Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2296 If you have any trouble in the future, just come to my brother.

Huge explosions continued to sound, and the entire factory area was almost shaking.

The most terrifying thing is that some dormitory buildings are collapsing, and it seems that the ground is sinking!

Dust and smoke were billowing, yellow sand filled the sky, a strange smell filled the factory area, and the fire was raging, as terrifying as the end of the world!

Due to the collapse of the ground, a large area of ​​the underground construction site was exposed!

If someone stood nearby and looked at the huge pit, they would be stunned!

Maigret, who was standing next to the car, looked at the dust and smoke rising from the collapse, and his face had turned as pale as paper.

He beat the roof of the car crazily with his fists, and kept cursing: "Those damn people!

It's over, everything is over!

The Golden Glove will kill me!

Everything will cease to exist here! "

He is very clear, and now he can no longer hide the secrets underground.

Such damage is difficult to repair and requires a lot of time and manpower.

But the current situation of Peroses will be known to the police in no more than half an hour!

Once the official gets involved, he will have to sit in jail for the rest of his life even if he doesn't die!

"Let's go! Arrange a helicopter immediately and leave here!" Maigret no longer wants to seek revenge from Chen Xin'an!

At this time, he was only thinking about how to survive!

Staying would be a dead end, he had to go.

Of course, he just escaped alone.

Everyone here, including the killers and bodyguards, will fight the slaves to the last man.

This will involve more official energy and give him more time to escape!

The factory area was completely in chaos. The workers who were eager to escape could not find an exit and ran around in the factory area, causing destruction everywhere.

The door to the workshop that was originally blocked was opened, and all the workers inside ran out.

Because someone actually set the factory on fire, the fire burst into flames, and thick smoke rose into the sky!

It was up to the guards to open the door themselves, otherwise they would have been burned to death in the workshop!

The entire Pegasus Industrial Zone was filled with fire and thick smoke.

As bursts of explosions rang out, several factory buildings were damaged and there were cries.

Luo Xiaoman looked at Li Qi who had returned to Chen Xin'an, stared at him and shouted, "Aqi, you don't have to be so crazy, right?"

Li Qi said with a puzzled look on his face: "I didn't arrange it over there. It's so far away that I can't get through."

Philemon told Chen Xin'an: "There are many chemicals and oil barrels in the workshop warehouse. Once they are ignited, it will be like setting a warehouse bomb.

Maybe a lot of people will die in this wave! "

After hearing the translation, everyone couldn't bear it, but there was nothing they could do.

With tens of thousands of people together, it is really difficult to control. No one knows you, and no one will listen to you.

In addition, they have lived in a dark underground construction site for a long time and suffered inhuman abuse. Now that they have finally come out, it is not only their bodies that have been released, but also their humanity!

They are very angry, want crazy revenge, and hate everyone!

Therefore, no one can stop their steps or stop everything they want to do. Anyone who dares to stop them is their enemy!

However, this is fine. The bigger the fuss becomes, the more difficult it becomes for Pyrozes to cover up, and it is also accelerating Pyrothes' demise.

This is exactly what Chen Xin'an wants.

He can't protect tens of thousands of people, he only needs to protect the people around him. The life and death of others are determined by their fate and have nothing to do with him.

"Open the door for me!" At the gate, Philip cursed at the security guard inside: "You won't even let us in. What do you want to do?"

The security guard glanced at the guard captain next to him, curled his lips and said to Phillip:

“I’m sorry, Mr. Officer, I won’t open the door unless you have a search warrant!

And let me remind you, this is the Pegasus Industrial Park, not just for anyone to enter! "

"What about me? Are you stopping me too?" Andre came from behind and looked at the security guard coldly and asked.

Of course the security guard knew this person. Normally, he wouldn't dare to stop him even if he had ten nerves.

But now, the superiors called and specifically stated that the police would not be allowed to enter the park. How could he dare to let them go?

The security guard said with a smile: "Chief Andre, why don't you give our president a call?

As long as he says he will let you in, I will definitely let you in! "

"Wait with me!" Andre glared at the security guard with a gloomy face, then took out his cell phone.

After a while, his face became even more ugly, and he frowned and said to Phillip next to him: "We can't get through!"

His words were heard by the security guard. He spread his hands and said helplessly: "Then I'm sorry! No one is allowed to enter the park without the permission of the president!"

"You..." Andre and Phillip were both very angry.

Phillip waved his hand and shouted to the police behind him: "Break in! Let's see who dares to stop him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of security guards raised their guns and pointed them at the policemen outside.

The guard captain said coldly: "Whoever dares to break into the park by force will be shot to death!"

"You bastards!" Andre and Philip didn't expect that these guys would be so bold and dare to shoot directly with them!

The two sides were in a stalemate across the gate and railings.

At this moment, there was a roar from behind.

The policemen turned their heads and looked around. Smoke and dust were billowing in the distance, and a convoy of various vehicles was speeding towards them!

Everyone is a little confused, who are these people?

"Quick, quick, get out of the way!" Philip saw them rushing towards them with great momentum. He was the first to react, ran to the police car and started it, and then quickly drove to the side.

Others also got on and drove the police car to both sides, leaving a passage in the middle.

The escorts were facing a formidable enemy. The escort captain stood in front and shouted at the vehicles in the distance: "Stop! This place is now closed to traffic!"

But his voice was instantly drowned in the roar of various vehicles, and no one heard it.

"If we go any further, we'll shoot!" the guard captain shouted again.

From the traffic formation on the opposite side, a truck rushed out.

A Mofei man stood in the back compartment with an RPG on his shoulder.

With a whoosh of white smoke across an arc, a gap opened in the door!

The guard standing at the gate screamed and was blown away. The captain shouted angrily: "Hit me! Beat me hard!"

Gunshots rang out, but the opponent's car formation showed no intention of stopping.

The truck retreated to the back, and a heavy truck rushed over, braving bullets and ramming open the door!

The entire convoy roared in, and countless heads poked out of the car windows and back compartments. They all held guns in their hands and fired wildly at the escorts!

"It's Mo Feiren!" Someone shouted, turned around and ran away.

The locals don't like fighting with the Mofei people the most. They have no tactics at all, they just fight to the death!

Never take other people's lives seriously, not even your own!

The defense line, which even the police were helpless to do anything about, was broken down as soon as the Murphys arrived.

The security guards and escorts left several corpses behind and fled!

Mo Feiren's motorcade drove directly into the industrial park without stopping.

"My brother is here! He is here to save me!" Looking at the motorcade coming from a distance, Joseph Han shouted excitedly.

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked him, "Is your brother quite powerful?"

Joseph Han said with a proud face: "Of course! My brother is an amazing big shot.

Two years ago, I smuggled myself from my hometown to the Eagle Flag Country to look for him. I didn't expect to be tricked by these bastards into coming here!

Fortunately, his phone number has not changed. I just got through and asked him to come over!

Thank you for rescuing me. If you have any trouble in Eagle Flag Country, please contact my brother. His name is Pede! "



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