Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 230 This prodigal bitch!

Early in the morning, the Liquor Industry Building was busy. All department offices were being cleaned, and arches and flower baskets were placed at the entrance.

At ten o'clock in the morning, amidst warm applause, a stretched Rolls-Royce parked at the gate of the Liquor Building.

Ning Xiruo, who was wearing a long red dress, had been waiting for a long time. When the car stopped, she immediately opened the door and said to the people inside with a smile:

“Welcome Vice President Lu Bowen to visit Liangmao Liquor Industry to guide our work!”

There was applause all around, and a man in his fifties with a 28-part haircut and a crisp suit stepped out of the car.

Seeing Ning Xiruo in front of him, his eyes lit up, he grinned, held Ning Xiruo's hand, and said with a smile: "Thank you, hello!"

"Thank you, Vice President Lu, please come upstairs!" Ning Xiruo smiled and shook hands with him, trying to pull her hand back, but failed.

She frowned slightly and felt the back of her hand being lightly rubbed by a thumb.

It was like a caterpillar crawled across the back of her hand. Ning Xiruo suddenly felt terrified and shook her hand hard!

Lu Bowen didn't take it seriously and said to Ning Xiruo: "Why don't you Ning Xiruo come down? What a big arrogance!"

The old man thought she was the receptionist who arranged for him to come here!

Ning Xiruo was a little embarrassed, and Zhou Zhi, who was next to him, immediately introduced him: "Vice President Lu, this is President Ning!"

"Oh?" Lu Bowen was stunned for a moment, looked at Ning Xiruo, the smile on his face became brighter, and said to Ning Xiruo: "Disrespectful! I didn't expect Mr. Ning to be so young and beautiful!"

Ning Xiruo smiled and said: "Vice President Lu is too polite..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Lu Bowen put his right hand under his nose, pretending to touch his nose, and sniffed lightly!

Ning Xiruo felt as sick as if she had eaten a fly, and she wanted to chop off the hand that had just been in contact with him!

However, he still forced a smile on his face and made an invitation gesture to Lu Bowen.

Although she was wearing a uniform, a girl who had obviously been modified to accentuate her figure stepped out of the car. She pushed Ning Xiruo away calmly and hugged Lu Bowen's arm.

Lu Bowen quickly smiled and introduced to Ning Xiruo: "This is my secretary, Miss Gan Meimei!"

"Hello, Secretary Gan!" Ning Xiruo smiled and extended her hand, but Gan Meimei curled her lips, looked around, and smiled at Lu Bowen: "What a shabby company appearance!"

Lu Bowen chuckled, shook his head at her and said, "Not bad! Do you think Dongshan is the same as Kyoto? It's good for a small company of this strength to have such a scale!"

Ning Xiruo looked embarrassed, and so did Zhou Zhi and other company leaders.

In fact, in Dongshan, the Liquor Building, a small high-rise building with about 20 floors, is already considered very good.

After all, this is your own, not rented. Not many companies in Dongshan have such strength and unique conditions.

It's just that such strength is really not enough in a place like Kyoto!

But the key point is, aren't you in Dongshan right now? How can a secretary pretend to be well-informed?

Of course, no one dares to say this. Today's matter is more important. The person next to her is also the vice president of the General Chamber of Commerce, so she cannot offend!

After entering the building, Gan Meimei helped Lu Bowen and was picky all the way. After a while, he said that the company did not have a front desk and did not have the style of a big company.

After a while, he said that the elevator was too narrow and old. Elevator brands like this were eliminated in Kyoto!

Ning Xiruo, Zhou Zhi and a group of company leaders could only keep smiling and nodding, and did not dare to look dissatisfied.

When they arrived at the office, Ning Xiruo invited Lu Bowen and Gan Meimei to sit on the sofa. Zhou Zhi quickly brought tea and placed it in front of the three of them.

Gan Meimei leaned down, asked about the aroma of the tea, and said with a look of disgust: "It's just an ordinary Longjing tea!

Is this company so poor? Can’t even afford West Dian tea?

Vice President Lu doesn’t drink any tea except West Dian tea! "

Ning Xiruo's face turned red and she said awkwardly: "Sorry, Vice President Lu, we don't know your preferences, so we are not prepared..."

Vice President Lu sat on the sofa with a majestic expression and said to Ning Xiruo: "Mr. Ning, your work is still not meticulous!

Let me tell you, just yesterday I went to a company in Xihe, and they had already figured out my preferences two days before I arrived.

Then I made some preparations for the reception. After I went there, the reception was very thoughtful and meticulous. I was very satisfied, so I issued him a membership card at that time!

Now the same opportunity is in front of your Liangmao company, but from the first impression, I am actually not very satisfied!

Of course, to check whether a company is qualified to join the Chamber of Commerce, it requires a comprehensive score from many aspects, so I think Mr. Ning should understand what to do next, right? "

I understand what the hell! How do I know what you like?

Did you ask about your preferences two days in advance?

How great a big shot do you really think you are?

If it weren't for joining the Chamber of Commerce, I wouldn't even deal with you, who seems to be an old and dishonest person!

Ning Xiruo really wanted to complain about the master and servant in person, but she didn't dare!

Once it offends these two people, Liangmao Company will no longer be able to join the General Chamber of Commerce!

This is the National Chamber of Commerce, not the Haidong Chamber of Commerce.

It is not allowed to directly join the National Chamber of Commerce by skipping the Haidong Chamber of Commerce, but if it is promoted by the president or vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, the result will be different!

Chen Xin'an, that country boy, has no idea what opportunities will be brought to the company after joining the Chamber of Commerce, and he shamelessly said that the company does not need these!

With narrow-minded peasant consciousness and a short-sighted vision of being content with a small fortune all day long, he can't understand the ambitions of this girl at all!

I, Ning Xiruo, dream of being a multinational company. How can I be limited to a small medicinal wine workshop? I will not give up the opportunity that is delivered to my door!

Ning Xiruo lowered her head and said sincerely: "Don't worry, Vice President Lu, if there is anything in our company that makes the leaders dissatisfied, please let the leaders know, we will definitely correct it as soon as possible!"

"Well, anyway, Xiaoruo's attitude is still quite satisfactory!" Lu Bowen nodded and glanced at Gan Meimei beside him.

Gan Meimei understood and said to Zhou Zhi: "Okay, go out! What we are going to talk about next is not something that people of your level can participate in! We will call you if there is anything!"

What level? I am a secretary, and you are also a secretary. We are at the same level.

Just because you are the secretary of the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, you feel that you are superior?

Zhou Zhi's face sank, and he glanced at Ning Xiruo. Seeing that President Ning nodded to her, he also said hello to Lu Bowen and turned to walk out.

Zhou Zhi closed the office door with his backhand. When he was about to go back to his office, he saw Chen Xin'an coming from the elevator entrance and asked her: "Is President Ning in the office?"

"Yes..." Zhou Zhi responded, but stopped talking.

Chen Xinan frowned and said to her, "What's wrong? Who else is in there? Didn't I say that we don't need to put those things at the gate? Who put them there?"

Zhou Zhi said helplessly, "It was President Ning who wanted to put them there. The vice president of the Chamber of Commerce is talking to her in there!"

Chen Xinan angrily cursed, "This prodigal woman! I told her not to do this, why didn't she listen?"

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