Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2300 A group of poor people

Looking at Chen Xin'an's eyes, Lisa was so frightened that she shut her mouth tightly and did not dare to say another word.

Because she could feel that if she made this person unhappy again, he would abandon her without hesitation, regardless of her life or death.

In the hospital, Lisa can be regarded as a goddess-level figure.

Not to mention those patients, even many doctors have a soft spot for her.

Not just because her father is the dean.

The most important thing is that she is beautiful and has a good personality, so everyone likes her very much.

But these advantages have no effect at all in front of Chen Xin'an.

When she followed Chen Xin'an out of the hospital, Lisa was still worried whether these guys would plot something against her.

But from beginning to end, let alone Chen Xin'an, even the guys around him didn't focus on her.

To put it bluntly, I didn't treat her as a girl.

But that's not right. After all, everyone took good care of her and protected her very thoughtfully along the way.

But this is just a kind of protection for the weak, not the kind of protection a man would have for a goddess.

So Lisa knew very well that when Chen Xin'an said that he wanted to give up on her, he could really abandon her like a pair of shoes, even the people around him.

Of course, the guy named Bobby would be different.

What's the use!

The most useless person in this team is this Bobby!

Lisa shut her mouth obediently, supported her injured colleague, and followed Chen Xin'an and the others.

Before reaching the stairs, there was a rush of footsteps from below, like thunder!

Li Qi grabbed the armrest, glanced down, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, they are all people from the construction site and have guns!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to everyone: "Go up!"

Everyone hurried upstairs.

When they arrived at the door of the stairwell with the sign on the fifth floor, two men in white coats were covered in blood, shivering and hiding behind the door.

When Chen Xin'an and others rushed up, the two sides faced each other, which shocked the two doctors!

At this moment, the door to the stairwell was pushed open, and a group of workers rushed out. When they saw the two doctors in white coats, they rushed over with a ferocious smile and pounced on them without saying a word.

Screams rang out, and a group of workers with various sharp weapons in their hands stabbed the two doctors until their bodies were covered with blood holes, and they lay motionless on the ground!

"Ah!" Several nurses screamed in fright.

The workers stood up, walked to the corner of the stairs and looked down, and saw Chen Xin'an and others.

When I saw a group of nurses, their eyes widened with excitement.

But when he saw the men next to him with sullen faces and guns, he was stunned for a moment.

Most of them had oriental faces, obviously not from Pajros.

We were not sure of the other party's identity for a while, so everyone was wary and did not rush over immediately.

Chen Xin'an frowned, listening to the chaotic footsteps below, and said to everyone: "Let's go!"

Keep going up and ignore the people in front of you.

Everyone protected the nurses in the middle and continued walking upward.

Next to them were two bloody corpses, and a group of men covered in blood like wild beasts. A group of nurses didn't even have the guts to pass by them.

All of them were trembling and unable to walk.

The people below are chasing him closer and closer. If he doesn't go up, he will be blocked here!

The workers also heard what was going on below, and one of them suddenly let out a roar, like a gorilla.

Not long after, the same cry came from below.

Philemon's expression changed and he said to everyone: "It's the hunting signal from the rainforest tribe! They are talking!"

These workers were restricted from communicating in private down below, just to avoid discussing their escape plans.

But people always have many ways.

All forms of communication have never been eliminated.

A cry like this is one of them.

Those who blew open the iron gate also arranged the entire plan through this contact method.

The shouting stopped, and the workers in front of them all had strange expressions on their faces. They looked at Chen Xin'an with a kind of hatred in their eyes.

But they immediately lowered their heads and silently stepped aside, as if giving way to each other again.

Chen Xin'an gave everyone a look and signaled them to go up quickly.

A group of nurses walked up the steps cautiously and turned the corner of the stairs.

Just when Xiao Zhang and Zhou Huafeng at the back were about to pass, the light in the stairwell was suddenly turned off!

Although it was broad daylight, the stairwell needed to turn on the lights because there were no windows.

And most people will be temporarily blinded and unable to see anything when they suddenly turn off the lights.

However, because the workers had closed their eyes after the exchange just now, their vision was not greatly affected after turning off the lights.

Several workers clenched their knives and stabbed Xiao Zhang and Zhou Huafeng fiercely, while reaching out to snatch their guns!

They knew that at this moment, these two guys couldn't see anything.

They are the majority.

However, it does not mean that everyone will be affected in this way. There are still a small number of people who can adapt very quickly.

For example, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi!

They are all people who have undergone targeted emergency training, and their vision is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

In addition, they never let down their guard from the beginning, so the moment they turned off the lights, they turned around and faced the workers with their guns raised!

Accurate shooting at close range, for Li Qi he could hit it accurately with his eyes closed.

What's more, there is Chen Xin'an nearby who is giving the injection!

I saw him shooting with both hands, and several steel needles were deeply pierced into the hands of those who stretched out to grab the gun!

Then there was a burst of gunfire, and the workers all fell to the ground.

Amidst the screams of a group of nurses covering their ears, Chen Xin'an's voice came from the darkness: "Don't stop, keep going up!"

There seems to be a strange magic in the voice, which can make people feel inexplicably solid and at ease.

A group of nurses fell silent, opened their eyes and continued walking upward.

The entire factory hospital building has fifteen floors. Everyone ran all the way to the eighth floor, and it was already blocked!

Knowing that a group of people had beaten their companions to death, they came up with a group of nurses, and almost all the workers in the building came to intercept Chen Xin'an and his group.

There are thousands of workers in this building, and they have all turned into demons.

They were so eager to kill that they didn't even care whether they were facing people from Pajros.

Anyone who blocks their way, hinders them, or opposes them is the target they want to eliminate!

What also makes Chen Xin'an feel a headache is that many of these people are the ones who stole the guns!

Now that he has brought these nurses out, he will try his best to bring people out of the hospital alive.

So every life is important, and he will try his best to protect it.

Blocked from above and pursued by soldiers below, Chen Xin'an kicked open the isolation door of the corridor and said to everyone: "Let's go to the floor!"

Luo Xiaoman frowned and said, "Old Chen, once we get in, it will be difficult for us to get out!"

In the current situation, if you are blocked on any floor, you will basically not be able to get out.

As long as the enemy controls the stairwell and elevator, it's like trying to catch a turtle in a jar!

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "I know! But there is no better way now!

If it really doesn’t work, we can only fight hard! "

After all, Chen Xin'an doesn't treat these workers as a killer army yet.

They are just a bunch of poor people.

But if this group of people threatens the lives of him and his brothers, there will probably be another war!

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