Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2298 Terrible Revenge

The satellite phone was out of battery, and Chen Xin'an's cell phones were also left in the hotel.

Therefore, there was no way to contact Pigeon, and the current situation did not allow Chen Xin'an to deal with the matter calmly.

The entire industrial park has turned into a mess, with murders and arson happening everywhere.

The biggest task now is to take everyone out!

Chen Xin'an asked Xiao Zhang, "Has Lisa been sent back?"

Xiao Zhang nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "But I haven't seen Dean Paul. I don't know where he went!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to Xiao Zhang: "Then take her back and let's go out together and talk about it back to the hotel!"

The entire industrial park has become a battlefield, full of dangers everywhere.

Since Paul is not here, take Lisa away and don't leave her alone in the battlefield.

Poppy ran back panting and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, it's not good! Some people who came out from below ran to the factory hospital, and they couldn't stop them!"

Chen Xin'an's expression changed and he said to everyone: "Let's go there now!"

Josephhan turned his head and said to Ped: "Brother, let's go there too!"

Ped grabbed him and said with a smile: "I finally found you!

Come back with me now, we need to tell our family quickly.

Have you suffered in the past two years?

I'll take you out for a big meal, and you can eat whatever you want! "

"But..." Josephhan turned his head and glanced at Chen Xin'an and the others who had walked away.

Ped held him back, shook his head and said, "Joseph, I'm here to find you, not to be a hero.

Other people's affairs have nothing to do with me, let's go! "

Josephhan sighed helplessly, took Wang Hao's arm and said, "Brother, let's go together!"

Wang Hao stood there and did not get in the car.

"What are you doing?" Joseph looked at his only friend in hell with a strange expression.

Wang Hao smiled slightly and said to Joseph: "I finally found your brother, I'm very happy for you, Joseph.

But there is an old saying in China that there is no such thing as a feast that lasts forever.

It's time for us to separate. "

Joseph Han asked with a shocked look on his face: "Hao, where are you going?"

Wang Hao pointed in the direction where Chen Xin'an disappeared and said to him: "I'm going to find them. Those are my compatriots. I should be with them and do what I should do!"

Joseph, see you soon! "

He waved, turned and walked away.

"Hao!" There was obvious reluctance on Josephhan's face.

Pedra took his arm and got into the car, and said with a smile: "Let them be! It's best if we are fine.

Don't worry, the official people from Black Hawk Island are already here, and the chaos here will be suppressed soon!

Your friends will be fine, let's go first! "

With some reluctance, John was pulled into the car by his brother.

The convoy started again, turned a corner, and roared away from this place.

When they arrived at the factory hospital, Chen Xin'an and everyone gasped. The place had been occupied by workers!

The sound of breaking glass continued to be heard, and from time to time there were several gunshots.

With a scream, a person fell from more than a dozen floors and fell to the marble floor downstairs, exploding into a large spray of blood.

He is wearing white clothes, but he is not a man in white, but a doctor!

Chen Xin'an frowned, how could those workers come to this place?

At this moment, there was a sudden roar overhead, and a helicopter soared into the sky!

It turns out that the roof of the hospital is a helicopter landing pad!

Chen Xin'an's eyes were sharp and he saw the man sitting behind the helicopter at a glance, Maigret!

This bastard actually escaped in a helicopter!

It's a pity that the heavy machine gun is not around and there are no bullets, otherwise Chen Xin'an would just think about it and shoot it down with a helicopter shuttle!

Now I finally understand why these workers come to the hospital.

Someone must have informed them that the president of Pegasus is here!

These workers have lived in darkness for so many years because of this CEO.

One can imagine how much these people hated him, and they might even say they wanted to eat him alive.

After knowing that he was hiding in the hospital, these people rushed over desperately.

But unbridled revenge is very terrifying.

Everyone who stands in their way becomes their enemy!

Some innocent people have also become the targets of their venting.

Once people who have been persecuted turn over, their originally suppressed and twisted psychology will amplify the dark side to the extreme!

Chen Xin'an led everyone into the hospital, which had become beyond recognition.

There were broken glass shards everywhere, and the security guard was covered in blood and hung from the chandelier.

Chen Xin'an looked gloomy and said to everyone: "Go to the third floor!"

It was Lisa who was taken away from the third floor before. She should still be up there.

In the stairwell, a disheveled girl wearing a nurse's hat was lying next to the stairs, no longer breathing.

The scars on her body represent the brutal abuse she endured before her death!

Li Qi picked up the torn nurse's uniform and covered the girl's body.

Going up, there were screams and cries everywhere, as well as wild beast-like shouts and laughter.

When I opened the door on the third floor, I saw a mess everywhere in front of me, and my ears were filled with cries of extreme fear.

A nurse passed by the crowd crying, and at least three workers in their underpants were chasing after her with a grin.

Luo Xiaoman kicked a worker out without saying a word!

The remaining two workers stopped, their eyes red with excitement, staring at Luo Xiaoman, and rushed over with curses!

Luo Xiaoman, who was already furious, was no longer polite. He kicked each of them and knocked them all to the ground, unable to get up!

The nurse curled up in the corner, hugged her shoulders and cried loudly.

Chen Xinan turned his head and looked at her and asked, "Have you seen Lisa?"

The nurse looked at Chen Xinan blankly, then pointed to an office not far away.

Bobby rushed over first and slammed the door open with his body.

There were women crying and men panting and laughing inside.

Seeing someone breaking in, everyone inside turned their heads.

Bobby was startled and slowly stepped back two steps.

There were at least twenty workers inside, and seven or eight nurses.

All the nurses were torn to pieces, and their faces were red and swollen from being beaten.

Bobby saw Lisa being pressed on the table at a glance, and rushed over with a shout!

Several workers stopped him, and one of them picked up the bronze trophy next to him and smashed it hard on Bobby's head!

"If you dare to move, I will blow your head off!" Philemon held the gun and pointed it at the guy's head!

The guy didn't dare to smash it down. He looked coldly at Philemon and the group of people behind him, gritting his teeth and said, "Are you from the hospital?"

Before Philemon answered, someone next to the man said, "No, they are the benefactors who let us out!

I remember them, they are not enemies!"

The man holding the trophy looked relieved, let go of his hand and threw the trophy to the ground, pointing to Lisa on the table and said generously:

"So it's the benefactor! Since you want to play, I'll give it to you first!"

Chen Xin'an walked in, looked at everyone expressionlessly and said, "If I knew that the rescued were a group of beasts, I would rather do it below and kill you all!"

The faces of the group of workers showed anger: "What did you say! Are you scolding us?"

"Are you in the same group with these people? Then you really deserve to die!"

"Don't think that you can insult us just because you saved us! Since you don't want to play, then get out and let us play!"



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