Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2301 No one is innocent

The eighth floor is relatively quiet because it is the warehouse and conference room of the inpatient department.

There is only one building in the factory hospital. The outpatient department, inpatient department and administrative department are all in this building.

All the doors on this floor were pried open, many computers were smashed, and all useful and valuable items were taken away. The entire floor was in a mess, and debris was thrown everywhere.

Chen Xin'an led everyone into a small conference room, stood at the window and looked down.

There was thick smoke billowing in the factory area, fire was raging, and people were running around like ants.

However, a large group of people are gathering towards the hospital. They should be workers!

Chen Xin'an frowned. She didn't expect that these guys' information spread so quickly and they actually found so many helpers!

Good guy, this huge area of ​​darkness must have tens of thousands of people!

Working at an underground construction site, tens of thousands of people don’t feel crowded.

But in this building, with tens of thousands of people blocking it, even Chen Xin'an couldn't escape, let alone with so many brothers and these nurses!

Chen Xin'an turned around and ordered everyone: "Aman, Lao Xiao, Philemon, and Bobby, the four of you stay here and protect them!"

Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "Avoid me again? What are you doing?"

Chen Xin'an said: "Just walk around outside and find something that can be used. There may be a big fight soon!

Don’t worry, I won’t leave you behind if a fight breaks out! "

Luo Xiaoman grinned, nodded and said, "That's pretty much it. I'm not interested in looking for things, so go ahead!"

Chen Xin'an took Li Qi and Zhou Huafeng out of the conference room. Lisa chased them out and said to Chen Xin'an, "I'm familiar with this, I'll take you there!"

Chen Xin'an asked her, "Where is the warehouse?"

Lisa nodded and said, "I'll take you there!"

The warehouse is at the end of the corridor. The door has been knocked off and is leaning to the side.

The inside was messed up and some disposable needles were thrown on the floor.

Chen Xin'an asked everyone to be careful and walked inside on tiptoe. After just a few steps, she saw what she wanted.

oxygen cylinder!

Every hospital will prepare this thing, and there are a lot of them, there must be twenty or thirty!

Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi and Zhou Huafeng: "Move all these things out and block the stairs!"

"Okay!" The two of them responded, each pushed an oxygen bottle and went out.

I could hear the chaotic footsteps at the top of the stairs in the distance, and the workers had already rushed up!

Chen Xin'an asked Lisa to hide in the warehouse while he rushed to the front.

A group of workers broke open the isolation door and rushed out from the stairwell. When they saw Chen Xin'an, they all raised their knives with ferocious faces and shouted: "Kill everyone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an had already fired!

With a clicking sound, the worker who rushed to the front fell to the ground!

The remaining people were startled and immediately stepped back, shouting loudly: "Where are our guns?

Damn it, why in the back!

They have guns, don't rush in yet! "

Taking advantage of this moment, Li Qi and Zhou Huafeng returned the oxygen bottles.

Chen Xin'an put away the gun, rushed forward and punched and kicked the group of workers!

Along with the shrill screams, the people blocking the stairwell door were pushed back, and some people fell down the stairs.

At the same time, two oxygen bottles rolled down from above!

What is this thing for?

Are you giving me oxygen?

A group of workers looked at each other.

Someone from behind shouted: "Get out of the way, the guy with the gun is coming!

Get rid of everyone above me!

They are all the lackeys of those demons, there is no need to keep any of them! "

Several workers with rifles rushed up. Just as they were approaching the oxygen tank, Li Qi picked up the gun and fired.

But what he hit was not the person, but the two oxygen bottles!

boom! boom!

A huge explosion sounded, and the air waves mixed with flames instantly engulfed the entire stairwell!

Before the gunmen could even fire a bullet, they were enveloped in flames.

There was a burst of howling and howling throughout the stairwell, and the people below were so frightened that they screamed and ran down desperately!

Chen Xin'an looked at the fire filling the entire stairwell with an expressionless face, sighed, and said to Li Qi and Zhou Huafeng: "Go ahead and move them all out!"

Li Qi and Zhou Huafeng nodded, turned and left.

Chen Xin'an was alone at the top of the stairs, watching a worker whose whole body was on fire struggling to climb up. He stretched his right hand forward, as if he wanted help to pull him up.

Unexpectedly, the comrades who were fighting side by side a few hours ago would now be in such a scene.

Chen Xin'an felt uncomfortable inside. He had killed many people, but he never liked the feeling after killing.

Especially this time.

These people thought they had escaped hell and were reborn.

But he didn't expect that he would still die in Pegasus!

Strangely enough, they killed the demon, but turned themselves into new demons.

He left hell, but created a new hell with his own hands!

Oxygen bottles were carried out one by one and lined up on both sides of the isolation door of the stairwell.

There was still a creepy sound coming from the stairwell, but after a burst of gunfire, the sound disappeared.

The workers with guns couldn't hear the screams of those in the flames.

So he shot them and sent them away.

There are no flammable materials in the stairwell, and even the isolation doors and stair handrails are made of flame-retardant materials.

So after the initial deflagration, the flames became smaller and smaller, leaving only the corpses on the ground burning.

The people below gathered cautiously. Some found fire extinguishers from nowhere and began to extinguish the flames on the bodies.

The smell of dry powder and strange burning smell filled the entire stairwell.

Zhou Huafeng stood behind Chen Xin'an, but Li Qi was not there.

Chen Xin'an ignored it.

Li Qi has more experience in fighting than him.

The door of the small conference room opened, and Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang ran out.

They also heard the noise in the stairwell, and naturally they couldn't hold back in the house.

The fire in the entire stairwell had been extinguished. As soon as the isolation door was opened, a disgusting stench hit your nostrils!

Xiao Zhang almost vomited, staring wide-eyed as the white dust gradually dissipated, and a group of workers walked up from below like zombies, turning a blind eye to the horrific burnt corpses beside them.

They themselves came out of hell and have seen no matter how horrific the scene is.

One of them looked at Chen Xin'an, his eyes of anger and hatred were like a knife, wanting to scrape off two pieces of flesh from Chen Xin'an's body!

He also looked very scary. He was blind in one eye, and his face was covered with sarcoma from healed scars. He was holding a sharp knife used by the guards in his hand, and he looked straight at Chen Xin'an and said:

"The devil's lackey, you will be punished! I will rip out your heart to see if it is black! Then I will eat it!"

Chen Xin'an stood at the door of the isolation, looked at him condescendingly and said: "Stop talking about being a devil or not, because you are not worthy!

Now you are the devil, inflicting the harm you have suffered on innocent people!

I originally wanted you to leave here alive, but now I just want you to die!

Because even if you escape, you will hurt more innocent people! "

The man spat, looked at Chen Xin'an with disdain and said, "No one is innocent.

Anyone who appears here is a sinner and deserves to die! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and scolded with disdain: "Madman! Then go die first, you deserve to die the most!"

While he was talking, he casually pulled an oxygen bottle from the side and dropped it!

Before the oxygen bottle hit the ground, he shot it on the bottle and then closed the door immediately!

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