Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2299 Don’t kidnap me morally

The two workers could no longer restrain themselves and rushed over. Lisa was so frightened that she screamed loudly.

"Don't touch her!" Bobby rushed over desperately, pushed the two workers away, and stood in front of Lisa.

Lisa cried and grabbed her tattered clothes, huddled behind Bobby, trembling uncontrollably.

"Get out of here!" A worker clenched his fist and punched Bobby in the face!

The next second, Luo Xiaoman suddenly rushed over and kicked him away!

"Damn it, you bastard!" A group of workers were all angry.

Grabbing all the weapons in his hands and trying to rush over, everyone around Chen Xin'an took out their guns at the same time and pointed them at them.

Looking at the scalpels and scissors in their own hands, and then looking at the guns in other people's hands, a group of workers did not dare to move, but their expressions were still unruly.

One of the guys who seemed to be the leader looked at Chen Xin'an and the others and said, "Friends, don't point your guns at us. After all, we have fought side by side!"

Chen Xin'an walked up to him expressionlessly and looked at him coldly.

These workers are now crazy and have completely lost their minds.

And in order to achieve their goals, they don't take their own lives seriously at all.

It can be seen from the fierce battle to escape from the underground construction site just now that they really dared to fight.

And once you offend one, you will suffer crazy revenge from other workers.

They have formed a sick collective, and any opposition is regarded as a provocation and will be retaliated by them.

The leader looked at Chen Xin'an's cold eyes and seemed a little guilty. He said to his companions:

"Let that girl go! She doesn't belong to us!"

Several workers who originally wanted to snatch Lisa away retreated.

The leader shrugged his shoulders, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Friend, since you also like her, we won't touch her.

Now you can take the person away.

You set us free so we are friends, not enemies! "

Xiao Zhang took off his coat, handed it to Bobby, and asked him to put it on Lisa, then brought her over and stood behind everyone.

The leader spread his hands and said to Chen Xin'an, "You can leave!"

Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly: "You can go now. Leave here and go home!"

The leader narrowed his eyes and said to Chen Xin'an: "Why, do you still want to accept them all? My friend, your appetite is too big!

Well, there are eight women here, four on each side, divided equally.

Since we are friends, I will let you pick first. You can take four away and the rest belong to us.

Friends, I've had enough fun.

Although you saved us, don't forget that without us, you people wouldn't be able to get out!

I have given you enough face, I hope you are not ignorant! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and said: "If I knew that the people I rescued were a group of demons, I would rather you live in hell forever!"

"Shut up!" The leader was angry, as if he had heard everything about the place where he lived.

He looked ferocious, gritted his teeth, glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Do you know how long I stayed down there?

Three years!

Three whole years!

I live like a dog every day and suffer all the abuse and destruction from those bastards!

I just want to be able to come out alive one day and let those bastards taste the torture I once suffered! "

Chen Xin'an snorted and said, "So you were tortured by a bastard, and after you came out, you turned into a bastard yourself?

If you want revenge, go to those who tortured you, not these innocent nurses! "

The leader said with a ferocious smile: "Everyone who has anything to do with them deserves to die!

These doctors and nurses all treat their patients.

Even if we die of illness, no one will care about us. They will be cured when we are sick, and they will continue to torture us when they are fine.

Do you think such a person is innocent?

I don't care if they are nurses or anything, as long as they are here, they are either our friends or our enemies!

Do I need to be kind to my enemies?

Give you one last chance, either pick a few to take away, or turn around and leave, get out of here.

Otherwise, you are our enemies, don't leave here alive! "

A group of crazy and perverted people, their thoughts have been distorted, and persuasion is useless!

Chen Xin'an's eyes were even colder at this moment. He nodded and said, "In this case, he is the enemy! You can go and die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he punched out, smashing the leader's throat!

The leader's eyes bulged, his hands were clutching his throat, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his head turned red instantly.

At the same time, Li Qi and Philemon fired at the same time, and Luo Xiaoman also rushed towards the workers!

Screams resounded throughout the room. Several workers looked frightened and turned around to run away. Zhou Huafeng and Xiao Zhang blocked the door and killed them all without any hesitation!

The fighting stopped in less than two minutes.

No matter how crazy these workers are, they are just armed with scalpels and scissors. They are helpless against rifles.

It was just that the fighting here attracted people outside. Several workers pushed open the door and saw this scene, their faces changed drastically, and they turned around and ran away.

Xiao Zhang and Zhou Huafeng opened fire, hitting several people, but one of them escaped and ducked into the corner of the corridor.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "They will be here soon, please be careful."

He walked up to Lisa, stretched out his hand to hold her head, rubbed her temples, and asked softly: "Lisa, are you okay?"

Lisa, who was originally frightened and trembling, gradually calmed down under the massage. She looked at Chen Xin'an with red eyes and nodded and said, "I'm fine. Thank you for saving me!"

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said to her: "We haven't been rescued yet. Now we are leaving. You should let them follow us as much as possible, and let's go together!"

Lisa nodded and said a few words to the shocked nurses.

A group of nurses burst into tears and ran to Chen Xin'an, like a drowning person grabbing a piece of wood.

Lisa wiped away her tears and followed Chen Xinan in a low voice: "Mr. Chen, some of my good friends should still be up there. Can you take them all away?"

Chen Xin'an turned to look at her and asked, "Do you know their exact location?"

Lisa shook her head.

Chen Xin'an said helplessly: "Lisa, if you want to lead everyone to find them, that would be too dangerous!

I can't harm everyone just to save a few people.

The purpose of coming here is to find you and take you away.

Now that I have found you, there is nothing else I can do. "

Lisa was anxious, grabbed Chen Xin'an's arm and said: "Mr. Chen, they are my best friends, just like sisters.

Maybe they have been caught by those terrible people and are being tortured.

If you don't save them, they may die!

Mr. Chen, I know you are a good person and you are a hero!

If you don’t save them, you will indirectly kill them, and your conscience will be uneasy..."

She didn't finish her words, because Chen Xin'an's cold eyes were staring at her unblinking, which made her heart tremble and she didn't dare to continue talking.

Chen Xin'an looked at her expressionlessly and said, "Listen Lisa, I have a deal with your father.

So I will keep you safe.

Take you out completely and send you back completely!

This is why I came back to you.

The life and death of others has nothing to do with me. I am not a hero.

If you want to use this morality to kidnap me, then I can only say that you are playing with fire! "



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