Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2302 I choose to stay with them

Another loud noise came from the stairwell, accompanied by the screams of ghosts and wolves.

Only this time, those people who were devoured by the flames, whether they were burned to death or hated the people above them, rushed up with their bodies covered in fire to open the isolation door of the stairwell!

Naturally, Chen Xin'an would not let them succeed.

There are so many oxygen bottles here. Once a fireman comes up, these oxygen bottles will explode together, enough to blow this floor into rubble, and everyone will die!

Even though it was locked, the isolation door shook violently. Chen Xin'an and Zhou Huafeng simply grabbed the door handle to prevent the door from shaking.

Xiao Zhang didn't know where he found a triangle iron and pinned it on the two door handles.

In this way, no matter how hard the people outside try, it will be useless.

At this moment, an explosion was heard not far away.

Xiao Zhang said excitedly: "Aqi and Aman blew up the elevator!"

Chen Xin'an nodded. Just now when Li Qi disappeared, he guessed that he was staring at the elevator entrance, and that was indeed the case.

With the help of Luo Xiaoman, these two people are enough to make even a mouse unable to get out of the elevator!

Although entering the eighth floor is like catching a turtle in a urn, once the passage is blocked, it is the safest place.

After all, what everyone is facing is just a group of blackened workers, not killers in the killer army.

They don't even know how to use guns, let alone climbing stairs from outside or airborne.

The only thing we have to guard against now is their crazy and reckless behavior.

Like burning a building!

If a fire really sets off the entire building and burns it down, Chen Xin'an and the others will be in trouble. They will have no choice but to rush down and fight with thousands of people. There is no other way!

At this moment, Lisa suddenly ran out of the warehouse and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, come and take a look!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to her: "If you have anything to do, just tell me, I can't leave now!"

Lisa said to him: "A lot of people! There are a lot of people in the warehouse!"

A lot of people?

Chen Xin'an frowned.

Xiao Zhang said to him: "You go over and take a look. Lao Zhou and I are here! They can't open the door!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to the two of them: "When you hear them rushing up, use oxygen bottles to stop them.

But be careful not to let their bullets hit the oxygen tank next to you!"

"Got it!" Xiao Zhang and Zhou Huafeng nodded.

Chen Xin'an turned to Lisa and said, "Let's go!"

The warehouse is very big. Just now, everyone only took a look at part of it. It was too messy and they haven't gone in yet.

But Lisa was alone in the warehouse just now, but people thought that everyone was gone, so she made a noise, and then she realized that there were still many people in the warehouse!

She took Chen Xin'an into the warehouse and saw a group of people with frightened expressions.

There were actually fifty or sixty of them, including doctors, nurses, and patients.

I don’t know how they could avoid that group of workers and hide in this place.

Lisa glanced at it, but before she could see it clearly, she was so frightened that she ran out.

So they are also on tenterhooks now, not knowing what kind of fate the people who run away will bring to them.

It was dark here and the light was very poor. Lisa ran to turn on the light and ran back to Chen Xin'an.

Someone in the crowd recognized her and shouted in a tearful tone: "Lisa!"

"Karen! Isabel! Shirley! God, you are all here! You are all alive! How great!" Lisa rushed over and hugged several nurses.

These are the friends she asked Chen Xin'an to save just now.

I originally thought that they had all encountered something unexpected, but unexpectedly they hid and survived until now.

Chen Xin'an glanced at everyone and said to Lisa, "Are they all your colleagues?"

Lisa cried excitedly and said, "Yes! Great, they are all fine!

Don't be afraid, everyone, this is Mr. Chen Xin'an, he is here to save everyone.

So just follow him! "

One patient said in a trembling voice: "How many people did Mr. Chen bring?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said, "I have a few brothers outside. Everyone is safe for the time being. Please get out!"

"If you want to come out, I won't go out. This is the safest place!" The patient said loudly:

“It’s just a few people, but there are thousands of thugs outside!

How do you fight them and how do you ensure our safety?

If you go out now, you will die. I won’t go! "

Lisa shouted to him: "Johnny, don't be afraid! Mr. Chen and his friends are not ordinary people!

They can bring tens of thousands of people out of underground construction sites. We are just a few now, so it is very easy for them! "

"What? Are those people released by this guy?" A doctor looked at Chen Xin'an with anger on his face.

Lisa covered her mouth, she knew she said the wrong thing!

Everyone looked at Chen Xin'an angrily, as if they wanted to kill him with their eyes.

"Why did you release those demons? What's your motive?"

"Since you released these people, you must be their boss! You said you came to save us, but you just led us to die!"

"Do you know what you have done? Everything those demons did was caused by you, and you should be responsible for those things!"

Johnny rushed in front of Chen Xin'an, reached out to grab his collar, and cursed:

"You bastard! What a good thing you did! My two roommates were killed by those bastards! I want you to make amends for them..."


Chen Xin'an kicked him in the leg, and with a scream, Johnny fell to the ground!

Chen Xin'an put the gun directly to his head and said coldly: "You asked me to apologize for them? How did you ask me to apologize? Do it for me?"

Johnny was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and didn't dare to move.

If he wasn't afraid of death, he wouldn't be hiding in this place.

Chen Xin'an pointed the gun at those people, making them all shrink back in fear, close their mouths and dare not say a word.

"You are right!" Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly: "How can I beat you out! So you just continue to stay here, stay as long as you want!"

After saying that, he turned around and left without hesitation at all.

Lisa suddenly shouted: "Mr. Chen..."

"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an turned his head and said coldly: "If you use your moral kidnapping rhetoric against me again, don't blame me for being rude to you!

The life and death of these people has nothing to do with me. If you are willing to stay here, then let them do whatever they want.

You can either come with me or stay here with your friends.

Make your own choice, I'll give you three seconds! "

Lisa looked at the people around her and said to Chen Xin'an with a look of shame: "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, it's me who has troubled you!

These are my friends and colleagues, and I cannot leave them alone to survive.

So I still chose to stay with them.

Thank you Mr. Chen for taking care of me. You are really a good person! "

She bowed deeply to Chen Xin'an, turned around and walked to her friend's side.

Chen Xinan turned around and walked out without looking back.

When she left, the warehouse became quiet.

Karen held Lisa's hand and said guiltily: "Lisa, I'm sorry, it was us who dragged you down..."

Lisa shook her head and said to her: "Being able to be with my friends is already the best result.

But you really wronged Mr. Chen.

He did release those people, but they were not under his control. He did not expect that they would become like this! "

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