother, killed the top three elites in the Killer League, caused him so much trouble, and died so neatly?

That is really too cheap for this guy!

If he can catch him alive, McGregor must let this guy know how terrible the consequences of provoking him will be!

Hundreds of people died in front of them. Only then did the workers realize that rushing forward was risking their lives, and they were too frightened to show their heads.

Both sides were in a stalemate, and at this moment, several trolleys rushed up from under the driveway.

This is a corpse truck!

This is not a route for corpse trucks, and there are no tracks.

So these cars were pushed directly up from below.

A group of workers rushed up pushing the cart. Once it reached the ground, it became much easier to push the cart.

They pushed the cart and ran quickly, rushing towards the crowd blocking the place.

With an order, the people who blocked him started shooting.

It's just that these corpse trucks are made of steel and are not small in size.

People were hiding behind, bullets hit the coffin-like compartment, and sparks flew everywhere.

With a roar, a killer drove over in a car and hit the corpse truck, knocking it over.

At the same time, a huge explosion sounded!

Both the corpse truck and the killer's car were shrouded in fire and smoke. The killer didn't even scream, but was blown to pieces!

There were explosions. Each corpse truck contained explosives and exploded after being violently impacted.

While the workers were blown away, countless killers also suffered.

The originally tight blockade was suddenly opened!

Two more corpse trucks rushed up from below. This time the killers learned their lesson and drove out a few vehicles, put the gears on, and increased the accelerator to rush over.

But he opened the car door halfway and jumped out of the car!

boom! boom!

There were two loud noises, and the corpse truck that had just been pushed up exploded!

In order to ensure that nothing went wrong, a car rushed down the driveway, but there was no bomb and no one in the car.

The murderous fire enveloped the two cars, and Maigret and a group of killers all had sneers on their faces.

If you want to fight with us, you slaves are simply looking for death!

But at this moment, the two burning cars suddenly separated to both sides, and several figures emerged from the fireworks.

When everyone took a closer look, they discovered that there were four people.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi each held a heavy machine gun and placed it on the ground.

The two of them also lay behind the guns, with Luo Xiaoman and Zhou Huafeng holding ammunition boxes beside them.

Before the person on the other side could react, two heavy machine guns were already spitting out tongues of flame!

The powerful firepower stunned the entire killer army!

Those people in front were like a cornfield that had been cut down, and a large piece fell down at once!

Even the car parked next to it was destroyed in an instant under the rain of bullets. Then with a bang, the fuel tank exploded and flew into the sky.

The killers who just felt like they were hunting, have so quickly changed their roles and become prey.

They fled in panic, avoiding the attack of this round of bullets.

But at this moment, the gunfire suddenly stopped!

The shocked killers were overjoyed, were they running out of bullets?

Isn't this too fast?

Just the next second, thousands of workers rushed up from the underground passage, shouting!

"Don't let these people come up!" Maigret yelled, wanting the killer troops and escorts to come up and stop this group of people.

But a scene happened that made them collapse.

I saw those guys with heavy machine guns rushing to the front with their guns in their hands!

And they were running and shooting at the same time.

That's a heavy machine gun, not a toy gun!

Someone actually used such a heavy thing as a charger. Who would believe it?

But for Chen Xin'an, even if he is holding a heavy machine gun, it is as light as nothing and his movements are not affected in any way.

What's more, Zhou Huafeng next to him was still helping him carry the ammunition box!

On the other side, Li Qi was not holding a gun, but Luo Xiaoman put it on his shoulder!

This guy was running very fast with a gun on one shoulder, an ammunition box in one hand, and stuffed cloth in his ears.

Li Qi followed him, using Luo Xiaoman's shoulder as a support and kept firing.

The dense bullets caused the killers and escorts to fall down continuously, and the gaps opened became wider and wider!

The bullet hit the body of the car and penetrated the entire car. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Maigret was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat and yelled at the driver to drive away from this dangerous place.

Looking at the workers who rushed out and fled in all directions, Maigret was angry and anxious.

This can't be stopped at all!

Once these slave laborers escape, Pyrothys is finished, and so is he!

With a gloomy face, McGregor said to the secretary next to him: "Notify him immediately and seal off the whole place. No matter who it is, he will be killed as soon as he comes out!"

The secretary's face turned pale, and he trembled all over. He said to Maigret: "Mr. President, in this case, we can't explain it to the official side!"

McGregor gritted his teeth and said, "Fuck the official! If this matter is leaked, you and I will both die! Who cares about the official bullshit!"

As piercing sirens rang throughout the park, all entrances and exits to Paige were closed and roadblocks were set up.

An electric grid was raised on the fence, and a little bird wanted to fall down. As soon as it knocked down the barbed wire, there was a bang and it turned into a ball of sparks!

The entrance and exit are guarded by armed guards, and no one is allowed to approach!

Employees who were working normally were also locked in their respective workshops. Anyone who wandered outside would be shot to death by the guards!

The people below had already rushed up, and Chen Xin'an also realized that his group had been fighting for a whole day and night!

He and Luo Xiaoman can support this kind of heavy physical exertion.

Li Qi could barely maintain his best condition, but the others were already overwhelmed and were all exhausted.

After leading everyone to rush out, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi stopped.

The bullets of the heavy machine gun were almost exhausted, and it became a burden to carry around, so I had to throw it away.

Many of the workers who escaped from hell grabbed weapons, refused to obey orders, and ran away without a trace.

Chen Xin'an sighed, they wouldn't live long like this.

Fortunately, there were still tens of thousands of people, led by Brother Snake and Wang Hao, following Chen Xin'an's arrangements, advancing steadily and step by step towards the gate.

Only by twisting everyone together can we defeat those killers and bodyguards.

The more anxious you are to escape, the harder it will be to get out, and it will be easier for you to be annihilated by the enemy one by one!

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi: "Everyone is out, it's time to start!"

Li Dian nodded, turned around and walked back to the underground passage.



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