Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2297 Why is the body missing?

Chen Xin'an almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

In Block 11, Ped, the boss of Black Satan, is this kid’s brother?

Josephhan took a mobile phone and dialed a number. When the call was connected, he shouted excitedly:

"Brother, I'm by the woods fifty meters to the right of the big chimney. I've already seen your convoy!"

Soon, a huge convoy came over. Because the people on it were all Murphys and definitely not from Pajros, the workers did not stop them.

"Brother!" Seeing the person jumping out of a car, Joseph's voice trembled and he rushed towards him.

"Thank God you are still alive! I even went to your hometown to look for you, but they all said you were gone!

In the past two years, I have searched almost every corner of London City, but I didn't expect you to be on Eagle Flag Island! "

The two brothers hugged each other tightly, and the scene was very sad.

Joseph Han took his brother's arm and said, "By the way, brother, let me introduce you to some friends.

I was able to meet you thanks to their help!

Brother, are you more beautiful now than before?

You must be very grateful to my friends! "

"No problem!" The elder brother patted his younger brother on the shoulder, turned his head and said to everyone:

“You saved my Ped’s brother, you are my Ped’s friend!

No matter what difficulties you have in Eagle Flag Country, you can tell me!

I can help you solve it...

Damn it, why is it you?

Chen Xin'an! "

Ped's eyes almost popped out, and he looked at the person in front of him in disbelief.

The high-intensity fighting never stopped, and Chen Xin'an's body was covered with blood.

So Ped didn't recognize it at first.

Now seeing Chen Xin'an standing in front of him, Peide was shocked and scared.

Joseph Han pulled Ped's arm with a shocked look on his face and asked, "Brother, it turns out you guys know each other? That's great!

In this case, brother, you must take care of my Chinese friends from now on! "

The corner of Ped's mouth twitched.

Of course we know each other, and we even had a fight!

Strictly speaking, the two are not enemies, and certainly not friends, so it's hard to say what their relationship is.

Peder was quite blushing at his brother's words.

Do I still take care of him?

Is this guy someone who needs attention?

Your brother is able to unify the 11th district today because of this "care"!

But no matter what, he really saved his own brother!

Pede is a cold-blooded person who is not close to anyone and is only interested in profit.

But one thing is that he is really good to his family.

In the past two years since his biological brother disappeared, he had almost suffered a nervous breakdown and was mentally and physically exhausted.

Now that someone has rescued his younger brother, this is indeed a kindness.

Peide took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, you saved my brother, let's wipe out the past grudges.

From now on, the Murphys in London City will no longer be your enemies!

This counts as my thank you to you! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, glanced at Peide and said, "Is this considered a thank you?

What will happen even if the past grudges are not wiped out?

You Mo inhumans, even if you regard us as enemies, what can you do? "

"What did you say!" The faces of the group of Mofei people behind changed with anger.

Although Chen Xin'an is not proficient in Eagle Flag Language, some pronunciations are still wrong.

But everyone understood the meaning.

I didn't expect this guy to be so disrespectful, and everyone was embarrassed.

Joseph Han also saw something was wrong in the atmosphere and shouted angrily: "What are you doing! Brother, this is my benefactor!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said to Joseph Han: "There's no need for this. I saved you because you stood up for Wang Hao.

He is from China, so I brought you with me by the way.

If it weren't for Wang Hao, I wouldn't care if you, a Mofei, lived or died.

So you don't need to regard me as a benefactor.

Your brother and I will fight when we should. We don’t need you to mediate for us. You don’t have the ability or face. "

A group of Mofei people yelled at Chen Xin'an: "What did you say! Who are you? How dare you be so arrogant in front of us?"

Ped turned his head and cursed: "Shut up! He is the Chinese who caused a scene in Block 11 that night!"

A group of Mofei people were shocked, looking at Chen Xin'an with fear in their eyes!

Mofei people bully the weak and fear the strong. If they are beaten and frightened, they will have a surrender mentality.

There was chaos in Block 11 that night, and two of the three bosses died at once.

Peder's Black Satan thus unified the entire neighborhood.

But for the few Chinese people who caused all this, all the Mofei people really hate and fear them, and they are said to be devils who cannot be resisted by humans.

Joseph Han was even more shocked and dumbfounded.

I didn’t expect these Chinese people to be so fierce and dare to go to Block 11 to cause trouble!

He knew this place when he was in his hometown and knew how terrible it was.

Unexpectedly, these Chinese people actually regarded it as a no-man's land, and after a lot of trouble, they left in style!

In fact, Peide is also a little afraid of Chen Xin'an.

Is this guy human?

Forget it messed up the 11th Street District, and now it’s messed up Pegasus like this!

He brought people here today just to bite the bullet.

There is no other way. There is news about his younger brother who has been missing for two years. Even if it is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, he has to break into it.

But he also knows that this place is scarier than Block 11!

McGregor is not something a little guy like him can mess with!

He even thought of an escape route. After taking his brother out, when he saw that Paiges was showing signs of revenge, he took his brother and ran back to his hometown!

When everything is over, he will come back and start all over again.

I never expected that this guy Chen Xin'an would torment Pyroses like this!

This is much more miserable than Block 11!

McGregor has been harmed by Chen Xin'an, so who does he, the boss of Block 11, count?

He doesn't have the support of the Killer Alliance!

In addition, the financial backer behind him also explicitly prohibited him from provoking Chen Xin'an, so he no longer had any desire to seek revenge against Chen Xin'an.

"Chen Xin'an, we actually don't have much hatred.

I am where I am today thanks to you.

So we don’t need to be so hostile, just don’t provoke anyone! "

Peide lowered his head to Chen Xin'an and whispered.

Josephhan's eyes widened.

It seemed that in his memory, his brother had never spoken to anyone in such a condescending manner.

Josephhan's face turned red when he heard that he had just wanted to ask his brother to take care of him.

This Chinese man seems to be even more powerful and powerful than his brother!

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at Peide, nodded and said nothing.

A car drove over and stopped next to Chen Xin'an. Xiao Zhang got out of the car with a solemn expression and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother An, the car is gone!"

This car was the one used by the killer troops to block the corpse truck and slide down the underground passage.

Xiao Zhang used it just in time. He drove Lisa to the substation to find the small truck and took Lisa back to the hospital.

But I never expected that the pickup truck would disappear!

There was the body of brother Dao Lei in the car, why did it disappear?

Luo Xiaoman was anxious and asked Xiao Zhang, "Have you found the right place? Is it that place?"

Xiao Zhang nodded and said, "That's right! The bodies of those escorts are still in the woods!"

This is no longer running, it’s that place!

But how could a car pulling a corpse disappear?

If they were driven away, why were the bodies of the escorts ignored?

Chen Xin'an looked gloomy, lowered his head and said, "It's my fault! Dalei Zi should have been put in the hospital first!"

Li Qi patted him on the shoulder and said softly: "Don't worry, boss, he might have been taken away by Brother He!"



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